The Minister of Magic

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Okay I'm back again I've wrote this chapter and the last one in the same day what what can I get a yassssss *cricket noise* well then let's get on with it

No ones pov

"As the Minister of Magic I must inform you Ms. and Mr.Potter that Ver-" The Minister was cut of by Cami "Allen" she stated "excuse me" "my last name its Allen" she said "very well Ms.Allen and Mr.Potter that Vernon's sister was found floating around" the guy who brought them her kept offering tea "for Merlins f***ing sake I don't want tea" Cami whisper yelled the man finally left the minister shot her a glare She only smiled in return "but she will have no memory of the. Incident no harm done"The minister said Harry look at the minister like you had three heads "what do you mean minister I broke the law" the minister only chuckled while Cami elbowed Harry in the rib " Harry we don't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunt" The creepy man started to laugh like he was about to die like he was choking on some bread. The minister shot him a glare and he stopped " on the other hand running away like that was very very irresponsible with the state of things" Harry turned around to look at the minister " The state of things sir" "we have a killer on the loose" Cami growled under her breath and mumbled something about how he's not a killer and if he was he wouldn't be smart enough to escape Azkaban The minister didn't notice but Harry day " Sirius Black you mean what's that got to do with got to do with me" the minister started to fake cough "nothing of course your safe that's all that matters now I have your school books and Tom will show you your room you will be on your way back to Hogwarts tomorrow" Tom practically dragged them out of their seats to the door they called there owls Midnight flew on top of Cami head Hedwig flew on Harry's arm the minister told them it would be best if it didn't wander Harry woke before Cami and started to mess with the Book of Monsters and it woke her "what the bloody h*** Harry" she looked at the book on the floor "aghhhhh" she yelled smashing her head back into the pillow Harry finally got the book and they got dressed and heated Hermione and Ron bickering again after that Ron talked about his trip to Egypt and The Weasley twins came "showing off the clipping to more people Ron" " I haven't showed it to anyone" Ron said defensively the twins started naming people who he showed "if it isn't the Syltherin Princess her self" Fred said Cami looked up from her book she was reading "that's what they call me that priceless" she said hunched over in laughter the two boys looked at each other "thinking what I'm thinking Fred" Fred nodded "Way ahead of you George" Cami stopped laughing "what" they tilted there heads and nodded "you will be perfect" Fred said "For our pranks" George finished

This is the last chapter I am happy I finished a book a Whole book of course it's not really a book but it's still awesome alright then I will see you again SPECTRUMSPECTRA I'm not helping byeee

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