Chapter 1: Ghost

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I wake up To The Night sky as I look around to see that I'm in a Deep and Large Ravine, But I can see Perfectly.

'So You're Finally Awake' I jump in surprise at The Distorted Demonic Like Voice.

Me: Who are You?

???: Our Name is not Important as of Now, First You Need to get out of this Ravine, Since We had To Change Everything in your body, so it's Extremely Weak.

Me: So How do I get out?

???: Jump

Me: Jump?

???: Just do It?

Me: Okay.

I bend down then lift my body into the air as High as I Can.

I shoot up in the clouds as I Can See The Busiling City Below.

'It's so Peacful and Beautiful'

???: Not The Time To Mezmerize The City you Got to get home.

As he Says This I Realize that I can't Fly and The I'm about to fall.


???: Calm down.

Me: Calm Down? I can't Fly and I'm not going to Surviving this!

???: Just Trust Me. Hold your palm out.

 Hold your palm out

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I do as They say.

???: Now Close your Two Middle Fingers.

I do exactly that as Black and White Webs Shoot out of my wrist.

I start swinging around Having Fun until I Forgot that I had to hurry home before I passed out from Exhaustion.


I fall hard on to a building as I see a Woman in weird clothes walk towards me.


I wake in a Apartment Not my own as I look around.

I get out of the bed, I look down as I notice that My clothes are different from last night.

'That's because someone brought you here'

I Jump once more at the Voice.

Me: Where the hell are you?

???: We are inside of you.

Me: Ayo?

Me: Why do you keep saying We?

???: We'll Explain Later, Don't you have School?

Me: Shit! I rush out of the apartment as I run to school.

I use the Rooftops which allowed me to get to school faster.

Arrive on a Building Across from my School.

I Jump down as I walk across the street.

As I walk into The School I notice Xayah walking in the Hall and Laughing like nothing happen.

I feel My blood Boil.

???: It alright, I've seen your Memories and if You Explain To 'those two'

I calm down a little as a Sinister Grin Plasters my Face as I take out my Phone and Text 'Those Two'

After that I head to Class and as I walk I turn around as Something tells me to dodge.

Me: Too Slow.

???: how did you dodge those?

Me: none of your Buisness. I say as I Begin to walk away but they grab My Shoulder.

I grab their hand as I pull them forward and Grab their Shirt Flipping them on their back in front.

After that I arrive in Glass where I see Xayah Sitting in her usual Seat in the front row.

I head to the Back of class as I sit in the window seat like an Anime protag.

Mrs. Fiora walks into clas as She Take attendance.

Five minutes Later

Mrs. Fiora: Lloyd Harthorne?

Me: He-

Xayah: Mrs.Fiora I'm sorry to say that yesterday Lloyd was Killed.

Me: Well You're Right about one thing.

The class jumps in shock as they turn to see me in seat with a bored expression.

Xayah just had a Horried Expression.

Me: What Xayah, Look like you seen a Ghost. I Ask with a Smirk

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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