chapter one

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Chapter one

It was a cloudy stormy night and you could hear the heavy rain pounding on the window as the wind was blowing the leaves as thunder could be heard in the distance as we where nearing our destination after the long drive from our small town to the new house we bought with our savings because our old house was slowly falling apart because of how old it was getting since my parents got it from their parents who got it from their parents so it was old and falling apart so we decided to save up for a new house where we could life comfortably without a worry of not having a full house when we wake up.

I look out the window again and see a house in the distance and realize we're almost there "mom, dad we are almost at the new house, wake up" I say just loud enough to wake them without startling them as I continue driving towards the house slowly as the rain kept pouring down and the windshield vipers where trying their best to wipe the rain away fast enough I could see out as I drive but the rain was falling too fast. As we reach the house I park as close as I can to the house, so we don't get wet from the rain as it didn't look like it would stop any time soon.

I step out the car and go to the trunk to get the most necessary bags in, we could wait till the rain stopped to get the rest or just get them in the morning as it was getting late, and it was not going to stop raining any time soon at the looks of it.

We get inside the house and see it's really dusty and that cobweb is in a few places around the house as we look in every room we see the same things every time dust, cobwebs and old furniture from the last owners who lived there until they passed away a few years ago due to old age and the house had been left abandoned since then since none of the family members wanted the house and it hadn't been bought because of how far away from everything it is.

As we finish looking around the house and claiming rooms, we decide to call it a night and go to bed because we were tired, and it was pretty late so we had no reason not to go to bed so we went to our rooms and got read to sleep by brushing our teeth and putting on pajamas.

We all go to bed at around eleven fifty am.

word count: 448

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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