Talk it out

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Noah :

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Noah :

Come on just a bit more- fuck it. I pressed the palms of my hands against the outer wall of our hotel room. My shoe was stuck, and if I tried any harder, I'd get launched out of the window. 

After mentally debating with myself about what I was about to do next for fifteen minutes, I decided to end what would've been a perpetual cycle and attempted jumping out the window. I just couldn't stand the image of Sophie. Blue and white. She barely looked alive on that stretcher. I wasn't going to fucking wait to see her.

Especially since I couldn't stand Russ. How could he be that sadistic about a girl's safety? I couldn't be arsed to listen to his rant of an apology. Knowing that an apology package would come with some freebie I don't want.

And of course, the window wasn't large enough for my to fit through. My dumb ass just couldn't think straight. Just fuckin do it. I pushed harder this time my shoe and foot sliding out of the mere gap, managing to get a hold of a metal pipe before anything fatal occurred. I'd snuck out of school numerous times. Just not out of a window that was five floors up.

I propped my feet onto the ground, all sorts of twigs and earth crackling beneath my weight. 'Kid! What the hell are you doing out this late?' A middle aged man shines his torch in my direction. I blinked in the centre of the bright gleam, spotting the officer badge on his chest.

The man's expression changed, seeing me as some kind of intruder. 'Don't move. Stay right where you are.' I ignored his warning, strolling off in the opposite direction. 'Hey!' He called after me. I picked up my pace, speed walking in between different trees, left and right. As one who tends to sneak out often, sure I've encountered several occasions that involved the cops. I know how to tip a couple off.

Eventually his voice faded into the distance, leaving me to find the main parking lot on my own. Yes, I could have lied to him in order to get my way, but I don't want a cop on my back.

I eventually found the parking lot, selecting the most neglected car. Was I going to break into one? Yes. But it was my only way to get to the hospital. I know coach promised to drive me in the morning, but what if she had already woken up and I missed the moment to explain everything.

I approached the grotesque coloured car. Just as my hand rested on the handle to the drivers seat, a path of guilt struck me. Breaking into cars wasn't the kind of person I was. But neither was saying those things. So I needed to make up for it.

'Excuse me.' A lamentably familiar owner of the voice nudged me in the spine. 'Care to tell me why you are trying to break into my car?' I turned to face coach. A groggy and tiresome expression dawned upon his face. He stood behind me, cross armed in his pyjamas. 'Would you like to open the door for me?' He sighed, rubbing his temples. That's Coach's car? I would think he had better taste.

I pulled open the door, looking down at the gravelled terrace on the ground. Surprisingly, he sat himself down in the drivers seat and gestured to the one next to him. I entered the car from the opposite side, sitting down beside him and shutting the door after me.

'We need to talk.' He stated. I started fiddling with my fingers, trying to avoid any topic related to the reason why I snuck out. 'We need to talk about this girl.' My fiddling stopped briefly before starting again. 

'There it is. That is what tells me you didn't mean a word of what you said.'

I stared forward. Simply desperate to get to the only place I want to be in. 'I need you to tell me everything. Right here, right now. I don't care if you're uncomfortable or not. You've already lost the privilege from me to drive you. But I may reconsider the offer if you explain yourself.'

I really needed to get to the hospital, no matter the cost. This price just so happened to be extremely pricy.

'It started when she joined the skating team. That is, when I noticed what was going on with her.' Coach nodded attentively. 'She never really ate much. I didn't know what was happening, nor do I now. But she never ate nonetheless. And then there was that night-' I stopped in my tracks. Hesitant to continue. I had to do it for her though. She needed support and I just wasn't made to give her that. And coach would be more than happy to write up a referral.

'During half term break, I was with some friends, when she called. She called asking for me to pick her up. I eventually found her sitting by a lamppost with all of her bags and belongings. Till this day I don't even know what happened.' A lump grew in my throat, as I found it more and more difficult to talk about her health.

'And? What did you do afterwards.' Coach attempts to lead on the conversation. His hands secured on his lap, and a stern expression on his face. 'I just took her back to school and to her dorm. Nothing happened really.'

Several moments of silence passed as Coach just sat in the drivers seat. Contemplation evidently being displayed in his posture and form. Coach only taps his chin when he is actually thinking, and the rusty cogs that function in his brain are at ease. I heard him curse something under his breath before he turned to look at me straight in the eyes.

'How do you feel about sneaking out?'

A/N :  hey! Thank you all for the reads, votes and comments, they are all extremely supportive

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A/N : hey! Thank you all for the reads, votes and comments, they are all extremely supportive.

I would just like to address the similarities this novel may have with others. These are all purely coincidental, and I would never intend to copy anyone else work! Each novel on Wattpad has their own individual set and plot, and I take full responsibility if any part of this story is recognised as someone else's work.

Thanks again! :)


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