Chapter Thirteen

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I couldn't believe Spike used me.

Me. The Element of HONESTY.

I mean, why would anyone lie to me?

Even though he wasn't exactly lying to me.

But, I can't stop crying.

Not even apple cider will make me feel better.

I walked home, and hoped everyone was asleep.

But of course, I was wrong.

Big Mac stood there, and looked at me.

I walked over to him, and cried on his shoulder.

"AJ, what's wrong? You're crying. You never cry."

"Y-You know h-how Spike asked me o-out?"

His face filled with rage.

"Eeyup. What in the hay did he do to you. 'Cause I will beat the hay out of him."

"H-He used me t-to get over R-Rarity. But, that's no excuse to hurt him. Two wrongs don't make a right Mac."

"I know....."

"I had a hard night, and I need some shut eye."

I went upstairs to my bedroom, and went to bed.

Thoughts were going through mt mind. And my head was hurting.

Why would he use me?

Why did he hurt me?

Did he mean to hurt me?

Did he really use me?


Hey guys! Just telling you I chose Bad Blood in an acoustic version, because instead of anger, which the original version sort of does, I wanted to channel sadness. AJ's not mad. She's upset.

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