Chapter 3: Good Morning Moon

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Chapter 3: Good Morning Moon


"Equinox? uhm, nice to meet you. i wasnt aware that Moon was getting a replacement, so this was very short notice... i don't have anything ready for you to do, can you clean the rest of the barrels while i go talk to my brother?" Sun watched as the bots rays spun around lightly from behind the desk, clearly in thought.

"sure" after the all waited reply the solar animatronic walked away from the desk and swapped places with Equinox.

" the barrels on the floor are all clean so no need to worry about those. just say here, I'll be back in a minute" Sun said before bolting out the doors.

he could feel eyes watching him as he headed up the stairs, something felt very familiar with the new animatronic, both in appearance and voice.

There way too similar to Eclipse...


Moon should still be asleep right now since its in the early mornings after all.

Sun thought crawling inside the crampedd tunnel traveling from the main room to his counterpart's room. His rays shrunk into his head making it easier for him to get in as his faceplate poked out of the tunnel, rays jutting back out into its natural state.

his eyes glances around trying to find his lunar brother in the dimily lit room, it was remarkably pretty nice in here. not something he would have in his room but its nice nonetheless. Sun looks around before catching him on the left where he laid on the bed, sleeping oh so peacefully...

to bad he's gonna wake up in a bad mood.

after fully getting out of the tunnel he stands over his brother staring down at him menacingly as Moon snored, totally knocked out asleep.

Sun inhaled a big gulp of air he doesnt even need before leaning down closer to the sleeping figures head.

"MOON! GET UP!! The loud sound startled his poor brother as they yelped in alert, Sun leaned back standing up straight as he watched the night animatronic looking around completely spooked before seeing him.

Moon stared at him before groaning to himself, falling back onto his bed. "... what do you want Sun..."

the lunar bot looked over at hs brighter counterpart tiredly. "What time is it...?"

"it is 5:59! Anyways we have big news, so you want the good or bad news first?" He stood proudly with his hands on his hips as he stood next to the bed.

" Why... Can't that wait until later..."

"Nope, we need to fix your sleep schedule and its important"

"Fine... go, whats the good news?" he muttered bringing a hand up to his face.

"theres a new animatronic here to help with the daycare"

"Cool, and the bad?"

"your getting replaced" after Sun said that the silence was real until Moon decided to break the silence.

"... Im going back to bed" Moon flipped over, now facing the wall away from Sun.

"No, no your absolutely not" he pulled onto his shoulders pulling him back to face him.

"its too early to be dealing with that" the tired figure leaned back his head with closed eyes, looking exhausted.

"can you at least see what im talking about, they look too much like Eclipse..." Sun let go as Moon stopped talking, that had seemed to get a slight reaction from him.

"..." Moon silently sat up and got up, standing directly in front of Sun. Close enough that there faceplates are almost touching each other.


"Where are they"

"ok wow, i didn't expect that to get your attention this quick. but they should be down where the security desk is"

"cool, your coming with me" a blue and white hand grabbed onto the tan arm before dragging himself through the tunnel quickly. As the sun who's now getting puled smacked his rays on the side of the tunnel cause he didn't retract them in time, yikes.

the duo climbed up the ladder to the balcony and peered down seeing the figure at the security desk, Moon observed the bot carefully from the distance.

" you dont think that's Eclipse in another form, right?" Sun asked whos now beside him.

"Not sure... but from what i can see from here, he looks similar to Eclipse... If that is Eclipse, he obviously has an ego if hes trying to disguise himself horribly." even when Eclipse is not here, hes gonna make fun of him either way.

"Can't you like, i don't know... scan him with your computer or something?" Sun made small gestures in the air with his hand.

"i could but if he's in a new body, than that wouldn't work since he would have another serial number..."

"new body?"

" it was on our youtube channel. Our editor somehow has clips of Eclipse muttering to himself about getting a new body. how they got clips of Eclipse in his base, i dont know... editor must be some kind of god or something, doesn't exactly help me track him down if its just showing inside of his base... anways did you get ther name?" he questioned turning to his brother.

"i think we should question how the editor is getting these clips.... anyways they said it was Equinox, not sure if that would help since he didn't have a name in the database" Sun ruffled his rays nervously, this entire situation was a lot different than when there sister, Earth came to the daycare.

"great... even the name is similar, fantastic... Computer!" Moon called out, turning away from the balcony.

"Yes?" Two voices echoed through the intercom.

"Scan the animatronic in the daycare and tell me if thats Eclipse"

"Scanning..." Moon was honestly surprised he had expected the two ai voices to argue with each other but it seems they are finally working together for once.

"Scanning Complete i-" the first voice spoke up before getting interrupted.

"Scanning shows that the serial number is does not correspond with Eclipse's, but is part of Fazbear's production line"

"How dare you i was going to deliver the results"

"Sucks to be you, you should have been faster"

"and your just like a teachers pet yo-" both Sun and Moon stood in silence waiting for it to die down but it seemed the two ai were still bickering and probably wont be for a while as Moon started getting irritated with them.

"Both of you, SHUT UP! Mute yourselves, God..."

"Maybe... we should go down now?" Moon sighed before jumping into the ball pit, a few balls scattered around upon impact.

Sun followed along once his brother got out of the ball pit. He could see Moon trudging over to the security desk.

Its time to finally introduce themselves properly...

Its time to finally introduce themselves properly

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New Daycare Attendant? Who that? ( Sun and Moon Show Au )Where stories live. Discover now