Chapter 4: Oops he found out what day it is

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A/n: sorry forgot to post this before i left for school 🥲

Chapter 4: Oops he found out what day it is

Eclipse stood there awkwardly, waiting for Sun to come back. He had finished cleaning the barrels, honestly not as well as how he does it but good enough from when he watched him clean while they were still together.

He could see both Sun and Moon on the balcony conversing with themselves but he paid no attention to them, as he turned around facing the giant doors. what a magnificent sight it is...

Now, what was it that he was supposed to do...

right... The backups...

He should probably make a list on what he needs to do. He sighed walking over to the security desk and opening two cabinets at once.


Eclipse paused as he looked inside, it was... a chaotic mess for Sun being a neat freak... either he doesn't know or... nevermind, that doesnt matter. shaking his head annoyed at the sight, he digs around before aggressively shutting it and continues moving to the next.


After going through all the cabinets, he wanted to slam his face on the desk having only found a pen but nothing to write on. Seems that plan failed... turning to walk away he felt something under his shoe.

As he lifted his foot away from the object on the floor, he sees a orange stack of sticky notes on the floor with multiple sized footprints caking the top. It looked like it had been on the floor for a while.

is this supposed to mean something?

He bent down plucking it off the floor and pealing the first top layer, tossing the page away in the trash bin under the desk.

Let's see... the thought ran through his mind as he clicked the top of the pen repeatedly.

One: Find Lunar and try to be a better brother

Two: Help the two idiots as karma for the possible trauma he caused, while also not giving them more trauma if they find out

Three: Find where the hell the backup is

Eclipse hummed to himself as he reread the words he wrote on the list, it wasn't very much compared to what he thought but he's sure there's more that needs to be done.

As he was looking at the list, multiple bells rung as he panicked. Shoving both items into his pockets in a hurry.

"Equinox?" Sun called out standing directly behind him.

"uh... Yeah?" Eclipse turned around only to freeze once he realized Moon was besides Sun.

"Ok so Equinox, this is Moon my brother and Moon this is Equinox. Your replacement"

"Hey..." Moon gretted although being apprehensive of Eclipse.


"Oh! Right i need to introduce you to Earth as well! Can you two talk for a bit? I'll be back with Earth" Sun clapped his hands together, running out the daycare once again not letting any of them get the chance to complain.

Once the sun left, they stood in silence before Moon turns to him and speaks up.


"So... Your new here right?" Eclipse turns to him as he spoke.

"your honestly horrible at small talk" Eclipse scoffed at him as he crossed his arms, the lower arms laid limp besides his body. As a look of annoyance spread across Moon's face at that remark.

" 'talk to more people he says, its great for you brother!' god... he even acts like him" Moon mutters to himself but Eclipse heard all of it.

"Who's him?" Fake curiosity leaked through, he needed to find out what he's been missing for the past month.

"someone who's a nuisance and a pain in the ass for the past year..." Moon hissed out the last part as he swerved around walking away from the giant doors.

"Oh? it can't be that bad" Eclipse pressed on trailing a few feet away from the retreating figure.

"Your being really nosey aren't you?" Moon paused from where he was walking to look behind him.

"Hmmm, maybe... i am gonna be working here" Stopping a few feet away from each other.

"right... that... your actually staying here?" he watched as Moon raised his eyebrow, clearly not believing that he would actually stay.

"well no duh, i dont exactly have a purpose now" the sarcastic remark made Moon raise his eyebrows even more before masking it with a neutral expression but the other definitely noticed the change.

"great... another room situation again, we don't exactly have a place for you to stay but we can renovate one of the party rooms if you like?" Eclipse bit back from another remark but smiled gently, very forced though. As much as he wanted to insult the bald one, Moon was getting too suspicious so all he gave was a light nod of his head still smiling.

He was so good at acting, genuinely no one can out act me.

In reality hes not actually as good as he thinks he is, as Moon looks at him bewildered for a moment before continuing.

"well, i might as well warn you ahead of time since i dont want to have another Earth situation... to put it simply "I" made a mistake a year ago, which backfired and now someone wants revenge and takeover the world using something i made, thankfully hes gone now. or at least we thought" Eclipse started feeling non-existent sweat drip down his face as Moon paused near the end, damn not even the first day and he already got caught red handed.

"Sun accidentally messed something up which... did sorta get rid of him? but then he came back, blew one of my brothers up, killing them and got what he wanted. So were just waiting for our impending doom, theres a whole lot more but thats going to take a while to explain" Moon sped up in explaining after being confused at one part.

what... that... that legit could not have been a month worth of time... all that happened while he was gone for only a month!?!

"Quick question Moon, what day is today?"

"May 12, 2023 you know i would've thought you knew what day it was" Moon jabbed him with his elbows in a jokingly manner, but that revelation shook Eclipse to his core.




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