Chapter One: The Full Moon

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The sun rays of the morning sun, sneaked through the gaps in lucan's midnight blue curtains, bathing his room in its gentle glow. His curtains, if someone bothered to appreciate them, bore a number of golden specks, painted by lucan to resemble the night sky.

Lucan's room was a reflection of the dreams he held so close to his heart. Along the walls stood shelves filled with model airplanes and ships, he had spent most of his childhood making. Each model was crafted to perfection, each a testimony of his dedication. On his desk lays a leather bound journal, filled with sketches of constellations, diligent notes of lunar phases and his theories about undiscovered celestial bodies.

He was awoken by the soft hum of the morning, the memory of yesterday's stargazing session with his mother fresh in his mind. Another day, Another chance to explore the universe. His father's old telescope stood at the window side, always poised to look at the heaven's.

On his nightstand, stood a photograph of a younger lucan sitting on top his father's shoulders. Their matching blue eyes, filled with wonder and the passion to explore the universe, stared up at the sky, making him smile.

His love for the universe, was inherited by his father; who had been an Astrophysicist. The nightly ritual of stargazing, was a bittersweet one, as it reminded him of his father who had long been gone. The stories from his mother, added with his own fragmented memories, painted a picture of a man's whose love for the stars was now reflected in lucan.

Shuffling downstairs for breakfast, the scent of freshly made  pancakes wafted through the air, making his mouth water. Elara, his mother, was busy flipping them on a skillet. She wore her nursing scrubs, indicating she had an early shift.

"Morning, star boy." She greeted with a warm smile, placing a plate stacked with pancakes in front of him.

He chuckled, "Morning, Mom."

As they ate, the conversation naturally shifted to his father. With his thirteenth birthday coming up, Lucan was filled with questions, most of which Elara had answered countless times. The ones she hadn't answered, hung in the air, their weight palpable.

Later, as he got dressed for school, Lucan braced himself for the day ahead. Derek and his minions, would undoubtedly have new jibs for "Lunar Lucan" as they called him. Unfortunately for them, Lucan adored that name.

Let them mock, he thought.

Tonight, he would be one year closer to the age his father was when he dissapeared. One year closer to his legacy.

Lucan approached his school's imposing archway. The moment he stepped on to the school grounds, he spotted derek and his minions, Mark and Travis. They leaned against the school's red brick wall, scanning the crowd for their usual targets.

Derek's eyes met Lucan's and he smirked. "Here comes the moon whisperer,"

Determined to not let his morning be ruined, Lucan took a deep breath and walked past them, but not before hearing Mark's snide comment. "Going to wish upon a start tonight, lunar?" Travis laughed, a sound that echoed mockingly behind him.

Before classes began, all the students gathered in the school's central courtyard for the morning assembly. The open area, framed by the U-shape of the school building, had a large stage at the front, flanked by two giant flags.  Today, Principal Owen's stood at the front, adjusting her glasses. After the national anthem played and the morning announcements were made, she began discussing the importance of embracing people's differences, perhaps indirectly approaching the school's bullying problem. She ended with a quote that deeply resonated with Lucan: "In the vast expanse of the universe, every single star, no matter how dim or bright, have a place and a purpose."

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