One;Johnlock;BBC Sherlock(requested 👎)

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Requested: 👎
Ship: John x Sherlock
Warning: Fluff, a dead body, gore, blood, swearing?
Summary: after a rather normal day Sherlock finds something interesting

Words: around 400

The day started rather normal for John. When you could count being awoken to the sound of gunshots and the yell of your flatmate "BORED!". But John knew Sherlock nearly two years now and for him to wake up like that was normal. So after he took the revolver from him ,he made himself a cup of tea and watched his flatmate play the violin. Even though when you would ask John he would say that he wasn't watching his flatmate but the floor. Because he was straight. Wasn't he? Or maybe he had a bit of an crush on his flatmate but he knew that  his flatmate would never feel the same way. He was "married" to his work.

Then after that he started writing his blog about the newest case as Sherlock became a message. "We have a case John!" Sherlock said and jumped up to put on his coat and scarf. John sighed and stood up. While Sherlock started rambling about the death from a school teacher that was found in her office. John chuckled at his enthusiasm. It was cute.

As they both exited the flat he was already having theories for the murder. John hailed a cab and they both got inside. Sherlock stopped his rambling to tell the cab driver the Adresse. Then he started talking again while John just sighed and listened to his theories. When they arrived Lestrade told them about the woman. Short story, Sherlock had it solved in two minutes. When they came back not a taxi was anywhere in sign so they chose to walk instead.

"I mean come on, that was to easy, it was very clear that a student killed her. Even you could have found that out John, I mean ohh..." Sherlock paused what he was rambling about and looked at the dead cat. Not realizing that John wasn't next to him anymore. Sherlock crunched down and looked at the dead cat. It had blood all over the floor. Sherlock started humming a tune as he took a stick and turned it around so he could get a better look at it. He wanted to try something with a cat a while but know he finally had the chance to try it.

John was slowly realizing that Sherlock wasn't next to him anymore turned around to see him looked intensely at the dead cat. "Oh god..." John made a grimace and said "Sherlock!" Sherlock looked up at John and asked "Can I keep it John?" John looked at Sherlock shocked. "That is a dead cat!" He exclaimed and Sherock nodded an you are an Idiot look. "Yes, brilliant observation skills now can I keep it?"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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