Hogwarts Houses

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For my upcoming chapter in my other fanfic, here's the hogwarts houses of the Yu Qing team as a special sneak peek. :)


Jiale - Hufflepuff
I feel like Jiale would definitely be in Hufflepuff because he's definitely loyal and nice, and friendly to all the kids in years below him. His way of joking is just harmless teasing, nothing bad or anything. Very innocent too. Basically a jellybean

Dachi - Hufflepuff
Dachi would also be a Hufflepuff imo bc he's always ready to help people out, kind to everyone, and very dedicated to his friends and his work. He also feels like he bears responsibility for a lot of things but he doesn't like lash out at others or tries to remove his burdens and gives them to others. So he's just a teddy bear

Zhuo Zhi - Slytherin
Now Zhuo Zhi on the other hand, is absolutely a Slytherin. He's evil asf, he has absolute fun being a wicked person, messing with people, and I feel like is always calculating things and weighing his options. He always chooses his words carefully too, so that they can be up to interpretation. Plus, he's ambitious, to some extent, and is definitely determined. This definitely was showcased in the Guo Zi arc, where he utterly destroyed Guo Zi with pleasure lmao. Altho he is really loyal to Siyang, so that's an exception.

Siyang - Gryffindor
Speaking of Siyang, I feel that Siyang is definitely a Gryffindor because he's a really great leader, is courageous, and always willing to do whatever it takes to lead his team to victory. I mean that kinda coincides with Slytherin traits, but at the same time, Siyang is very dedicated to his team and their friendship, very loyal to them. Also one of the Gryffindor traits is being chivalrous, which I think Siyang definitely is lmao. Either that or he's just always super polite or distanced from people. Or both. Idk. But anyway yeah, he's a leader.

Qiao Chen - Gryffindor
I think Qiao Chen is a Gryffindor too, and this goes without and explanation tbh. He's courageous and dumb, typical Gryffindor stereotype.

Baiyang - Slytherin
Ok I wasn't entirely sure where to put Baiyang tbh, until I remembered that when he was playing against Yu Feng, he almost lost, but his determination to win led him to a really close victory. Really, it was his stamina and ambition that helped him win, and well, Slytherin is about ambition. Plus, he's a snake.

Lu Xia - Slytherin
I would say that Lu Xia is a Slytherin too, just because of now he's also so determined to win, just like Siyang, and will stop at absolutely nothing to achieve his goal of beating his dad. Dude is tennis crazy.

Xinglong - Hufflepuff
Now Xinglong is pretty obvious, dude is loyal, dedicated, very very very kind, and so sweet. 100% Hufflepuff.

Zhiming - Ravenclaw
I was split between either Ravenclaw or Slytherin for Zhiming because dude is so evil, or cunning, as Slytherin would call it, and uses Yan Juice as a threat all the time. Buuut I ended up sorting him as Ravenclaw because he's the typical smart and resource dude, a literal walking calculator. Idk. I feel like it's 50/50, maybe 49/51 with it leaning toward Ravenclaw.

Special mentions:
Qi Ying - Hufflepuff
No question about it, she's a cinnamon roll.

Xing Zi - Ravenclaw
Ok this one I saw split between Ravenclaw and Slytherin again, just like Zhiming. Cause I feel like Xing Zi is very aware of everything that goes on, or maybe it's just me, and she's always alert. But also, I feel like she probably knows that Qiao Chen has a crush on her and is just prolonging his misery by teasing him every once in a while, an absolute Slytherin trait. Or maybe I'm just projecting from other fanfic..

Zhihao - Slytherin
Speaking of other fanfic, Zhihao is definitely a Slytherin, basically a carbon copy of Zhuo Zhi except woman. I made her character like that cause I wanted her to bounce off of Zhuo Zhi's personality, have them fire questions off each other and have chemistry.

Plus, I was def self projecting here cause I'm a Slytherin and oml I wish zhuo Zhi existed in real life lmao

Suyin - Hufflepuff
Ok I'm so sorry bc I know I made Suyin Zhihao's best friend, but I genuinely don't know what house to put her in.. I only made her up so that Zhihao wouldn't be friendless lmao. But anyway, I say Hufflepuff bc while she def isn't an innocent person, she just vibes with Zhihao. Idk. Maybe she is just a muggle.


Anyway, that's it. Lemme know if there's anyone else I should add! :)

- Apple <3

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