The Storm has arrived

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Suddenly Dark Clouds are heading towards Canterlot.

Twilight Sparkle: [gasps] Storm clouds? I ordered perfect weather! Rainbow Dash?!
Rainbow Dash: Uh... I... don't think those are storm clouds.
Pinkie Pie: Ooh! I bet those are the clowns I ordered!
Pinkie Pie: ...Or definitely not the clowns I ordered.
[ponies gasp]
Party Favor: Brian, no!
Grubber: [breathing and grunting]
[microphone feedback]
Grubber: [clears throat, voice echoing] Ponieth of Equethtria, we come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful, the almighty...Thtorm King!
[ponies cowering and whispering]
Female pony: This is terrible!
Grubber: And now, to deliver the evil, evil methage, put your hooveth together for Commander Tempeeeetht!
[horn sparks]
Twilight Sparkle: Is that a... unicorn?
Spike: I think so, but what happened to her horn?
Princess Celestia: "Tempest" is it? How may we help you?
Tempest Shadow: Oh, I'm so glad you asked. How about we start with your complete and total surrender?
Twilight Sparkle: Hi there. Princess of Friendship. Not exactly sure what's going on, but I know we can talk things out.
Tempest Shadow: Oh, goody. All four Princesses. Here's the deal, ladies. I need your magic. Give it up nicely, please, or we make it difficult for everyone!
Princess Luna: And why should we cower before you? There's one of you and hundreds of us.
Tempest Shadow: [chuckles] I was hoping you'd choose "difficult".
[storm creatures growl]
[airships hovering]
Twilight Sparkle: [gasps]
Princess Cadance: [gasps]
[storm creatures roar]
[ponies screaming]
Tempest Shadow: [grunts]
Princess Cadance: [grunts, screams]
Twilight Sparkle: [gasps]
Princess Celestia: Cadance!
Princess Cadance: [gasps] I can't... stop it!
Tempest Shadow: [grunts]
Princess Celestia: Luna, quick! Go south beyond the Badlands!
Princess Luna: Hmph!
Tempest Shadow: [grunts]
Princess Celestia: Seek help from the Queen of the Hippo— [screams]
Princess Luna: [gasps, grunts, yelps]
Twilight Sparkle: Luna!
Tempest Shadow: [chuckles]

Tempest about to throw a sphere to petrify Twilight but a blurr quickly saves here.

Tempest Shadow: [chuckles] Easy as pie.
Grubber: Oh, I love pie. Oh, you totally got the latht Printheth!
Tempest Shadow: That's not the Princess! Grubber, get her now!
Grubber: Guyth, we gotta get the Princess!

Twilight Sparkle: [Gasp]
Sonic: My, that's a pretty snazzy performance there.
Twilight Sparkle: Sonic!!! You're here!!!
Sonic: Sorry I'm late Twilight. [Tails arrives]
Tails: We got here as soon as possible!
Twilight Sparkle: Thank goodness you two are here.
Sonic: Yeah, that's pretty much how I roll Twi.
Twilight Sparkle: We have to save everypony here. The Three Princesses they're petrified.
Sonic: Tails you and Twilight go help the others. I'll make sure these creatures follow me.

After defeating some Storm creatures. Eggman watching.
Dr. Eggman: Oh good he's here. Infinite do your thing.
Sonic: It's over Egghead! Let's finish this!
Eggman: It will be your finish, Sonic.
Sonic: [About to do a spin attack but got blocked] Huh?
Sonic: Shadow! What are you doing? Eggman's the bad guy remember?! [Zavok appears] Zavok!? [Metal Sonic appears] Metal!? [And Chaos coming out] Chaos!! [Sonic also notices human like Angels floating] Sunset? How are you demon again? Dazzlings!? Midnight Sparkle!! How are you here in Equestria?
Adagio Dazzle: To finish you off, rodent.

Mysterious figure floating and lands. Sonic uses boost to attack, slow motion, The figure dodges

Sonic: Huh? Did you just dodge that?
Villains begin to attack Sonic while he is trying to fight back and Infinite blasts him.
Sonic: Ooh! Ow! Oof! (After taking some hits) Is that all you guys got I can take it.
Tempest Shadow: Oh good. The blue hedgehog is here.
Sonic: [turns to Tempest and sees her broken horn] Your- your horn. Sorry for asking but what happened to your horn?
Tempest Shadow: My NOT YOUR CONCERN!!!

Tempest attacks Sonic but he easily dodges and blocked her attacks. Infinite uses his powers to make Sonic float except Villains and Tempest. Infinite throws Sonic to the air, kicks him at Tempest and one kick throws him to the ground. Tails and Twilight after saving civilians noticed it. Sonic weakly tries to get up but he passed out.

Tails & Twilight Sparkle: [split image] Sonic!!!
Stormcreatures captured Sonic, Tempest turns to Twilight.
Tempest Shadow: Get the Princess!!!
Applejack: Over here, y'all!
Twilight Sparkle: We can't leave him!!!
Rainbow Dash: We have to go Twilight! We will comeback for Sonic!
Twilight Sparkle: Come on!
Mane Six: [panting]
Twilight Sparkle: [grunts]

The Mane Six arrived at the bridge but it was blocked by two Storm creatures. Twilight uses magic to zap but the creature wielding a shield deflects it and blasts the ground causing the Six and Spike fall to the river.
Mane Six: [scream]
Tails: Twilight!!!
[splash! The river heading to a waterfall]
Mane Six: [gasp for air, scream]
Grubber: Which one of you guyth ith goin' down there?
[storm creatures growl]
Grubber: [sighs] I would, but I jutht had a hearty meal, and I will think and I will thide-cramp. I'm very big-boned. I think quick.

Tails: Everyone over here!!!
Tails flies away along with the other ponies that managed to escape.
Tails: I'm sorry guys I will comeback for you. I promise.

Down at the waterfall Applejack grabs her hat.
Rarity: [catching her breath]
Applejack: Everypony okay?
Rarity: I think my bottom's on backward.
Pinkie Pie: We just got our cupcakes handed to us by the worst party crasher ever!
Rainbow Dash: We gotta go back there and fight!
Spike: Well, you saw the size of those goons. You seriously wanna go back?
Fluttershy: Even if you go back there and fight you saw what those bad guys did to Sonic? Oooh I hope he and Tails are okay...
Applejack: So now what? We can't hide here forever. And let's be honest, we can't go back. Look at what they did to the Princesses. We gotta keep them from Twilight.
Twilight Sparkle: The Queen.
Pinkie Pie: Yeah, the Queen! Uh, what queen?
Twilight Sparkle: Celestia told Luna to find the Queen of the... "Hippos". Luna can't, so I have to.
Rainbow Dash: Uh, hippos? Seriously?
Pinkie Pie: I've heard they're surprisingly graceful for their size. Huh, but they're always hungry.
Spike: Hungry?
Applejack: Hippos? [Rarity and Fluttershy confused]
Twilight Sparkle: They're somewhere south, past the Badlands.
Fluttershy: That means we'll have to... leave Equestria. Oh!
Rarity: I'm not even packed!
Twilight Sparkle: I understand you're scared, and nopony else has to go. But I have to find this queen. She might be our only hope.
Spike: Even Without Sonic? And What about Tails.
Twilight Sparkle: I trust Sonic that he can handle for himself. And Tails is smart, he managed to escape with other ponies safely. I'm sure he will find help from our friends of Sonic. But as for now I need to find the Queen.
Rainbow Dash: Well, you're not getting all the glory. We're in this together.
Applejack: We got your back.
Pinkie Pie: Indeedy!
Rarity: I am ready to save Equestria!
Fluttershy: Yay.
Spike: We're all behind you, Twilight.
Pinkie Pie: Let's go find this hippo!
Spike: Uh, south?
Pinkie Pie: Hehe! Whee! [giggles] Whee! Boingy-boingy-boingy-boingy-boingy! Anypony up for a game of "I Spy"?
All but Pinkie Pie: [groan]
Pinkie Pie: No, really! Come on! I spy with my little eye something that is orange. No takers? It's you, Applejack! [giggles]
Twilight Sparkle: Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Sonic... I will comeback for you. Just hang on.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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