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hey guy are you ready to see Cami's mean side o lalalalalalaaa okay im stopping here is the story
Cami pov

as im walking down the hall to the library is see Malfoy and his 'friends' i here them talking about some major prank on some b**** as they called her i don't know who but as i walk by i can here them go down to a whisper i go to the library and Lucy and Katie are ther we study for a few hours then head to the common room as soon as my head hit the pillow i was out like a light

💋💋💋💋💋💋time laps💋💋💋💋💋

cami pov

im walking down the hall its 5:30 am i got dressed and went walking for a few hours and went to talk to Moaning Myrtle know its time for class and every body i walk by is taking a step back as im walking to the Transfiguration class im pulled back with a hand over my mouth i turn to see Malfoy Crabbe and Goyle malfoy takes his hand off my mouth " what the bloody h*** malfoy what are you doing" he looks at goyle and pushes me back in the corridor then all of a sudden honey comes pouring down then i hear laughter my vision goes red i made the honey disappear i turned the whole hallway was laughing i took out my wand " whats going on here" i heard Snape yell as he walked towards me " GET BACK PROFESSOR ALL OF YOU GET BACK NOW" Snape told everybody to get back and they did all except the three who made me this angry i stomped my foot the ground shook and they fell not enough a voice said inside my head i walked up to Goyle and picked him up by his shirt collar and he looked scared i thew him down the corridor in to a wall i walked over to Crabbe i saw Snape get out his wand i just silently disarmed him and pocked his wand he looked shocked i did the same to Crabbe as i did to Goyle then was malfoy i picked him up by the collar pushed him against a wall and made a protective force field around us two i put my wand to his neck as i remember doing when i first got here " I COULD KILL YOU" i yelled in his face "STOP" i heard Dumbledore's voice i turned making sure to keep my wand at his neck "WHY SHOULD I HMM HE HAS CAUSED ME PAIN LETS JUST CALL IT MAKING IT EVEN" Dumbledore looked like he was desperate for me to put him down i did but first i punched him in the face and put a hex of slugs on him i took down the protection spell and my vision went back to normal every teacher was there and student Potter was there i stared at him there was anger i took my wand back out and pointed it a Potter and walked closer and closer then i dissaperated right in front of him he was shocked that i could dissaperrate "CRUC-" i was cut off by a hand covering my mouth i turn to see Hermione "ahh i see were being heroic aren't we to bad for you i DONT LIKE HEROIC" i said tauntingly "STUPEFY" i yelled she went flying "STOP THIS INSTANT MISS ALLEN" i heard Dumbledore yell "scared are we Albus" again with the taunting "scared no annoyed a little mad yes no not scared" " i see now why should i stop you and i both know i can kill all of you with a simple flick of the wand" just to be mean i flicked my wand and the ground shook then red everything was red then it all went black

💋💋passed out dream thing (IDK)💋

i was in a room there was a lady with eyes like potters and mine "who are you" i asked as i drew my wand "Lily Potter" " your Potters mum right" i said as i lowered my wand "i have a story to tell " " okay want to sit" i said as i made two chairs appear she sat i sat "well here is the story not really a story but you are my daughter Harry s sister if you do not believe me you can ask Dumbledore the Ministry how you lived we let you go with Surius and when we died he took you in as his own untill the ministry thought he was a Death eater death eaters are people who work for Voldemort and since he tried to kill Harry he has been gone since but you you have a special something i dont know what it is but it is something i saw what you did out there you are VERY strong to pick up Crabbe and Goyle that was extraordinary" she chuckled "well since that happened i also saw what you pulled on Harry dont you think you should apologize" she questioned " NO say sorry to him goes against every 'law' that has been made at Hogwart and unless somebody is going to physically force me im doing no such thing you may be my mother or not but there is no way i will ever ever help Potter and his gang i can do just fine on my own" she just smiled "your very independent my child but soon you will soon see you need help i saw that" she nodded towards the arm that i cut " yes to find the truth that you seek you must ask someone Good Bye for now" and with that she left

💋end of passed out dream 💋💋thing💋

cami pov

i wake up in the hospital wing i dont here anything except my breathing my back is soaked i wasn't sweating then i heard whispering "please be okay im sorry it i-i didn't want to do it it was my reputation father would not like that tampered with over some girl but now y-your in the hospital wing and im crying over a most likely dead body say something say something" its Draco that annoying little ferret but how could i not forgive him " how is this Draco Malfoy is an annoying little ferret" i said play fully as i turned around i heard a gasp of relief come from Draco i smiled up at him "you didnt expect me to give up that easy did you" " how could i you way to strong to die since you picked up Goyle" he laughed it felt good having a friend again

no ones pov

As Cami asked Draco why her back was soaked "well your were out for today and yesterday" his face went red "my back is soaked in your tears isnt it" Draco nodded face redder than it was before then she heard it 'come to me i want your blood KILL' Draco looked over at Cami whose face had fell into deep concentration on the voice that he could not hear "did you hear that" "hear what Cami " cami hopping out of bed using a simple charm she changed into her muggle clothes with Syltherin colors(in picture) "where are you going " she didn't stop until she bumped heads with Potter suddenly remembering what her dream thing was "watch where you going Potter" Ron looked as he had something he wanted to do she looked into his thoughts he wanted to hex her "dont think of trying to hex me it will just backfire with your broken wand and all " he looked surprised that she new that "what are you doing here" she heard Hermoine say " ahh the hero has decided to speak nice too see you too and to answer your question i heard something" Harry looked at her questioningly "what did it say" she looked at Harry for a seconded " it said something about killing an-" she was cut off by the horrific sight Ms.Norris hanging from the light and on the wall in blood 'THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED ENEMIES OF THE HEIR BEWARE' then the students came then Fittiwick came and grabbed Cami and Harry by their collar and yelled "you will pay" Cami shot him back with non-verbal magic and he let go of them and fell to ground just as Dumbledore came in He looked from the proffeser on the floor to them "what has happened here" then he looked up at the wall then looke at MGonagal " all students are too be lead to their common room by their prefects" as they started walking " except you four" she took us to Dumbledores office

Hey guys this is going well I'm trying to make all my chapters over 1000 word well I MIGHT change the schedule to ever other day because I write 1000 in one day but this was about 1400 word chapter so I write long chapters so tell me what you think I should do in the comments should I stay with the normal or the new

HARRY POTTERS SISTER?????? (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now