Chapter 6. Keep your head in the game

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18 September 2021

As we prepare for the game against Luxembourg, there is an air of anticipation in camp. We got the afternoon off after finishing our run-out training. The starting eleven didn't have to do much, they were still recovering from yesterday's game. Meanwhile, the bench players including me, needed to put in some extra effort. I saw it as an opportunity to show what I am capable of too Sarina.

Leah and I started the afternoon off with chilling in the room. Leah is engrossed in making a sudoku puzzle and I chat with my family.

We are the Millers

Mum: [13:06]

Honey, how is national camp? You behaving yourself?

Mase: [13:08]

Mae and behaving herself... mum you know those two don't go through one door?

Dad: [13:08]

Mason be nice to your sister!

Maeve: [13:16]

Yea Mase, be nice

Dad: [13:16]

But answer your mother, I'm as curious as Mason

Maeve: [13:17]

Dad...It's going great

Mum: [13:17]

I'm glad honey, made some new friends?

Maeve: [13:18]

Yes, they are all really lovely :)

Mase: [13:18]

Maybe you can find a rebound girl within the team ;)

Maeve: [13:18]

Oh my gosh Mason, shut up!

Mase: [13:19]

What? I'm serious

I decide to ignore my brother's teasing and ask them how they are doing. They brag about having amazing weather, making me miss Barcelona so much. I also chat with Mapi and Alexia, I'm glad they miss me as much as I miss them.

Leah and I are interrupted during our relaxing time when we hear a knock at the door. We signal the visitor to come in, not bothering to get out of our beds. It is Georgia who walks in and plops down on Leah. "Me, Keira and Lucy are going on a walk, you two want to join?" She asks while getting comfy in the hug Leah provides our friend.

"Sure, count me in." I say getting out of bed. Leah hums a yes and gestures Georgia to get up too.

We make our way to the lobby, where Lucy and Keira are waiting for us. I'm glad I get to spend time with some of the other players too. I obviously know Georgia pretty well and I'm starting to know Leah too, but I still know nothing about the majority of the players. Including Lucy and Keira.

I had only seen Lucy once before when she talked at a training camp when we were younger. I really looked up to her, to now share a field with her still feels surreal.

Georgia seems to have planned a walking route since we all blindly follow her. I hope she is better at giving directions while walking than in a car, because boy that's a real disaster.

Lucy and I get stranded a bit behind the others. "How are the first days of camp, kiddo?" She asks me sounding genuinely interested in what I think of it all.

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