Chapter 4

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So yeah.. I haven't updated since like...  a million fucking years ago.. 





I am so fucking happy..

And now.. to continue this thing I decided to write.

"Follow your heart and chase your dreams until you catch them."

-Jake Pitts


Chapter 4

Erica's POV:

I looked up from where I was staring at the floor. Andy, he told me his name was, was looking intently at me. His friend, who's name I had yet to learn, was smirking while chugging the rest of his water. I glanced at Tyler. His grin was probably the biggest I had ever seen on a person. He looked good when he smiled. I hoped he would find the right person to make him smile like that everyday. 

Andy's friend finished his water and spoke to Andy again, "So when did we decide to give backstage passes for this show? And why does she have an icepack on her head? What the hell happened to this pretty thing?"

I blushed. "A guy... um.... he beat me up... in the mosh pit. I think that's what happened. I blacked out.. We don't have backstage passes. I don't even know how or why we are back here, actually.."

His mouth fell open, then turned to digust. He turned to Andy. "Please tell me this bastard at least got kicked out."

Andy laughed. "Of course, Ash. You actually think I'm going to let a fucking asshole like that stay and enjoy our presence? He was kicked out by security after Tyler here punched the shit out of him. Knocked him clean on his ass." He motioned to Tyler who's grin got bigger. I swear he looks like a kid in a candy store right now. 

Ash, that's what Andy called him, walked over and shook Tyler's hand. "Hey, man. Anybody who stands up for a chick like that is a friend of mine. I'm Ashley, but most just call me Ash."

"I know. I'm a huge fan of you guys. You have no idea what it means to me to even be here right now. I'm glad to punch that guy in the face again, but I'm afraid instead of defense, I'd be charged with assault. Im just happy that Erica's okay. I just met her today but I know she's a good chick."

"Cool, man." Ashley looked to me. "So, your name is Erica?" I nodded. "Well, Erica, you are a very beautiful girl and it makes me sad to see someone like you hurt at one of our shows. Are you okay?"

I nodded again. "Yeah, I'm fine I guess. I just hit my head hard when I fell. I'll be fine." I went to stand up but cried in pain when my ribs pressed painfully against my lungs. 

"You're obviously not fine!" Ashley said after he caught me from falling to the floor. He helped me back onto the couch and sat down on my other side. I was now sat between Tyler who was looking at me concerned, and Ashley, who still had his arm around me as if I might still fall over. "I think we should take you to the hospital."

"No!" I shouted. Then realizing that I had just yelled at someone who had helped me greatly, I said shyly, "I mean, that's not a good idea."

"Why? You've probably got broken ribs. Trust me, that shit hurts like hell if you don't get to a doctor soon." Andy said flinching. He subconciously wrapped his arms around his midsection. 

"I.. um... I just can't go to a hospital right now. I will have to get out of this town first. I can't go to this hospital." They all looked at me funny. Even the security guard by the door. 

Ashley put his hands on my shoulders and asked while looking into my eyes, "Why can't you go to the hospital here? What's so bad about it?"

I wondered if I should tell him anything. But what the hell, not like it could hurt. I looked at my ratty converse. "He.. He might find me..."

"Who might find you?"

I was silent. 

"Erica, who might find you?"

I looked up and opened my mouth to answer but the door opened again and three more guys walked in chugging water bottles like Ashley had been doing. I shrugged Ashley's hands off and scooched closer to Tyler, who put his arm gently around me. I thought I saw Ashley glare at Tyler's arm, but I must have imagined it. 

"Hey, who's the chick?" The one I saw playing the drums was looking at me, and in turn the other two looked at me too. 

"This is Erica. She had a bad accident in the mosh pit so I had parmedics bring her back here to make sure she was okay." Andy said, glancing at him as though he would do something extreme. 

"Oh." He shrugged and went to sit on the other couch in the room. He seemed pretty chill I guess. His paint made him look like he had tear drops on his face. I would have assumed he was wearing a shirt, but then realized that was paint as well, marked in a criss-cross pattern across his torso and arms. 

He suddenly started bouncing on the couch excitedly. "SO I'M CHRISTIAN BUT YOU CAN CALL ME CC. CC! CC! CC! CC! CC! CC! CC-"

"CC SHUT UP!" The entire band yelled at him. I guess he does this a lot because CC just stopped and went back to sitting calmly like it was a normal occurance. 

The shorter one I had observed on stage walked up and seemed to be examining me. "You should really get that looked at. It could be serious." He had what looked like clown paint on, but it was black instead of colorful. It was a creepy yet beautiful effect. "I'm Jinxx. Don't mind CC. He's a little bit crazy."

"And I'm Jake." The last guy introduced himself. His paint consisted of extremely winged eyeliner. It was really cool looking. "I agree with Jinxx on this one. We need to get you to a hospital. Andy tell them we need to head out sooner than planned. She needs medical attention." He poked the gash on my head and I hissed. He backed up and looked like he had kicked a puppy or something. "Sorry. I didn't mean for it to hurt you."

"It's okay. And I don't need to go to a hospital. I'll be fine."

Ashley objected. "No, you need to go. You are obviously not fine. Someone inform Kyle that we are stopping at the hospital in the next town." Everybody looked at him incrediously. 

"Why the next town? They have one here, right?" Jinxx asks.

Ashley looks at me and I beg him with my eyes to not bring up our earlier conversation. "Yeah, but I heard it's not a very good one. I think we should just take her to one in the next town, okay?"

Andy pulled out a cellphone (where did he keep it in those pants? they're like a second layer of skin..) and dialled a number. "Hey, Kyle. We are gonna need to leave a little sooner than we thought. Yeah. Start up the bus would you? Yup. Yeah. Okay see you in a few. Bye" He looked up at me and Tyelr after shutting the phone. "We should go. The bus driver is starting the bus so we can go."

"Wait, you're letting us on your bus, and driving me to a hospital? Why? Don't you have better things to do than mess with some girl from the crowd?"

They looked slightly offended. "One thing we pride ourselves on most is having the utmost faith, respect, and love for our fans. And new or not, you are a fan and you were injured at OUR concert so in a way we are respnsible for you. Plus, you're too adorable to leave like that. We have got to make sure that pretty face doesn't have any scars, huh?" Ashley smiles at me. 

All of my insides just melted. 

"Okay. I guess. Let's go then" I started to get up, but was scooped up by Ashley who proceeded to carry me out the door and the rest of the way to the bus.

I think I've got myself some new friends. And a couple of cracked ribs. 

And maybe a concussion.

It was a good first day in the outside world.


I'm tired. It's 3am. 

and I have to go to school tomorrow. 



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