|•| Listen To Me |•|

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Liy woke up alone, in the dark. She began to sweat as she tried to find where she was.

"Wh- What is-"

"Hello, Liy."


Loser appeared in front of Liy, placing a finger to her mouth to shush her.

".. What do you want from me??" Liy stuttered out, sweating as she looked up at Loser.

"Just a favor.. you know all these deaths right?"

Liys eyes widened. She just had to hope that Loser didn't mean what she thought he meant.

"... You want help with solving them, right..?"

"No. Of course not."

Liy looked up at Loser, horrified at what he was implying. He wasn't seriously asking her to help him with this, right..? She was a death preventor! "I.. I'm not helping you with MURDER! Are you out of your mind??"

"Oh, c'mon..~" Loser began eerily walking around the horrified Liy. "Isn't it fascinating how opportunities often come disguised as challenges?" He glared at her with a crooked smile on his face as he circled the horrified switch. "If you truly want to prove your worth and carve your own destiny, you'll seize this chance to help me. Together, we can reshape the world in our image."

".... Was that AI generated?"

"Shut up and go along with the script."

Liy didn't want to accept, but the urges were now starting to suppress her intentions to keep others safe. Did she really want to go back to her murderous past..?

"So, what do you say?" Loser held his hand out for Liy to shake.

Liy hesitated a moment...

But took his hand.

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