Chapter Two

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Rarity's POV

"Sweetiebelle! Please, grab the pink fabric on the third shelf?" I asked my younger sister.

"Ok, Rarity! Have you seen Apple Bloom, or Scootaloo? We're playing hide and seek, and I can't find them anywhere."

"No, sorry Sweetiebelle. Why don't you look at the other girls houses?"

"I already did! Wait, thanks Rarity! I'm going to Twilight's house!" And with, that she trotted away.

"Hey, Rarity. I came for the dresses I ordered!" I heard Twilight say.

"One second dear, I have this last touch for Princess Celestia's dress. Done!" She looked at the four dresses in awe. Well, they are gorgeous after all.

"Rarity, these look amazing! Here's 79 bits!"

"Dear, this is too much!" I gave her back 25 of the bits, due to the fact that she was 25 bits over.

"Thanks Rarity! See you later!"

Now, I can get back to work.

I looked outside. I saw Twilight with Flash Sentry. I guessed he surprised her as soon as she went out the boutique.

You know, with all this work I've had lately, I haven't had time for love like the other girls have. Fluttershy ended up with Discord, somehow. Pinkie Pie got with Cheese Sandwich, Rainbow Dash is with Soarin, and Apple Jack is still single, like me.

I wish I wouldn't have dumped Fancy Pants. It was terrible. When we were dating about two years ago, I caught him and Sapphire Shores together. I was heart-broken. So, I told him to be with her. He was going to propose that night.

Oh, well. I have my dresses to love. Now to get back to work.

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