Chapter 3

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"Feeling better now, Hikigaya-kun?"

Not really, but I can move and talk at least after that quick nap.

I slowly nod, closing the door behind me, "Yeah... Also, can I have some water?" I shuffle over to the sitting Yukinoshita and her laptop.

She glances at me then returns back to staring at her laptop, "Sure. The cup is in the cupboard above the sink."

"Thanks..." I nod at her then walk over to her kitchen, "Soooo... I'm a devil now." Might as well talk while we have the chance.

"Yes." I wait for a bit to see if she would continue, yet she doesn't, prompting me to let out a sigh.

"...I meant on what does being a devil mean exactly? Do I have to go out and trick people into giving their souls to me or something?" That's what devils do, right? At least, according to the religion part and not anime.

While talking with her, I open up the cupboard then see a wide array of glass cups with the same bland design of black, though I see one big black cup with a Pan the panda design on it.

She lets out a sigh then closes her laptop with a thud, "Before I graciously answer your question, do you want to go to school or not?" She slowly gets up then faces me.

I glance at her then look back to the cups, "What does that have to do with this?" I grab the black cup instead of the others, mostly because I am 99% sure it's hers and I want to see her reaction.

Totally not because I want revenge for her words before. I promise.

Sure enough, I can see her face twitching a bit the moment the cup is in my hand, filling me up with sort of satisfaction, "Because, Hikigaya-kun, unlike you, I have a reputation that I must uphold in class as a model student who doesn't miss a single class."

I turn towards her then sarcastically clap with the cup in hand, "Oh wow, congrats on being a model student with a perfect attendance." I couldn't care less about attending since there's no point. Unless my internet is being held hostage by Komachi.

I still want to read my novels that are still being updated, thank you.

She sighs then shakes her head, "Of course, a musclehead such as you would find it a waste of time, but answer me since it would affect when I would answer your question."

...So, basically she means that if I say yes to school then we will talk over there, if I say no then we will talk when school finishes. God -


"Oh, I forgot to mention that as devils, everything that is related to angels will hurt us, even the mere mention of Him will hurt you."

"...It would really have been helpful to know that before." And I see that mocking smile of yours! You planned this!

She ignores me, the bitch, "Your answer? If you're going to school then it would be better for us to talk at school while -"

"We would talk after you come back from school if I don't want to go."

She nods, apparently not minding me cutting her off, "Yes." She blinks, "Oh, and you are now a member of the Service Club since you are a part of my peerage."

...Peerage? What the hell does that mean? Damn it, I want to ask but she will just ignore it or say that she'll explain it later if I don't want to go to school.

...Fine, you win, I let out a sigh, "...Alright, I'll go to school..."

She nods, a light smile gracing her lips, "Good. Due to your shirt having a big hole in the middle and your pants drenched in blood, I have procured a new set of it in the closet."

Life As A Devil Is Unexpectedly WrongWhere stories live. Discover now