What Jimmy Means to Me

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Growing up, my life was not rainbows and butterflies. But I could always count on a good time when I came to Grammie's house! Usually cookies, the swimming pool, and Jimmy Buffett were a part of that!

I will never forget all the times I ate barbeque chicken wings in the pool on the sidelines because I didn't want to get out. Jimmy Buffett's music would be playing loud as we all ate supper outside. 

My family has one tradition that most have removed from their lives. It's a shame really. Eating dinner as a family every day helps us to form the strong bonds we have with each other. The world needs more family meal times.


Jimmy has made me laugh, smile, cry, and dance my heart out with my Grammie. I think part of why he means so much to me is because she means so much to me.

He is her favorite musical artist by far!

She has been crying for weeks now, ever since he died. Parrotheads have been saying with the end of Jimmy's life comes the end of an era for all of them. I wish I could say I understand that fully, but I don't. 

I'm too young to understand the impact he has truly had on the world. But I do know the impact he had on my life. And he has brought me and Grammie joy that cannot be matched!

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