Sorrowful Dreams - Outsiders SMP

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woooooo first request :D

idk a lot about c!Krow- I'm gonna try my best tho :3

I also dont know Tasia's pronouns so im gonna be using they/them

Idea: geminitay67

Characters: c!Percival/Percy, c!Tasia, c!Krow, c!Soup

Fandom: Outsiders SMP

Story type: Platonic Hurt-Comfort

TW: (Auto)cannibalism, self-injury, blood, grieving


"Come on Krow!" Percy called out, jogging towards their hangout with Tasia close behind. Krow sped up, trying to catch up with the other two. Its body felt exhausted from running around all day, but it still wanted to have fun. It eventually was able to catch up, climbing the rope before the other two.

"Hah! Beat you!" It teased, sitting down and giggling. Percy rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, for once." He said, sitting down is his spot. Tasia sat down in their seat last, watching the two.

"Oh shut up. I've done it before, I'll do it again." Krow said with mocked annoyance. It looked out the window, staring at the clearing below. "Plus, it's harder for me to run with my demon features and all."

Percy rolled his eyes, chuckling quietly. The three sat in silence for some time, just enjoying one another's company. It was peaceful that day. Everything seemed to be happy and normal. Everyone seemed to be happy and normal. Just as Krow liked it.

"You know Krow.." Tasia began speaking, their voice a bit off. "You've been acting strange lately." They looked at Krow, a concerned expression spread across their face. Percy also looked at Krow with the same expression.

Krow seemed confused. "I have..? I don't think I've been." It said, getting a bad feeling. "Maybe I've just been more tired than usual.."

"I don't think that's the problem Krow." Percy said, his voice stern, which contrasted his usual kindness towards Krow. "In fact, I think you should be getting less sleep."

Krow was even more confused now. "What..? What do you mean!?" It scooted back in its chair a bit, the bad feeling continuing to grow.

"You know what I mean Krow." Percy said, his voice still stern and somewhat emotionless. "You need to wake up Krow."

"What-!? What are you talking about! I-" Krow glanced out the window, only to be met with dread. The clearing was destroyed. There were holes and damaged pieces of material thrown everywhere. "..What the fuck..?" Krow's voice was shaky as it stared at the nightmare in front of it. "Percy? Tasia? What's going-" Krow glanced back to its friends, only to realize they weren't there. They were gone.

"No. No. No no no no no no no." Krow began freaking out. Its breathing grew quicker and its heart beat faster as it got up and glanced around. Everything was destroyed and everyone was gone. Nothing was happy and normal. No one was happy and normal.

Krow felt as if the world was suddenly disappearing as things seemed to fade from view. Its entire body was shaking as things got darker and darker. "Hello? Hello!? Percy? Tasia? Soup? Magic!? Hello!?!?" Its voice echoed as the darkness continued to consume everything, and Krow felt itself fall down. Down into the darkness, away from the clearing. Away from Percy, Tasia, and everything it knew. It fell down, down, down...

Krow shot up from bed, tears streaming down its face as it shook violently. Hiccups escaped its mouth as it tried to catch its breath, processing what just happened. It pulled its legs up to its chest and cried into them, its arm wrapping tightly around them. Minutes went by of nothing but a small demon, alone in its room, crying over the things that it could never experience again.

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