Sensual Movies

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You and Donna are getting ready to go to the movies. You are wearing a strapless black corset body suit with a leather jacket and some blue jeans. You have dark black wavy hair in a claw clip. Some light makeup and black eyeliner. Your leather purse holds some snacks. Donna is wearing a similar outfit to match with you just a red top and black bottoms instead. Donna had a surprise for you afterward, so you both dressed fancy casual.

Fast forward to the movie theater
You both settled on a rom com movie and it's well into the plot. As a sex scene comes on Donna places her hand on you upper thigh. But she doesn't keep it there. She moves higher and closer to the zipper of your jeans. You hold back a whimper. There was maybe two other people in here and they were far. Donna's brave move made you super wet and horny. Donna unzipped ur pants and her hand slipped over ur panties. She started rubbing ur clit over ur panties. But it wasn't enough. You wanted more. You quietly whimpered, " Please Donna. Stop teasing" your hand reached for Donna's and u pushed her hand hard on ur clit. Donna slipped her hand into your underwhere and starting curling and pumping her fingers in you. You were trying to hard not to moan so loud. Instead u breathed heavily. You gripped on to the seats. You were gonna cum. " Don- I'm gonna-" she nodded giving you permission to release. You hit ur climax, intensely, and quietly. Donna licked her fingers clean but she wasn't done. Not for today. Donna helped you thru your hornyness but seeing u climax made her so wet. Donna unzips her pants and positions her self so her legs were spread open but unnoticeable. You were still shocked at what happened to you, you were staring at the screen. Not noticing Donna finger her self. Right in the middle of a fucking movie. You turn to your beloved girlfriend and see her eyes about to role back. You yank her hand out of her pants. " wha- why did you do that" Donna whines. You wanted to punish her for making u so horny. Donna pouted and didn't speak to you the whole movie. But after it ended she was over it. Donna had reservations at a resort and fine dining resturant.

Fast forwards after dinner
After dinner you enter the room Donna had booked. There was a hot tub. A love seat. Canopy bed. A beautiful view of a lake and lights u can dim. It was the lovers suite. Donna was held back a dinner to pay for the check. You looked inside the bag Donna had packed for you. Only. Sexy underwhere and Bras. And only one pair of pj's. You decided to put on some hot underwear and run the water for the hot tub. There was a jacuzzi setting.... As u lay in the tub waiting for Donna. You get bored. You turn on the jets and line ur pussy close to it. " Mmm, that feels so goood" you moan to yourself. Donna quietly enters the room and you don't notice her. She undresses. Completely naked. When she slides into the tub, you get startled and quickly position yourself off the jets. Donna sit on your lap and starts making out with you. It's sloppy and passionate. You let her tounge enter your mouth. It did tricks you never thought she could do. Her hands slowly peel off your underwear and unclasp your bra. You breasts fall into Donna's hands. She cups one of them and the other she gently sucks. She moans and the vibrations make you moan too, "Ughhh Mmmmm. You make me feel so good Donna. I want you to sit on my face." Donna get up and hovers over your face. " I said S.I.T not hover." You pull Donna's pussy down to ur face. You flatten your tounge and play with her clit. Donna's head tilts back. Your tounge enters inside and your nose blows cold air to her clit. "MMMmmmm" Donna moans really loud. You focus your tounge back to her clit. You goal is for her to have the best, most intense orgasm. You slightly brush ur lips to her clit. Your tounge playing with it as ur mouth is enclosed around it. Donna's head tilts back again her eyes at the back of her head. She starts bucking her hips and riding your face for you to go faster. Her climax is reaching she is gonna cum. " FASTER Y/N, your dirty stunt in the movie theater has me aching to cum." Your lips get tighter and your tounge gets faster. Just the way Donna likes it. She orgasmed, Cumming all over your face. Her moaning was so loud your sure the lobby knew. And you were on the highest level of 50. After you both calmed down, Donna drained the pool and dried you and her off. Unexpectedly she pushed you on to the bed, still naked. She is on top of you making out with you. Again, her tricks. She slowly walks away, making you whimper for her touch. She pull something out of her suitcases. She had bought a vibrator. You had never used one before. You know Donna's has and she said it makes you cum quick and intense. You needed that today. Donna leaves a trail of love bits all over your neck, stomach, breasts, and thighs. Once she gets your pussy. Wet and pulsating for some touch. She turns the vibrator on. Lowest setting. You whimper at the touch. She was right. This. Feels. A. M. A. Z. I. N. G. She increases the speed little by little. And little by little you start to orgasm. After your first very intense climax. You thought donna would stop. But she only makes the speed higher you moan at a mix of pain and pleasure. Before you could say " I'm gonna cum" you did. The second orgasm was more intense then the other and u didn't think that was possible. AGAIN. Donna didn't stop. "I cant" you whimper. " yes you can my love. Trust me it'd be worth it." You nodd in agreement and in no time at all you had your third orgasm. Finally Donna turns the toy off sets it aside. She runs the warm water again in the hot tub, now with bath bombs and bubbles. She cleans you up with a wash cloth as u lie there, breathing heavily. You try to get up to take the bath but your legs shake. Donna, very naked still. Picks you up and gently places you inside the tub. Donna comes inside too, gently bathing yourself and washing your dark wavy hair before cleaning her self. You both stay there cuddling in the tub b4 you both get wrinkly.

Forward to after the bath
Donna had matching pj's to your. They were soft. You both cuddle under the covers together. Facing eachother. Giving small kisses on the lips. You whisper, " I love you Donna." Donna responds, " I love you too my love" It's 12 am and you both fall asleep together.


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