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Yn's voice trembled as she spoke, her words laden with the weight of her emotions. "I don't think I can do it. I have feelings for him," she confessed, her voice shaky from the tears she had shed.

Jang Ki-yoong, in his characteristic bluntness, retorted, "No babe. You gotta eliminate that guy!"

Yn's plea was both desperate and defensive. "Please don't call him that. He's my husband," she said, her confidence waning as tears welled up again.

Jang Ki-yoong, seemingly indifferent to her emotional turmoil, pressed on. "Why are you so emotional when he doesn't even love you?"

"I don't care about that! I love him, and I can't bear to hurt him," Yn insisted, her commitment to her feelings unwavering.

Jang Ki-yoong, revealing a darker side, dismissed her emotions callously. "Wow! I don't care about your love story, princess! It's either you or him. I can't explain why because I will ruin my plan!"

"I thought you told me everything!" Yn exclaimed, frustration mingling with the tears on her face.

"I'm a good villain, so I will give you a whole month and a week, not counting today. See how kind I am when that person doesn't deserve to live another second," Jang Ki-yoong declared, his sinister intentions clear.

Yn, still grappling with the conflicting emotions, protested weakly. "Please, it hurts to hear you talking about him that way."

"Can you please shut your mouth? It angers me when you feel pity for him!" Jang Ki-yoong snapped, his impatience evident.

"I... I'm sorry," Yn stammered, fear evident in her voice.

"I don't want to be rude with my princess, but you're not helping," Jang Ki-yoong remarked sternly.

"I-I... I'm sorry," Yn repeated, her voice cracking with fear for her life.

"Don't be scared. I won't hurt you, but only if you don't fail your mission or if you tell someone," Jang Ki-yoong warned.

"All right," Yn acquiesced, wiping away her tears, mindful not to wake up Taehyung. The threat in Jang Ki-yoong's tone lingered in her mind.

"Now just return to sleep peacefully. It's too early. You literally woke up at 4 am. You're really insane, Lee Yn," Jang Ki-yoong remarked before abruptly hanging up, leaving Yn alone with her tumultuous thoughts.

As Yn stood on the balcony, gazing at Taehyung's peaceful slumber, a conflicted expression etched across her face. "He's right. I'm insane. I'm really crazy," she whispered to herself, careful not to disturb the innocence that Taehyung had become.

"Why are you becoming so cute when I'm supposed to end you? Why are you making things difficult for me?" she questioned softly, her eyes fixed on his tranquil form. 

"I love you, my dear, even if you only show your love for me occasionally. But I think that deep inside your heart, you genuinely care for me."

A bittersweet smile played on her lips as she returned to bed, wrestling with the complexities of her emotions.  

Taehyung stirred from his slumber, drawn by the sound of Yn's stifled sobs. His gaze fixed on her standing on the edge of the bed, the vulnerability in her eyes striking a chord within him. Their eyes met, and Yn, caught off guard, blushed, a mixture of fear and embarrassment.

Genuinely tired but concerned, Taehyung, inquired with a gentle voice, "Why are you awake?"

Yn, her eyes widening with shock, stammered, "Uh, it's nothing," her attempt to dismiss the turmoil within her.

As Taehyung leaned closer, resting his head on her shoulder, half-asleep and exhausted, he insisted, "No, you're not okay... Tell me."

Feeling her heart race, Yn hesitated before admitting, "I... I had a nightmare, that's all." It wasn't a lie; the nightmare had been real, a chilling reflection of her internal struggle, but she couldn't bring herself to share the details.

Taehyung, his deep voice carrying a comforting weight, responded, "Oh, I see. Just try to sleep. I'm here for you."

Those simple words felt like a lifeline to Yn, causing time to momentarily stand still. She nodded in gratitude and adjusted herself in bed, only to find Taehyung already drifting back into sleep, his head nestled on her shoulder like a child seeking solace.

"You're too cute for this world," Yn whispered to herself, a tender smile playing on her lips as she embraced the unexpected comfort beside her. With Taehyung as her anchor, she ventured into the realm of dreams, a sense of warmth and security enveloping her as she held onto her bear, a silent witness to the complexities of her heart.

Author's note: I was feeling sad while writing this chapter. Sorry guys! Although my friend helped me, I was still sad :( I hope you like it!

Thank you guys for your support :(💜

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