Part 6: Burnt Toast Sunday

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Part 6: Burnt Toast Sunday

Taylor watched Travis intently, as he took his first bite. Her lips immediately curved up into a smile, when he shut his eyes and groaned appreciatively.

"I take it you approve?"

"That's the best chicken fajita I've ever had," Travis admitted, and looked over at her curiously. "How long have you been cooking?"

"My mom started teaching me when I was a kid. I really started doing it more after I got my first place in Nashville, when I was nineteen." Taylor laughed slightly self-consciously. "Over the last six or seven years, I've been practicing more often, obviously with the pandemic, and then also not being able to really go out to eat with someone without it being a national news story," she tried to joke.

Why would you even say that? Just because Joe had issues with it doesn't mean Travis will. And this is only the second date, it's a non-issue right now.

"I mean, I won't pretend I know what it's like for you," Travis began, "but if people want to talk about it, I guess that's just life. You shouldn't ever have to hide away or be stuck in the house just because people take pictures and need something to talk about."

Taylor blinked in surprise. She hadn't really expected him to sound so...calm about the whole thing. His response actually reminded her a lot about how she always used to feel about it, the mindset she'd been working on getting back to in her life.

"Okay." She smiled softly. "Thank you."

"Nothing to thank me for, Tay. You should get to live your life, even if the noise outside makes it a little different than the way everyone else lives theirs."

Travis gave her what he hoped was an encouraging smile. They ate in silence for a few moments, but he could see the tiny crease between her eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" Travis asked gently. "You look like you've still got something on your mind."

"I do," Taylor laughed quietly, "but it's sort of a lot for just a second date. It can wait."

"Hey, seriously, you can tell me. I'm pretty sure we've talked enough in the last month that we can bend the rules a little and call this at least fourth date territory," Travis joked with a wink. "Hit me with it, I'm all ears."

He's not wrong. We've talked more in the last few weeks than I've talked to anyone I was interested in before, even with us both being busy. He'll have to hear it sometime. Might as well get it out of the way.

"Okay." She hesitated. "If we keep seeing each other, is that something you would be comfortable with later on? Everything that comes with being in my life? Because you should isn't just headlines popping up the next day, or you being asked about me in every interview. It's paparazzi taking photos from a mile away with a long lens when you don't know it, or with flashes going off all around you as you walk from the car into the restaurant. It's dozens or even hundreds of fans waiting for us outside when we leave, and police having to be there with barricades set up for crowd control. It can be a lot to imagine, and even more to actually deal with every time you want to just go on a date," she warned seriously.

"I'm not going to let anyone run me off. If they want to do all of that, they can take their pictures. And the fans? I know there are a lot of people who care about you, and for good reason, who want to be around you. They're not going to bother me. If the police have to set up barricades around the whole block to keep you and everyone else safe, they can do that. I'll be right there with you," he promised. "I'll learn about all of that and work at it as it comes. And we'll just keep doing what we're doing."

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