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Noah :

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Noah :

Parents day had come round. Maybe the one time out of three hundred and sixty five days I see my family. I'm sure Sophie will enjoy today, I heard from Henry that she's very close with her mom. As of which I have no idea when they became friends.

But it's quite intriguing that when I asked her earlier at the rink today if she had any relatives visiting, and she said that both her parents were busy. I do hope she's all clear to skate soon, Glacial Sports start soon.

I spotted a familiar black limousine in the corner of my eye.
The lengthy car drove onto the school grounds, slowly making its way around the fountain. And coming to a stop right where I stood.

Mom stepped out of the backseat followed by Christian, dressed from head to toe in her classic black and white. "Noah! My baby!" She jumped up the steps, grabbed my face and practically painted it red with her lipstick kisses.

"Hi Ma." I hugged her back awkwardly.
"You've grown so much!" Parent classic.

"Have you been eating enough? I hope your favourite food is still gambas al ajillo because I booked a place tonight that's famous for it." She spoke eagerly, going on about something related to how I'm to skinny for her standards in Spanish.

"Leave the boy alone Lucia, he's too old for this." The most resenting, perpetual, and contemptuous owner of this voice kicked open the opposite door of the limousine.

Hello to you too dad.
Moms froze her touch at his voice. Quickly composing herself before stepping away from me. Christian approached me, extending out his arm for me to shake.

"Glacial sports start soon. Have you been practicing?" Chris asks, taking interest in what I've been doing recently. "Well our team is slowly but surely getting ourselves toge- don't be stupid Christian. Of course he's been practicing. After ending last year with disappointment, I expect it." Dad buttons his waistcoat, sending a very resentful look in my direction.

Even though this was meant to be strictly family only, I was mentally debating with myself if I should or shouldn't put down one last request. I couldn't find imagine Sophie sitting in her desolate room, she doesn't seem like the type who enjoys solitude.

"Would it be okay if I brought a friend?" I asked

"Absolutely not." Both my parents said in unison. Glancing at each other in realisation that they finally agreed on something.

"That would be inappropriate." My dad verdicts without even knowing who I'm talking about.
"We only see you once a year cariño.." Mom tuts, stuck on who she should agree with.

"Let the boy bring his friend."Chris cut in, showing some sense of understanding.

"It's actually a girl."

Moms face radiated of delight. "Oh my gosh! Why didn't you say so? My baby has a girlfriend!" She jumped up and down excitedly by Chris's side; accidentally whacking him in the face with her chunky rings. Christian clutched his face, as we both shared pained expressions with each other.

"Go get her! I want to meet the lovely girl." She shooed me off. I didn't need to be told twice, I bolted from the conversation off to the dorms.

To be honest I think that I'll enjoy the dinner just a little bit more if Sophie came. She always finds a way to make the room brighter.

I knocked on Sophie's door lightly, expecting her to be absent. "The doors unlocked!" Sophie called from the other side of the door. I opened it to find her cross legged on the floor, making bracelets and surrounded by pillows. She wore a little pink skirt, with tights and Uggs, paired with a knitted sweater and shells weaved into her golden locks.

" Oh, hey! What's up?" She looks up from her spot on the ground, her big blue eyes shining with curiosity.

"Would you like to join me for dinner?"

A/N : I just want to say thank you for reading this far, and for all your votes because it's really what motivates me to write even more <3 Four more parts being released today!

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A/N : I just want to say thank you for reading this far, and for all your votes because it's really what motivates me to write even more <3
Four more parts being released today!

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