Chapter 11

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Taylor's POV:

I notice Sab and Ev walk over,
"Mommy!" Ev exclaimed she ran up to me and hugged me, her ear defenders were on her neck,
"Were you okay?" I asked her
"Mhm you were singing a song!"
"A few more than just 1, - anyways! Ev this is your grandpa Scott and uncle Austin!"
"Hey" Austin greeted her and ruffled her hair, and she met dad, I then picked her up and she leaned her head on my shoulder, I said bye to my family. (A/N i didn't wanna overdo on details lmk if I should detail these more)

then Sabrina, and I walked to the car, I kept held of Evelyn because she already fell asleep, this girl loves her sleep, i'm glad she can easily adjust to different timezones because it's difficult for a lot of people to.
"I loved your outro for nonsense and the fact you adjust the languages for it" I spoke breaking the silence
"Thanks! I love the structure of the actual song it's different but the same as a normal song if you know what I mean" Smiled Sabrina
"Yeah I get it" I replied

We got to the hotel and went up the elevator,
"See you tomorrow" I told Sabrina
"Night!" She said
I unlocked the door and lay Ev on the bed, I took the ear defenders off her and put them to the side, she will need them quite often. I walked into the bathroom and wiped my makeup off with a wipe then washed my face, I brushed my teeth and changed then I walked back into the bedroom. I took Ev's tights off and tucked her in.
I lay beside her scrolling through tiktok until I fell asleep.

(A/N kinda a filler chapter I wanted to try detail it a bit more thats why its so short tysm for like 900 reads though <33)

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