Chapter one

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i want to start this off by stating this is my own storyline, the adoption stories are kind of trending now but other than that its my story, if you want to copy it np! just please give credits<3

Evelyn's POV!

I was violently shook awake by our orphanage owner Mrs Gul.
"Wake up Evelyn we have a special guest looking to adopt" she snapped, I rubbed my eyes and climbed down the bunk bed, she marched out of the room and down the stairs once she made sure I wasn't going to get back into bed, I sat down and I thought to myself alright, don't get too excited Ev remember there are older more talented children that have a much more of a chance of getting adopted than you. I Pulled on my clothes and walked over to the bathroom, stood on a stool then brushed my teeth and washed my face. My bunk mate Isabelle then came upstairs to help me do my hair she is like the big sister i've never had. She held my hand and we walked together out the bathroom down the stairs and into the main room where we were greeted by other children. We ate breakfast which was the same cold soggy oatmeal which I guess isn't as bad as not eating at all, am I right?

As I'm finishing up Mrs Gul comes walking out her study with this beautiful lady behind her, I see some girls whispering and giggling when they saw the lady I wasn't sure why though.
Mrs Gul Announced
"This girls, is Ms Taylor Swift she is a famous singer and is looking to adopt one of you" I watched as Ms Swift look at us girls and I caught a glimpse of her smile, It is truly amazing.
"Ms Swift will be talking to each one of you girls individually to see your attitude without being disturbed by any other child" Mrs Gul slowly said.

As the youngest I was put at the back of the line so naturally I sat there playing with Isabelle until I was finally called!

"Evelyn" Mrs Gul murmured dully. I tensed up as soon as she said my name because i'm about to talk to a 'superstar' as Isabelle told me although, I am not sure what that is I assumed it was important. I walked over to Mrs Gul and she led me inside her office where Ms Swift was sitting, Mrs Gul left the room and Ms Swift said
"Hi! My names Taylor whats your name?"
I very quickly relaxed, i've never felt this relaxed with someone she must be enchanted like a princess, what if she is a princess! I replied by saying
"My name is Evelyn but you can call me Ev and i am this many years old" as I held put 4 fingers
"Wow! Your a big girl aren't you? I'm afraid my age won't fit on my fingers" Taylor grinned I let out a small giggle and I saw her eyes change I am not sure why I don't remember doing anything wrong but its not an angered look I am not sure i've ever seen it. We chatted for a bit longer and then Mrs Gul came in and I left the room. Moments later they come out and Mrs Gul dismisses all of us, as I was about to leave she calls me back. Once she made sure everyone left she told me
"Ms Swift has decided to choose you-" I look behind her and see Taylor grinning and I find a smile spreading across my face
"-I suggested she fosters you first so she can make a final decision and she agreed, so go and pack your stuff"
I dashed out of the room and packed my 3 pairs of clothes, toothbrush and my blanket I put them in an elsa backpack i've had ever since I can remember. I hugged Isabelle goodbye and she kissed my cheek. I met Taylor at the front of the orphanage with 2 men which she told me were going to protect us from people

656 words

Taylor Swift Adoption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now