Chapter 2

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Hey there. Again. I hope everybody is enjoying this story! I really don't have much more to say, so ON WITH THE STORY!


"Normal? What's that? That's a setting on a washing machine, nobody wants to be THAT." -Ashley Purdy


Erica's POV

It had only taken me ten minutes to get my stuff together last night. Shannon was 'gracious enough'(her words not mine) to give me an old backpack of Christi's, though Christi complained about it. It's not like she uses it anyway. I have three sets of clothes, my sketch pad, my drawing utensils, and a few other things like toothbrush, etc. 

I am so ready to get out of this house. I don't know where I'm going but I know it will be far from here. 

*Time skip* 4 hours later

"Bye bitch! Don't come back!" Shannon were screaming profanity at me as I walked down the street. Steven acknowledged me today and gave me twenty dollars to get some food and transportation. I guess I should start looking for a job already. Twenty dollars won't last very long, and I'm going to need a place to stay. As I was walking, I passed by the local event center and saw lots of people around my age lined up, well more like pushing forward to get into the center. I wonder what's going on in there... 

As I thought this, I got swept up in the crowd and was pushed through the doors. When I was through the door, I managed to get against the wall and not get trampled. I guess I walked by just in time for the doors to open and get shoved into the event center... I should probably leave. Knowing the greedy owner of this place, it's not a free thing going on and I don't have a ticket. Right as I was about to walk out of the door, someone grabbed my arm. "Hey, you just got here. Are you not going to watch the concert?" I turned around to be greeted by a pale face with a lip ring, a nose ring, slightly big plugs in his ears, and the greenest eyes I have ever seen.

"Um... I'm not supposed to be here.. I should leave." I stuttered on my words. I had no idea who this guy is or if he is dangerous. He is kind of cute though, in a way. No, I have to go before I get caught here without a ticket or pass. I tried to pull my arm from the guy but he wouldn't budge. "Can you let go please?" 

"Oh, sorry, but I was wondering if you might want to stay and watch the concert with me? I'm kind of here on my own.." He looked a little sad as he said this. I felt bad for him. It seems he was really upset about not having anybody here with him.

"Well, I kind of have to... I mean I don't have a ticket... I'm not really supposed to be here. Come to think of it, what's going on anyway?" I looked around while I said the last part. I still have no clue what was going on, or why all of these people were here. He gave me an odd look.

"So, you have no clue Black Veil Brides is playing tonight? And why aren't you supposed to be here? Why are you here then?" He was asking too many questions for me to answer at one time. My mind only processed the last one. 

"Well I got swept into the building when the crowd was rushing in. And dude, seriously, slow down. I can only think so much at one time", I said laughing. He chuckled and thought for a second. My guess was he was deciding which question to ask first. The one he did surprised, though it shouldn't have. 

"What's your name? After all of this, I still have no clue what to call you" 

"Oh, haha, same here. My name is Erica. Erica Orlando. At least that's what my old foster parents said it was when they took me in. What is YOUR name, mister?" 

"My name's Tyler. Tyler Lucero. And YOU are now my new best friend, ok?" He was looking at me hopingly. I pretended to think about it, and he gave me puppy eyes. Awwww... Puppy eyes. How could anybody resist those big green eyes?

"Ok, but you have to be my best friend too! So I forgot what you said. What's going on here?"

He looked around, then turned back to me. "It's a concert." I gave him a 'duh' look. "Haha. It's a Black Veil Brides concert. Do you know who they are?" I shook my head. "Well they don't really fit into a certain genre, but they are kind of metal, classic rock, screamo, a mix of different things really. If you're anything like me, you will love them." 

I felt skeptical about this because even though we can carry on a decent conversation, I highly doubt that I am anything like him. In fact, I don't even really listen to music. It's just never been something I was really into. "I guess we will have to see then, huh?"

"Yah, you know, I think you're going to be the best, best friend I ever had."

"I think you're right." I smiled. This new start might turn into something great.


So.. what do you think? Is it going well, or is this story just shit? I don't know, so YOU PEOPLE HAVE TO TELL ME!!!


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