Arica y Parinacota – that is my name / Arica is my capital – it's part of my fame / My two provinces are what you're going to hear / Arica and Parinacota – learn about us if you dare...
AP: "If you dare"? What's that supposed to mean, stupid gringo? We're not dangerous or anything!
Tarapacá: Probably a rhyming thing...although rhyming "hear" with "dare" is a bit of a stretch.
AP: Exactly.
Tarapacá: On a more positive note, he pronounced your name correctly, as well as all names associated with Ríos.
AP: Yeah, he did, and that's good...but he should have pronounced all our names correctly.
Tarapacá: I agree with that.

KLT Geography Review: Chilean Regions
FanfictionThe Chilean regions review the Chile Geography song from Kids Learning Tube.