A realization

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Sorry guys I couldn't resist Mr.Park 😔💜This man is my love 🥺I just love him more than anyone else hehe. Anyway, I'm so excited today so I might be crazy too... 

Anyway ... 

I had never quite gotten used to the frigid atmosphere of my husband's workplace. As the wife of Taehyung, the CEO of a successful multinational corporation, I was expected to accompany him to various events, meetings, and even the office from time to time. But each time I stepped into that imposing, glass-walled skyscraper, I couldn't help but feel the icy chill that seemed to emanate from Taehyung's aura.

On this particular morning, I followed Taehyung down a long corridor, feeling small and insignificant beside his tall, commanding figure. His stride was brisk, and his eyes remained fixed ahead, as if the world outside didn't matter. He barely acknowledged my presence, and the sense of isolation grew with every step.

The surprise came when we reached the threshold of his massive corner office. I had been here before, of course, but every time I stepped into that room, I was overwhelmed by its sheer grandeur. Floor-to-ceiling windows offered a breathtaking view of the city skyline, and the office itself was a testament to his success. It was spacious, immaculately organized, and filled with sleek, modern furnishings.

Taehyung motioned for me to take a seat, and I obeyed silently. The tension in the room was palpable, as if it were a living, breathing entity. The air conditioning hummed softly, adding to the cold atmosphere that seemed to cling to every surface.

As we settled in, Taehyung finally spoke. "We have a meeting with Mr. Park this morning. It's crucial for the company's future."

I nodded, my heart sinking further. I was well aware of the importance of these meetings, but it was hard not to feel like a mere decoration in my husband's extravagant office. I longed for his attention, his warmth, but it seemed to be a rare commodity.

My gaze wandered to the framed photos on his desk, a collection of memories from the past. In one, Taehyung was beaming, his arm wrapped around an ex-girlfriend, who was smiling just as brightly. It was a smile I had never seen directed at me. I had always wondered what had happened between them, but whenever I brought it up, Taehyung would evade the topic.

Unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I finally asked, "Why do you smile like that in these photos, Taehyung?"

He glanced at the pictures, his expression growing distant. "Those are memories, Yn. Don't dwell on them."

My heart ached, and I couldn't help but feel more useless than ever. The comparison between the man who was so affectionate in those photos and the one who sat before me was stark and painful.

Desperate for a change of scenery and eager to escape the suffocating silence, I excused myself to get a cup of coffee. I navigated the maze-like hallways until I found the office kitchenette.

As I waited for my coffee to brew, one of Taehyung's colleagues, a man I vaguely recognized, entered the room. His predatory eyes raked over my body, and a repulsive grin spread across his face. I felt an overwhelming sense of discomfort and disgust as he sauntered closer, invading my personal space.

Taehyung, who had been searching for me, suddenly appeared in the doorway. His eyes narrowed at the man's unwelcome advances and my awkward, forced smile.

"Is everything alright here?" Taehyung's voice was cool and calculating.

I was relieved to see him but also terrified of his reaction. I stammered, "Yes, everything's fine, Taehyung."

Taehyung's expression darkened, and his tone grew harsh as he turned to the colleague, "You should know better, and you will respect my wife."

The colleague seemed unfazed, his arrogance on full display. "Oh, I didn't realize she was taken."

I felt a wave of shame wash over me as Taehyung's anger flared. His voice became even colder as he said, "It doesn't matter whether you knew or not. Her relationship status doesn't excuse your behavior."

After a tense standoff, the colleague retreated with a smug expression. I couldn't help but feel torn between resentment for Taehyung's possessiveness and gratitude for his protection.

As the colleague left, Taehyung turned his attention back to me. "You can't let other men get so close to you, Yn."

"Why does it matter?" I dared to ask, my voice trembling. "You don't love me, Taehyung."

His expression softened, and for a moment, I saw a glimmer of vulnerability in his eyes. "Not loving you doesn't mean I want someone else to have you."

His response left me utterly bewildered. My voice trembled as I stammered, "W-why are you acting so strange?"

Mr. Kim's lips curled into a smirk, and he replied, "Oh, I adore it when you're frightened of me. You see, dear, I'm not being weird. I'm simply becoming the person my past has shaped me into."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I protested, "But it's not my fault!"

Mr. Kim's tone turned even more severe as he retorted, "I will not tolerate you raising your voice at me!"

My voice quivered as I quickly apologized, "I-I'm so sorry," lowering my gaze in submission.

As my tears began to flow, Taehyung's response was characteristically cold, yet strangely comforting. He reached out and wiped away a tear, but his expression remained stern. "There's no need for tears. You know the rules," he whispered, his voice soft yet unyielding.

Despite his chilly demeanor, there was an underlying tenderness in his actions that offered me a glimmer of solace. 

In that vulnerable moment, with my tears still glistening on my cheeks, I couldn't help but notice something I hadn't seen before. For the first time, I felt the possibility of being loved by him. It was as if a hidden facet of his personality had been unveiled, revealing that he wasn't entirely cold and distant. He had the capacity to be warm, should he choose to be.

As I gazed into his eyes, I realized that behind the walls he had built, there was a softer side of Taehyung that he rarely showed. It was a side of him that I had always yearned to witness, even if it was hidden beneath layers of complexity and aloofness.

The gentle touch of his hand wiping away my tears was a stark contrast to his usual demeanor, and it spoke volumes about the depth of his feelings, no matter how well he concealed them. In that moment, I couldn't deny the connection that existed between us, even if it was shrouded in mystery and contradictions. It was a glimmer of hope, a ray of light in the darkness of our complicated relationship.

Maybe,I'll start liking him ...

Author's note : Don't worry our dear Park Jimin will come in the next chapter bringing with him surprises for us 🤫

And also sorry for the bad title 😭

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