Part 16: You Love The Game

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Part 16: You Love The Game

The second Taylor spotted him down on the field from her place in the suite, she felt a shy smile taking over her face. He looked so handsome in his uniform, and she could tell he was getting fired up for the game. Seeing him from such a distance should've made him look small, but somehow it just seemed to emphasize his powerful form, particularly with the way his pads accentuated his broad shoulders.

Taylor nudged Blake to get her attention, and gestured down toward Travis. She glanced over to catch her friend's reaction, and she caught the impressed look on Blake's face.

Just then, Travis caught them looking. He instantly adopted a goofy grin, and Taylor felt an unexpected wave of shyness overwhelm her. She found herself clasping her hands together, and quickly rocking her hips left to right, even as she mentally scolded herself for acting such like a lovestruck teenager.

That's my man.

Taylor's attention was brought back up into the suite when she caught a glimpse of Donna from the corner of her eye. She immediately turned and walked up the steps to go and greet her.

"Taylor," Donna said with a smile. "It's so nice to see you again."

The older woman reached out and gave her a hug, and Taylor eagerly returned her embrace. She'd been thrilled that she'd felt such an easy, immediate rapport with Travis's mom the previous week, mostly because she knew how important it was to Travis.

"I'm so glad you were able to make it. I'm guessing it doesn't often line up with your boys' schedules for you to see both of their games in one day, does it?" Taylor responded happily, with her eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"Only very rarely," Donna agreed. "And at least it's a beautiful drive up here from Philadelphia."

"Absolutely," Taylor enthused. "Especially in the fall. I used to have the best time as a kid, riding in the car and watching the leaves change when my mom brought me into the city for lessons. It might actually be the reason I love fall so much," she said thoughtfully, before she became distracted when she spotted Austin coming back into the suite.

She caught his attention and waved him over, then turned back to Donna with a grin.

"Donna, I'd like you to meet my younger brother, Austin."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," Austin said with a friendly smile as he shook the older woman's hand.

"Tay, oh, sorry to interrupt," Ryan apologized, as he came up behind them. "Your coffee order is here."

"Okay, great."Taylor started digging in her bag for some cash to tip the staff, before she glanced back up with a smile. "Donna, this is Ryan. Ryan, this is Travis's mom, Donna. If you'll excuse me, I'll be back in just a minute."

"Take your time, dear," Donna waved her off with a smile.

Taylor walked purposefully toward the door to the suite, and offered a smile to the young woman holding her coffee.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," she apologized. "Thank you so much."

"N-no problem, Miss Swift." The girl stuttered a bit as she handed over the cup, and she blinked as if in a daze when she realized that a pair of hundred-dollar bills had taken up residence in her hand. "Th-thank you! Go Chiefs!"

A laugh bubbled up, and Taylor gave a playful wink in response.

She sipped on the hot coffee as she made the rounds in the suite once more, made introductions and small talk, and when the time came for the game to start, she was ready to see Travis go to work. Every once in a while, she'd turn to Donna with a quick question, but she felt like she was already starting to have a better understanding of the game.

The Archers: A Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce StoryWhere stories live. Discover now