Stage 1 - Human Experiments

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I then awake in a white room with a large glass that led into a dark room, so dark I can't make out which perticular room. i was in completely new clothes, a white long sleeved shirt and white pants and house shoes.

After rubbing my eyes and looking around the room I then see other.. interns! In the room just as confused as I am!

They then begin to talk amongst themselves with words like "what the fuck is going on?" "What are we doing here!!?" And people crying and sobbing thinking we're all gonna die and others violently punching the walls and hitting things around us attempting to escape. I knew that intelligence wasn't the real reason we got accepted here were experiments.

I then press myself against the wall calmly and trace my nails on it trying to pass time, trying my hardest to distract myself with happy thoughts. Then look over and see my journal still with me and in tact, thank god they didn't take it from me.

I then grab it and hold it tightly against me so no one would dare take it, they don't seem to have any items of their own.

Eventually, after we all awake a man in complete fbi type wear, charges in and takes someone out, of the room, the once dark room begins to light up as the women is tossed into it and locked. I guess this is what she really meant by observe.

A symbiote is then released from its pipe and begins to slowly drag itself toward her and she runs around the room trying to escape it, we all watch in agony as the symbiote jumps and latches itself on her and begins to sink itself into her skin going inside of here completely.

She then drops to the floor spazzing out as veins begin to pop out all around her body with a black A astint within.

Eventually the spazzing then ceases as she gets up and stares at us with a blank look on her face. As she then snaps her own neck and falls to the ground. As the alien exits her body and goes back into the tube thingy.

Speakers then sound in the room as a voice is heard, "what you all have just observed was a failed attempt as symbiosis between the alien and the human, we believe that these creatures will help us all evolve and ascend to the stars, and in order for such things to happen we must make some sacrifices, and those sacrifices are all of you!.."

SACRAFICES??! ARE YOU SERIOUS? This can't be happening... this isn't happening!

The man in the speakers then continues "you may all be wondering, why you? Well the answer is simple, you all were accepted because to be blunt.. none of you will be missed, we chose the people with the littlest family, and no social life to undergo these experiments, and plus all of your DNAs have the highest chances of achieving symbiosis."

After hearing and processing my fate, I curl my knees up against my chest and and clench my journal against me as security begins to round us all out of the rooms and tossing us into the rooms where the symbiote's are held.

Soon, they eventually grab me three me into the room with the same golden touched symbiote from before.

Before releasing the symbiote they tell me "we were made aware that this symbiote came out of its tube when you were leaned against the glass, that is a very.. rare occurrence, so don't be to afraid of dying, there's a good chance you won't.

He then clicks the remote in his hand after exiting as the blob exits the tube and drags itself toward me, afraid I back against the wall begging for someone to let me out to no avail before soon accepting my fate will be the same as what happened to that poor woman.

The creature then leaps up against my chest and begins to sink itself inside of me, scaling up my arms and my neck and down my thighs, before completely invading my body.

I then look at my arms as they begin to violently shake a bit as black veins traced around my arms with haste quickly taking over my body as I can see pieces of the symbiotes make up in my iris bonding with my entire body.

Then suddenly the spazzing and shaking ceased as I drop on the floor and curl up in fear and in shock as to why or how I'm not dead and white it isn't killing me. Soon, I hear guns, shooting, and people running, soon after I get Aiden's voice shouting, calling out to me all distorted like he had a second pair of vocal cords.

"Brooks! Brooks!" Is all I hear booming through the building. I then slowly walk over the to the glass looking for him I then see him across the hall as he runs over and punches the bullet proof glass with a single hit.

My eyes then widen "what the fuck.. how!?" He then tells me "I'll explain later just come with me."

He holds out his hand and we run fast escaping the facility, in almost every room is a dead body, others mind controlled.

Every single guard and security in the facility is dead by there own stupidity as we run symbiotic matter forms on his back as long silvery tentacles shoot out of his and busts the metal doors open with them.

As we exit the facility it's the dead of night and a swat team with huge shields and AK-47s one of them with a speaker in hand warns us "do not move an inch or you will be exterminated."

Aiden then smirks as he jumps around killing of plenty of them one by one swiftly and skillfully.

I stand there afraid wondering what to do, a gun gets pointed at me, lights flash everywhere, my breathing picks up, they're about to shoot! My body break into a swift pace as I run around the field grapping one of the guard heads and crushing in its helmet.

The brute strength im exuding us unreal, there bullets can't hit me, I'm just too fast! My body just moves on its own! Soon, me and Aiden have completely wiped out all of them.

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