Chapter 33| "breathe"

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•Emery's POV•

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•Emery's POV•

Pushing the door open I hold my coat tightly over my body as I walk the distance from the building to the car I had ordered.

Getting in I instruct the driver to take me to Grey's Dad's Club downtown. I watch out the window as I always do, the sky is grey and cloudy.

Pathetic fallacy really at working today.

"Thank you," I say as I step out of the car after paying, he doesn't say anything just speeds off as soon as the door closes.

I can hear the music coming from inside already, There's a line of people standing by the door waiting to be let in.

Instead of waiting in line, I walk up to the bouncer right away who lets me in once he recognizes me. I probably should have been more careful for all I know he could go tell the papers that he saw me going into a club.

The stench of alcohol and smoke hits me right away, the place is dimly lit, the only light coming from a few chandeliers scattered across the ceiling. Red velvet-wrapped booths line the walls.

Looking down at my outfit I really don't fit in, every other girl is wearing some form of small dress that would probably flash someone if she were to bend over. And I truly don't condescendingly mean this, they all look great.

The place is packed, bodies fill the dance floor all dancing along to the music, a group of people coming from behind push past me.

Stepping off to the side, I crane my neck trying to see over the crowd. Scanning the crowd my eyes land on him.

Taking a deep breath I weave through the crowds of people until I reach him. His hair is messy and falling out of place, he's wearing a black button-up shirt and I can see the glint of silver from the chain he always wears.

"Grey," I say putting my hand on his arm unsure of what to do. His head whips towards me and his jaw clenches.

"Emery? What the fuck?" He says loudly. I can see now the bruise forming around his eye and the cuts on his lip.

"Are you ok?" I ask worried feeling a pit form in my stomach.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He says standing up, "You shouldn't fucking be here," He warned angrily.

Maybe this was a bad idea,

"I-," I'm interrupted by him grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the bar area.

"Where are we going?" I yell over the music.

"To the back," He says, I hold his hand tighter so I don't lose him.

He pushes open a door and we walk in, you can still hear the music but at least there's nobody here.

"What are you doing back?" He asked letting go of my hand and walking away.

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