Part 13: Nights When You Made Me Your Own

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Part 13: Nights When You Made Me Your Own

(Warning: Mature)

Taylor relished the free-flowing wind all around her as they cruised down the roadways. She let her eyelids drift closed, and soaked in the different sounds and sensations around her.

The leather seats of the convertible, warmed by the heat of her body. The rush of air against her skin, just cool enough to raise a few goosebumps. The well-tuned rumble of the car's engine. The faint wail of a police siren in the distance.

It all washed over her in an instant, in a heady wave of feeling that left her momentarily breathless. It felt like freedom, the kind that she'd traded in exchange for the opportunity to live out her dreams. Obviously, it was a trade she'd never take back, but it was special to get a little taste of it for the first time in a long time.

She opened her eyes and turned her head to observe Travis. He was driving with his right hand on the steering wheel, and his left arm stretched along the top of the door.

I can't believe I'm riding in a convertible, with the top down, in the middle of Kansas City right now. This definitely wasn't in my plans for this year, but I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be. Taylor felt almost giddy at the thought.

When they arrived, Travis immediately jumped out of the car, before she could even get her seatbelt off, and Taylor's eyes widened when he came around to hold the door for her.

"Looks like some of the other guys are already here. I hope you don't mind more introductions." Travis smiled and held his hand out to help Taylor out of the car.

"Trav." Taylor squeezed his arm in thanks after he shut the door. "I'm really excited to meet some of your teammates. Besides, if there's one thing I can handle after two decades in the music industry, it's meeting new people," she said with a laugh.

"Good point," he agreed. "So, what does your security team do when you go out? Are they coming in with us?"

Travis glanced over to the guys getting out of the other car to join them.

"They usually come inside." Taylor glanced questioningly in their direction, and both men nodded. "They'll take a look around, and then they'll take up a couple of seats until we're ready to leave, if that's alright," she said with a smile.

"Absolutely, baby, whatever you need. Let's head inside."

Travis glanced around surreptitiously, and laced their fingers together. He led the way up to the door, and held it open for her to enter first.

Once they made it up the elevator and into the main bar area, Travis immediately heard his name called from the other side of the room. When he looked over, he grinned.

Patrick met his eyes over Brittany's shoulder where they were standing. He wore a friendly grin, as he waved them over. Brittany turned around and gave a smile of her own when she spotted the new couple.

"I think your quarterback's calling you, Trav," Taylor joked, and squeezed his hand playfully.

Travis chuckled and gently returned her squeeze, as he led the way over to the other side of the bar. Since it wasn't too crowded yet, they were able to cross the room unobstructed.

"Pat." Travis greeted him with a quick fist bump. "Hey, Brit. I want you both to meet my girlfriend, Taylor. Tay, this is Patrick and Brittany."

Never getting over hearing that come out of my mouth, goddamn, Travis thought, and a grin played on his lips.

"Hey, it's so nice to meet you both! And congrats on the win today."

Taylor reached out and smiled when Brittany was immediately on the same page. They shared a quick hug, before Patrick leaned down just slightly to give her a one-armed hug, as well.

The Archers: A Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce StoryWhere stories live. Discover now