Chapter 7. What do we call this?

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22 September 2021

My first senior England camp has come to an end. Following the match, we went back to the hotel and the next day everybody travelled back to their respective clubs. Lots of the players travel back together due to playing for the same club. It somewhat made me jealous of not having a travel companion.

Instead of having someone to talk to during all this traveling, I'm seated alone at the airport waiting for my flight. I make myself busy with creating an Instagram post capturing the essence of the last few days, to share with my followers.

I select a photo of Keira joyfully jumping on my back after I'd scored, another with Leah relaxing in the common room and a group picture featuring Georgia, Lauren, Lotte, Alessia, Ella and me.

*Insert pictures

Maevermiller A dreamy debut and glad to be surrounded by friends🙏🏼

@Keirawalsh We are not friends.
     @Maevermiller We all know you love me❤️

@Racheldaly Daveeee🐀

@Leahwilliamsonn My fave roomie🫶🏼
     @Georgiastanway You traitor!!!!
     @Maevermiller @Georgiastanway you wouldn't last that long anyway...

This being my first post as a senior Lioness got some fans intrigued. My profile has been a private one for a long time and I only decided a week ago to open it up for everybody. It's not like I'm a private person and I don't want them to know anything but more for my own protection. I know what kind of impact fans can have, good and bad. Sometimes with how I can react on the field made me scared it would badly impact me online. Truth to be told, most of the fans love me and compare me with Katie McCabe. Last time someone commented; 'Just as feisty as McCabe, I'm here for it', on a post Barcelona shared of me.

This travel day is exhausting me and of course there was a crying baby on the flight, which made my day ten times better. It makes me really want to be home as soon as possible.

Eventually before it's getting dark I arrive home. The driver pulls up to my shared house with Ale and Mapi and I thank him for the drive. With my bags in hand, searching for my keys, the door swings open with an energetic Mapi standing in the doorpost.

"Super star, I missed you so much." She hugs me so tight, she almost sucks all the air out of my longs.

"I missed you too, darling." I let my bags fall out of my hands to hug her back properly.

"Let the girl get some air and let her in." Alexia gets insight with her arms open for me to walk into.

Her hug is more comfortable than the tight ass hug Mapi just gave me, but the both show how they have really missed me.

The three of us walk inside the house, my luggage being long abandoned in the hallway. We open the door connecting the hall to the living room, were I'm surprised with all my teammates standing in the middle. "Surprise!" They all shout at the same time.

In the back of the room hangs a banner, which says 'Happy long-awaited debut, our superstar'. I can't help it but get emotional by the gesture my friends make. They mean the world to me and to go out of their way to do something like this means so much to me. With tears in my eyes I'm hugging Alexia and Mapi to thank them.

"Don't start crying now, you big softy, go enjoy." Alexia teases me and wipes away my tears.

I smile at her antics. "I can't help it, my happy tears are uncontrollable. You know that!" I laugh through the tears.

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