Fanfic Recs

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In case anyone wants recs for fanfics, here are some :)
I'll probably update this list from time to time tbh


Chinese Prince of Tennis:
1. "The Love Score" by @Snowy_Stars
(Zhuo Zhi)
It's a really good and long slowburn and I would definitely recommend reading it if you like bingereading slowburns, particularly from 12 to 6am. Speaking from experience.
Currently unfinished.

2. "The road to recovery" by @Violet_Moons
(Mu Siyang)
It's about the only fanfic I can find about Siyang and boy am I glad I found it. It's really a cute fanfic where Siyang and the o/c's friendship and relationship progress over time. I mf love it. Currently unfinished.

3. "Choices - A Perfect Pair Prince of Tennis
Fanfiction AU" by @ShannonKilbourne
(Zhuo Zhi x Siyang)
As the name suggests, it's an AU, and it's set in time of like ancient times or something, idk my history. But yeah, instead of tennis obsessed teens we have warriors, each tennis team a nation. I think. Definitely an original fanfic and I'd recommend checking out. I love the Qiao Chen and Lu Xia slander :D
Currently unfinished.

4. "Photograph" by @reeree_13
(Zhuo Zhi)
It's been a really long while since I've read this so I've forgotten most of what it's about but I do remember that I really liked it. Rip, I wrote down all my fav fanfics into my notes app but forgot to actually put detailed descriptions about each one in them... If I ever have the time to reread fanfics for once I'll def reread this one for sure and update this.
Currently finished.

5. "The Court Dancer A Prince of Tennis
Fanfiction" by @ReikaNanatsuki
(Atobe Keigo)
Ok this is straying a bit from Cpot in particular, bc this is a fanfic about the anime, not the Chinese drama. Even so, I still liked this fanfic, and didn't have to try very hard to stick the names with the faces (I don't watch the anime). Atobe is Ji Jingwu, btw, if anyone is wondering.
Currently unfinished.

6. "Happiness actually" by ohmyitsfaith, tTheWeirdGut
(many prince of tennis ships at once in sections)
Ok moving on from wattpad stories to ao3, this is a oneshot on ao3, I think, last I checked, my memory sucks, but it is, as the words in parentheses suggest, about many different cpot ships going on. Idk I just found it really sweet. Currently finished.

7. "If life is a choice, I choose you" by pinkfluffygiant
(Zhuo Zhi x Siyang)
This is also a oneshot on ao3 where Zhuo Zhi and Siyang's relationship are really fleshed out in depth. I liked this. It's part of a series though, and I would recommend reading the oneshots that come before it. The series is called, "out of time (a moment in eternity)" on ao3.
Currently finished.

8. "Stay, stay, stay" by pinkfluffygiant
(Siyang x Ji Jingwu)
Tbh, I would recommend all of pinkfluffygiant's fanfics (all of which are in ao3, to the best of my knowledge), so I didn't bother putting all the other Siyang x Ji Jingwu ones. While normally I wouldn't really explore the Siyang x Ji Jingwu ship bc MuZhuo for life, this one somehow made sense. It's an au about Yu Qing and Xing Yao being a team of detectives, and that's all I'm going to say. But I def loved this.
Currently finished.

9. "Invisible string" by pinkfluffygiant
(Jiale x Dachi)
Again, all of pinkfluffygiant's fanfics are great (so if you like this ship, you should check out this author in general), but this list felt incomplete without adding this one in here too. Trying not to spoil it rn so I'm going to be very vague, but this fanfic is about Jiale and Dachi in their crush phase. This was an absolutely adorable fanfic, and ofc, it's on ao3. I feel like I'm being repetitive saying that, but just tryna make it clear where you ppl can find these fics lol.
Currently finished.

10. "Where the puzzle ends" by cocaine_cookie
(Zhuo Zhi x Siyang)
This is just pure fluff, a really cute singular chapter that's so sweet I might get cavities. Also confession. I like. It's a singular, one shot chapter, and it's just so good. Also on ao3.
Currently finished.

11. "And we'll be golden" by cocaine_cookie ao3 (Dachi x Jiale)
Again, ao3. This is literally the cutest fanfic tho about the team at a tennis resort. I freaking love this fanfic (and cocaine cookie and all of their fics), there's so much fluff. And ofc there's Zhuo Zhi being a menace to everyone too, bonus, and some Siyang moments :D
Currently finished.

12. "Contests of the world" by Aricia
(Fuji x Tezuka, Zhuo Zhi x Siyang)
Here's another fanfic that's slightly straying from Cpot, also on ao3. I really liked this fanfic too because it's really interesting to read about, it highlights the differences between the prince of tennis characters in the anime and cdrama. Anyway, the two Zhuo Zhis (or Fujis, depending on how you see it) swap lives for a day.
Currently finished.

13. "Everything is (not) a competition" by 来跟我们玩,因为夜很明而你能死的时候睡觉
(Baiyang x Qiao Chen)
Moving on from ao3, this is a fanfic on tumblr. Might be hard to find since you can't just copy and paste from Wattpad, but I have the link to it last I checked, if anyone needs it. While I normally wouldn't read a Baiyang x Qiao Chen fanfic, this was definitely a really cute rivalry in romance, and made sense tbh so that's that.
Currently finished.

14. "Qualified by" 来跟我们玩,因为夜很
(Siyang x Jingwu)
Another fanfic by the same person on tumblr, this is a fic where Ji Jingwu tries to prove his worthiness to Siyang. I also should have the link to this if anyone needs it too. Again, wouldn't normally be on board w this ship (no hate at all ofc, I just love Zhuo Zhi with all my heart), but this fic definitely convinced me that the Siyang x Jingwu ship is really good too. Me like.
Currently finished.


1. Absolutely anything and everything by @221b_blogger101, aka Anna Watson. They are such a mf good writer and I loved reading every single one of their like gazillion Loki, Dr Strange, Sherlock, Moriarty, and other fanfics. Just, French kiss. 10/10. For sure. Anna Watson was the absolute highlight of my first two or so years reading fanfics (was understandably obsessed w Loki at the time lmao)

2. "🌷 The Suitor 🌷// Loki × Reader" by @DancingGeek1432
This is set in a non-modern time, don't ask me when bc again, I genuinely don't know my times, but it's so old fashioned in a good way, and very sweet. I like to think that the way young Loki acted in this fanfic is canon. Would definitely recommend, if there was any singular fanfic in my life that I obsessively checked everyday for updates, this is absolutely it.
Currently unfinished.

3. "Meant To Be (Loki × reader)" by @lokiedokiee
This was my very first fanfic I've read, and Loki too. I remember binging this for like days without end, where I would read this anytime I could. During lunch, dinner, free time, midnight, pulling all nights up until 5am. Just. Amazing. This was THE fanfic that made me fall in love w slowburns, so if you like slowburns, this is the fanfic for u. Definitely absolutely for sure recommend.
Currently finished.

4. "A million miles ahead" by charrywotter
(Charles Xavier x Erik)
Back to ao3, this is an au of a family road trip, w quicksilver trying to get his dad to notice him (and realize that he's his dad).. :):):) Man I loved this fanfic so much, this was also definitely another fanfic that I obsessed over for weeks for updates. The characters are written so well, imo very realistic to the xmen ones. Definitely approve of this too.
Currently finished, yay.


I still have some other fanfic recs but I've been spending way too long on this and gotta get up and start working on chores and essays, so I'll continue editing this list later maybe probably perhaps

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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