Chapter 8

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Taylor's POV:

I plopped Evelyn onto her car seat, this time she let me do her seatbelt. Normally I sit next to her but I decided to sit across from her because she looks like she is going to fall asleep any second and if she does she will at least have some room.

I plugged my seatbelt in and gave the driver a thumbs up indicating we're ready. I go on my phone and scroll through swifties tiktoks liking some of them and commenting on some Mexico night 1 grwm, my tiktok notifications came piling in with people freaking out in the replies, here are some of them

EnchantedSwiftie - OMG MOTHER COMMENTED 26❤️
Swift13 - Im going to your London tour! 101❤️
KanyesBetter - Nah its taylor swift -12❤️
1989TV - I wonder who the kid she was with is. 174❤️

I ignored the haters but I came across a hate page for Evelyn, it boils my blood people have the heart to hate on an innocent little girl I could rant about the page but I decided to report and block the person then I put my phone down.

30 minutes later

I looked out the car window and it looks like were at the airport I previously explained to Ev about the privacy and she can decide if she wants to show her face, she decided she wants to make a first time appearance, I was planning to show her right after Sabrina gets off stage but she is really impatient, she slipped on her backpack and i held mine in my right hand.

"Hold my hand babes" She did as she was told and slipped her tiny hand into mine, we hopped out the car and met the blinding lights from the cameras, we headed inside and I scanned the entrance of the airport till my eyes met a pair of light blue ones,
"Het Sab!" I grinned
"Heyyy" She walked towards Ev and I
"Ready to go guys?" I asked the pair
"Yep" they said in unison and Ev giggled, we walked through the airport and then outside onto the plane, Sab walked up the stairs first then Ev and I walked up.
"I'm soo tired mommy" Evelyn stated before putting her head in my lap, she didn't sleep in the car because she insisted she wasn't tired. I brushed my hand through her hair then looked up to see a Stunned Sabrina lol
"You adopted her?"
"Mhm" I realised Sab wasn't there to see Ev show her face for three first time she was waiting inside the airport
"You took my advice!" she whispered excitedly, "wait but isnt the adoption time like a few months in the usa?"
"Yep but Tree somehow managed to get it done earlier for me" I looked down and gently pushed headphones on Ev's ears so she doesn't feel the air pressure as much, I opened my phone again to see a rush of notifications come into my phone which made me put my phone down straight away.
"While I preform can you keep Ev with you because my parents will probably be talking to fans and stuff"
"No problem"
I checked the flight time and it said a few hours I couldn't read it properly because the plane shook a bit, turbulence as usual.

sorryyy for the small chapter I have school and I was writing this thrn fell asleep at 2am TYSM FOR 300 READS

sorryyy for the small chapter I have school and I was writing this thrn fell asleep at 2am TYSM FOR 300 READS

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this is madness though TYSM!

Taylor Swift Adoption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now