Snow Day

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Charli was the first to wake up, she got out of bed and looked over at her significant others lovingly before heading towards the kitchen to get something to eat. She looked out the window nearby to see that it was snowing. The streets and trees were covered in snow.

'Maybe today would be a good day to stay in and watch some movies?' Charli thought to herself.

She then started to prepare some hot water for hot chocolate and got some marshmallows.

"Whatcha' doing Charli?" Luca asks groggily coming out of their bedroom over to the kitchen where Charli is and hugging her from the back.

"I'm preparing some hot cocoa, would you like a cup as well?", she said while opening the cupboard where the mugs are.

"Sure! Light would probably like one too." Luca then grabs cups for all three of them. "Is there any particular reason for having hot chocolate?"

"It's snowing a bit hard out, I thought we could all stay in for the time being and watch some movies together." Charli says.

"Sure! Sounds like fun!" Luca responds.

The two continue to chat until Light gets up from their bed and walks into the living room.

"Light, would you like to watch some movies cuddled up with some hot cocoa with us?" Charli asks.

"Can I choose the first movie?" Light asks excitedly.

"Sure!" Luca and Charli say at the same time with smiles on their faces.

The three get situated on the couch, Luca on the edge of the couch by the armrest while Light was next to them and Charli on the other side. They also had some blankets, hot chocolate, popcorn, and some gummi worms. The three binge Christmas movies together, of course Light chose 'The Grinch' first. After a few hours of watching movies the three decided to try going out to have fun in the outdoors since it had stopped snowing.

"What do you guys think of this outfit for going out?" Charli asks wearing an orange long sleeve knee length dress with a white jacket and black tights.

"Adorable, as usual." Luca tells her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"You look cute, but check out my fit!" Light says jumping into view of the two others.

"That is not snow weather clothes sweetie..." Luca tells him.

"What do you mean?" Light asks.

"You're wearing a short sleeved shirt and cargo pants, at least bring a jacket or your scarf." Charli states.

"Fine." Light conceded and grabbed one of Luca's jackets and his scarf too just in case.

"Alright I think we're all set!" Luca says by the door with gloves, water bottles, and shovels in their hands. They're wearing an orange jacket and a black snow shirt with white proper pants and shoes.

"Who's ready to make some snow people?" Charli yells.

"We're ready!" the Light and Luca say in unison.

They all head out the door and head over to the would be lawn area nearby. Light kneels down into the snow and starts making some snowballs, and quickly picks a fight with Luca.

"Oh, you're so going down!" Luca yells playfully chasing after Light.

"I'd like to see you try to take me do-" Light gets cut off by Luca tackling him into the snow.

The two laugh like crazy and realize that Charli was laughing at them and taking pictures before running away giggling.

"Where'd Charli go?" Light asks getting up and wiping himself off.

Luca started scanning the area, "Over there!" They point to Charli beginning to make a snowman.

"You need some help with that?" Luca asks after walking over to where Charli was at.

"Sure, I'd like that." Charli says looking at Luca with loving eyes and kisses their cheek. She then looks over what she's been starting to make to see Light in the snow. "What's Light doing?"

"I think he's trying to make a snow angel? He doesn't seem to know what he's doing though." Luca looks over at Light who didn't remember how snow angels are made because the next thing they all knew he'd gone into the snow face first and made was a Light shaped dent into the few feet of snow but nothing more than that.

"Beautiful!" Light says getting up looking at the masterpiece he'd made.

"You're so right babe." Luca says to him.

Light blushes and goes on Charli's side to help her with collecting snow for the snowman and hiding his face from Luca.

"You're so cute!" Luca says.

"No, I'm a grown man. I'm handsome." Light says matter-of-factly.

"That's true as well." Charli chimes in. "You're handsome too, Luca." She then finishes up the shape for the snowman and is left looking for accessories.

Light puts his scarf on the snowman and Luca adds some rocks for the face and buttons. All that they needed now was a carrot for the nose and some sticks for the arms.

"I found some sticks!" Light said, waving them around.

"Careful, you don't want to poke someone's eye out with one of those." Charli says to him.

"Right!" Light said, setting them down next to the snowman.

"I got a carrot!" Luca said, running from the house back to the others.

"Yay! We did it!" the three yelled happily.

"What should we do now?" Light asked.

"Maybe I should teach you how to actually make a snow angel." Luca said in response.

"I don't know what you're talking about. My snow angel is perfect the way it is." Light said with a playful grin but with defensive body language.

They all started laughing and decided on having another snowball fight for a little while, rolling Light into a snowball and chasing after Charli since she had done that to him, and taking a ton of pictures with their snowman before heading back inside since it was starting to get dark out.

"That was so much fun!" Charli stated while wiping the snow off of her jacket.

"Yeah it was! We should play in the snow again tomorrow!" Light said wanting it to be the next day already.

"Sounds like a plan, the weather should be like this for a little while according to the weather app. So we can look forward to more days like this one." Luca informed the two.

"Woohoo!" Light yelled jumping up into the air.

"Let's start getting set up for bed, I'm exhausted and need my energy to be able to do this again tomorrow." Charli says, taking off her boots and jacket heading towards their bedroom to get changed.

"Agreed." Luca says starting to take off their shoes.

Light is already in his comfy clothes so all he does is take off his shoes, and heads over to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

After a few minutes the three are all ready for bed in their comfy clothes and pajamas.

"Good night." Charli says cuddling into Light.

"'Night." Luca says yawning while draping their arm over Charli.

"G'Night." Light says turning off the lamp next to their bed.

All of them had dreams of all of the fun games they could play in the snow for the next day.

~The End~

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