Stage 0.5 - First rain

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My internship starts in an hour and I'm ready to go, I'm really worried I'll be judged though, what if I don't look professional enough!!

It's whatever I'll be fine, I know it. I then go to my roommate Cameron's room "i need a ride to my internship, will you take me?"

He then nods "when and where."

"Uhh now."

He then hops up and grabs his keys as he slicks back his hair "let's dip." He says trying to seem cute when all it did was make me cringe.

We then hop into the car as I organize my glasses and take a deep breath as I fix my hair in the rear view mirror.

Cameron then asks "so how'd you even get accepted into this, I know people who are way smarter then you and got rejected."

I then shrug my shoulders chuckling as I speak "I've got no idea!! I think it's just like what I exude that attracted them and made them wanna accept me!!"

Cameron then exhales smiling trying not to laugh "delusional."

I then wriest my head on the window "delusional or not I got accepted and that's all that matters."

He then nods "yeah, yeah."

We then arrive at the association and Cameron reaches over and pats my back "good luck in there."

I then nod and shoot him a smile before going inside the facility.

I enter the facility to see many blue lights and screens everywhere promoting there inventions and discoveries, many other interns being toured around by scientists I then form a huge smile on my face as my eyes light up at the mere scenery of the place.

Shortly after arriving I walk towards the women at the front desk and show her my ID as she checks me in on her computer she then gives me a smile "the station you are assigned at is upstairs on the left, continue forward until you see the room number 246."

I then smile and nod "thank you."

I follow her directions and make my way up the stairs as I gaze down at my phone, I continue to walk forward and the BOOM!!

I fall on my butt after crashing into someone, I quickly put my glasses on my face to be able to see who I bumped into.. I then roll my eyes and sigh, it's Aiden.

I then raise an eyebrow "how the fuck did you get accepted here?? Your retaxrded!"

He gives me a dirty face "if we both got accepted here then you've gotta be as retaxrded as I am."

I then open my mouth preparing to say something but then realizing he kinda has a point before giving him and inhaling and grabbing my phone of the floor and straightening myself out. "well I've got places to be so I won't be seeing you." I then walk away.

Why are they accepting a bunch of idiots here.. I'm starting to think that intellectual isn't the real reason why we got accepted here..

I then make it to my location and walk into the part of the building I'm supposed to be, I am then greeted by a scientist.

She holds out her hand as I read her name tag "hello.. Neveah!"

She then smiles "and you are??"

My eyes then widen "oh! I'm brooks! It's nice to meet you!"

"It's lovely to meet you to!!"

I then grip my elbow with my hand and ask "so what's the plan for today!"

She then raises her index finger "the task for today is simple! The simple act of making observation and hypothesis!"

Seriously?? I wanna get hands on! This is so underwhelming.

I then fake my excitement "great! So what are we gonna be observing?"

She then gestures her hand to follow her, we then reach another door and places her hand up against the notepad.

She then turns around and gives me a very serious look "listen, what's behind these doors are top secret and I expect that you do not speak about whats in here."

I then place my hand on the back of my neck and swallow a large sum of saliva "of course.. I won't say a thing!"

She then reverts back to original self and gives me a warm smile "good, good"

She then swiped her card on the door as the door opens the room is very glassy and clean, as we begin to enter it, there are many observation rooms in it with these strange tube things almost as if there were rats or maybe hamsters within them but something for sure is in them, and it's worth mentioning they had one tube thingy in each room.

I then ask "what's in those tube things?" As I point to it. She then stops walking and pauses attention the it, "it's a extraterrestrial being, probably sleeping or just sitting there, we call them symbiotes, very intelligent beings.

I then gasp as I place my hand over my mouth "wait, what! You guys have aliens here!!"

She then nods as she placed her index finger on her mouth gesturing me to stay quiet about it.

She then tells me to observe the beings if they are to ever exit there tubes and write in my journal what I see as she trails off.

I then get to work and walk around the area looking in each room to find one come out of there tube.

~ 4 hours later. ~

This shit is taking ages! I then smack my forehead as I fall I lean against the glass and sink to the floor rubbing my forehead if none of them come out I might as well just leave I guess. I then take my journal and begin writing all my stress in it.

October 9th, 2023
This whole internship thing is like a big waste of time! This scientist neveah basically left me here and I have to sit here and observe some god damn aliens in tubes that won't come out! Are they even aliens in the first place or is this some big corporate scam I honestly wouldn't be surprised
- End of Entry -

Then suddenly behind my a hear a strange bubbly popping noice behind me, I instantly pounce away from the glass to see a blob like figure that is pitch black but with iridescent colors of golden that swoon every which way around the creature.

It then latches itself on the glass trying to get at me I then scream and run out of the room attempting to open the door i then get charged by security guards with guns and needles that I get injected with.

Feeling suddenly tired and weak, I look up at neveah above me with a malicious yet hopeful grin on her face. I then loose consciousness after being picked up and carried away.

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