Your new life

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Que the ✨️ s l o w b u r n✨️

It's been two months since Konig captured you and took you to his home, and he'd been replacing your birth control behind your back- resulting in you being pregnant.

You also killed a man after he broke in. Konig buried the body and planted a shit ton of flowers there, so the grave wasn't evident.

It wasn't what you had seen for your future before you met him, but it was better than what you were living and heading towards. He did everything for you, and despite the rough initiation, you were grateful to be taken care of and did whatever he asked of you happily. Sometimes.

He eased up on his rough tactics with you since you were pregnant. Looking at you two now, it didn't seem like he took you - drugged you and stole your virginity.

You two seemed like a happy, married couple whose known each other for years to people in passing.

You two were madly in love and infatuated with one another, you loved the beginning as much as he did- it solidified your feelings for him.

But there's always something swept under the rug and never to be talked about again, how you two met would be secret to the world and your children.

A memory only for you and Konig to reflect on.

Konig kept his word, as usual, and got a fence put up around the house and it only took the workers a full day. It was a high wooden fence on the edge of the property so it wasn't surrounding the house too close and still had yard room.

He had a security system put it, military tech- that one no one was breaking in without their face plastered to the police and militia.

And because of the high fence, he had to get a gate to the driveway with a face scanner.

No one came through that gate unless their face was preselected in the settings and allowed permission so he didn't have to mess around with a pin- something he decided to be useless since someone can run up and guess it if they wanted.

He also brought home a retired k9, his handler was KIA and needed a home, Konig apparently had a thing for bringing home strays, first you and now an actual dog.

The dog immediately grew close to you, laying his head on your belly and curling into a ball next to you whenever you laid on your side in bed.

That made Konig comfortable, the dog was already protecting its new family just as he intended.

And you hated when Konig left for work, you found yourself unable to even let an inch come between your bodies when he was home, the dog was the same way with you so when one person moved, the other two came following.

You'd follow him all over the house, leave every time he did- with the exception of work of course.

You figured it was because you were carrying his baby and you needed his attention, he was a little busy sometimes with paperwork; having to spend hours on his laptop after work as well.

He'd let you sit on his lap while he typed away as the dog sat at his feet, he loved it though, this is how he wanted you all along.

You were sitting on the bed tonight when Konig returned home from work, you were laying there with the dog, his name was Rocks.

You busted out laughing when you learned his name, but you eventually figured out why they named him that.

He was always bringing rocks inside the house and you'd step on little pebbles and yell his name throughout the house.

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