Part 1: The Eras Tour

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Part 1: The Eras Tour

Travis chuckled to himself in amazement, as he watched the show. He'd seen some great performers, but he'd never seen anything at this level, not even close. He couldn't take his eyes off the stage.

He played one of the greatest sports ever invented, with and against some of the best athletes in America. He went out on that same field down below and gave everything he had at every single game, and he knew that same drive and determination when he saw it. It really just confirmed that his instincts had been spot on about her all along.

Taylor Swift was someone he'd never met. He'd never even been to one of her concerts before that night, but she'd always been on his radar. They were the same age, so he'd been a teenager, same as her, when she started releasing music and getting her name out there. He must've heard "You Belong With Me" at least a few hundred times in the first year or two after it was released. He knew the music, he'd seen her pictures, and he wasn't blind. He knew she was gorgeous and talented and successful...and way out of his league, out of his entire orbit.

So, he never entertained the idea, except on nights when he occasionally caught the news on TV and there was something about her. An award she won or a big performance coming up. Then, earlier in the year... Her split from her longtime boyfriend, some actor. Obviously, he still wasn't in her orbit, but he had put a lot into his sport and had some pretty big successes in his own arena now, at least. Two wins at the Super Bowl with the Chiefs was a mind-blowing achievement, and he was proud to be part of the team that made it happen. He wasn't delusional though. Even if Taylor knew who he was, she definitely had her pick of guys a lot more successful than him if she wanted them.

Then, he got the call. Taylor was bringing her Eras Tour to KC. Did he want to go? And he just knew, this was his chance to shoot his shot. Even if she laughed in his face (he really didn't believe she was the type of woman to do that, but there was always a chance) or let him down gently or she said "yes" and it ended up going nowhere, at least he could put himself out there. He picked up some string and some red and yellow number beads that afternoon.

As he stood up in the box watching her lay it all out on the stage, he held the completed bracelet tightly in his pocket. He'd strung each number on by hand, and he hoped she'd find his play charming. A part of him was a little nervous to go all in, but he figured he'd never get a better chance to at least get his name on her radar, even if she found the bracelet thing corny.

He looked away for a moment, just long enough to beckon Aaron over.

"Hey, man, did you hear anything back from her people yet? Can I get backstage to meet her after the show?"

Aaron sighed and shook his head.

"Sorry, Trav, it's not happening. Her publicist said she's not meeting anyone before or after the show; she needs to save her voice. It's a long show, and she's got a lot more of them to get through this year."

"Damn, well, thanks for reaching out."

Travis let his shoulders slump just a little when Aaron walked away, and he turned his attention back to the spectacle happening below. Despite his disappointment, he couldn't keep a little smile from his face as her voice washed over him.

"...except for when I'm on TV."

He let out a laugh when she let her tongue hang out with a playful expression for the camera. All throughout the show, he'd gotten to see these little moments of her personality shining through all the glitz and glamor of the show, and he loved everything he was seeing.

When she went into her chair routine for "Vigilante Shit," he held the railing firmly in his grip and just focused on keeping his cool. The way she alternated between slowly lowering herself and then dropping onto that chair. Her quick snaps of movement, showing off her long legs in those red-soled boots. He already knew she was sexy and the routine was classier and less explicit than any he'd seen, but the way she moved with so much confidence and slid her hand down her body, with her head thrown back with that look on her face, it was enough to drive him wild! He wanted to remove that garter from her leg with his teeth. He clenched his jaw tightly and forced himself to take deep breaths through his nose.

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