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The day was almost here for Cynthia. Charlie was coming, but Bella wasn't as she was seeing a therapist. Just six more hours and she gets to marry the love of her life. She had to head to the store to get somethings for her wedding night.

Alice and Rosalie went with her, but they knew thir mother wanted to look around. Cynthia smiled as she found some things before she felt a piercing pain. She turned to see a man pointing his gun at the cashier before she fell to her knees. "We need to find mom."

"What did you see?"

"We need help!" They heard as there was another shot.

The two ran to the front to see their mom bleeding. "Mom!"
Rushing through the hospital, Carlisle and Cynthia's family came running in. "Cynthia Swan."

"Dad." Rosalie says as she ran to him as did Alice. "She's in surgery. They don't think she'll make it."

Alice knew that Carlisle wasn't going to lose Cynthia. Not this time. He walked to the room she would be held as Rosalie and Alice followed him. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not losing her. Not this time." He tells them.

"I bit her before they loaded her up." Rosalie tells him.

He nodded as he took a sit. Charlie, Renee, and Phil walked in. "She's strong. Cynthia has been in situations like this and always came out strong. She'll get through this and by the weekend, you can finally marry her."

Carlisle nodded. He knew they were right and Rosalie changing Cynthia was something he never thought he would here, but she is very close to Rosalie and Jasper too. He looked at his girls and nodded a thanks.
Sometime that day, Cynthia was out of surgery and everyone had went home, but Carlisle as he was going to stay by her side. He could tell she was in transition and couldn't wait for her to wake up.
When Cynthia finally woke up, she went home, fed, and stayed away from her parents till she knew if she was strong enough. Within two days, she was ready. She was ready for her wedding and to be with her parents. She looked at her reflection and smiled. She couldn't believe this was happening.

Charlie walked in with Tanya. "Why didn't you tell me about them?"

"I didn't know you were a mate plus it's not really my place to tell." She tells him. "I'm sorry though."

"I'm not mad."

Cynthia nodded. "I'm ready to start my new life as a Cullen."

Charlie took his daughter's hand and took her out of the room to start the wedding. Renee took pictures of them before they made their way to Carlisle. Carlisle looked and was shocked to see Cynthia. He smiled as he was finally getting what he deserves. Cynthia stopped as her father spoke causing her to kiss his cheek. "I love you, daddy."

"I love you too, Cynthia."

Carlisle took her hand as she got in front of them. She was ready to say "I do."
Back in Forks, Bella came home and was confused as to where her father went. "He left for Docs and Cynthia's wedding." Jacob says. "He asked me to come by and keep you company."

Bella couldn't believe it. Carlisle and Cynthia were getting married and Edward still hasn't come back for her. Sighing, she was going to let him go. Looking at Jacob, Bella knew. It was time to move on.

Carlisle's Doppelgänger Where stories live. Discover now