VI. O'Higgins

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I'm the "O'Higgins" region...

O'Higgins: No, I am not the "O'Hhhhhhhhiggins" region. I am the O'Higgins region. You don't pronounce the H, stupid gringo!

In the middle of Chile / Rancagua is my capital...

Araucanía: Rancagua? What's that?

O'Higgins: It's my capital city, you idiot! Enough with the jokes about Rancagua not existing!

Araucanía: But you know they're just jokes, right?

O'Higgins: Yes, but they get tiring, got it?

Araucanía: Yes, I got it, sorry.

O'Higgins: It's ok.

Come visit and play / I'm made up of three provinces; I'll tell you, so you know / Cachapoal, Colchagua, and Cardenal Caro...

KLT Geography Review: Chilean RegionsWhere stories live. Discover now