May 13 2011

14 1 0

I see him standing with his friends laughing at something that they said. I wish I knew what they said. Calum has 3 friends Luke, Michael, and Ashton. Not including their side friends. Their part of our schools student exchange program. They came from Australia my 7th grade year. while everyone else ignored there existence. I was fascinated with them.

I've had a crush on calum since the day I saw him. Can I even call it a crush I've never even talked to him. my fault purely. If I wasn't so shy. I would have talked to him by now maybe even dated him if I was lucky. Maybe not but now I'm out of time. He graduates in a week. and I'm only a freshman.

I was too soon broke out of my trance by my friend lens short for lennith. She was one of my best friends I could ever have. The only one who's ever supported me.

"Are you still staying over tonight" she asked excited there hasn't been a Friday night since sixth grade that we haven't been together . Yup were pretty proud.

"Well I wouldn't be the one to break the streak would I" Lens burst out laughing drawing attention that wasn't needed. Till I noticed claims friend Michael looking at us.

"Could you shut up" he said looking straight at us.

"I'll see you after school I need to get to class" I said to lens and walked off to my locker to get my books for my last class English. My absolute favorite.

Once I got to class I was completely in a trance by the wonders of literature. We're reading And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. One of the greatest in my opinion.

---after class---

I walk to the front to wait for lens. I can't help but noticed calum walk by me. He looks irritated if only I could know him and help what ever is bugging him. But he walks right pasted me. i follow him out of the school and onto the front lot bows my chance my only chance. I say his name.

"Calum" but he either doesn't hear me or ignores me. I didn't even get my one chance. we'll I'm going to be in a bad mood for he night. he gets in he's friends SUV. That was the last time I ever saw calum hood.

Hi I hope you liked this tell me what you think in the comments

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