Epilogue Part II - Finding Fate

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Ciara POV
"You little brat!" the ronin screamed.
Ciara smiled. "Oh, I'm sorry, were you expecting a compliant victim? One who would let you rob them and walk away? Sorry to disappoint."
The ronin stepped forward and planted his right foot. He swung his sword for her head. Ciara ducked under the blow, giggling at the pitiful attempt to strike her down.
"That was terrible! You're going to have to do better than that!"
He swung again. This time, Ciara parried, spun into a pirouette, and ended up behind her attacker. She tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around, swinging willy-nilly toward her with a cry of rage. Ciara feigned back a few steps to avoid the blow, then lunged. Using the spear as a vault, she landed a flying sidekick square in his jaw, and the ronin fell limp.
Ciara knelt down, took the sack of coins from the ronin, and returned it to the woman he had stolen it from. She bowed thanks, handed Ciara a few coins, then scurried off. The patrons of the market left her a wide birth after that. At first, Ciara was slightly offended; she had just done everyone a favor by fending off that ronin. Then she realized she was seen as the bigger threat now.

"I'll take one of those," Ciara said, handing a fruit merchant her few coins

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"I'll take one of those," Ciara said, handing a fruit merchant her few coins.
The man traded her money for an orange, and she continued down the market street. Ciara continued a short way further, then stopped to rest in the sun against one of the buildings. She wasn't nearly as familiar with the Aizu territories as with Edo or Kyoto. Her father only had what the history books said about the Shinsengumi after he departed for the future. This made locating anyone from her parent's past a real pain-
"Excuse me, young lady," a shadow loomed over her. "That's an interesting spear you carry with you."
Ciara nodded and continued chewing on her orange.
"The craftsmanship is exquisite," the man continued. "See the embossing on the metal plating on the shaft; it's quite unique. Few carry this exact weapon."
Ciara reached for her spear.
"In fact, the only people I know who carry it are Shinsengumi soldiers."
The man moved fast, striking Ciara across the temple with the scabbard of his sword. Stars burst behind her eyes, filling her vision with bright colors and light. Then darkness.
* * * *
Ciara woke up sometime later bound by itchy frayed rope; the rough texture of a tatami floor beneath her. Her first instinct was to snap the ropes and escape but her powers were too depleated. She used a ton of chi to jump through time and more to heal the wound to her head. She had no choice but to bide her time and reserve her remaining power source until she could build more of it back up.
Outside the room, she could hear everyday commotion going on. There were thrums of unified footsteps, men shouting orders and directives, and cadences being sung. From what she could tell, it sounded like she was on a military base. The man who attacked her mentioned her spear belonging to the Shinsengumi... Maybe he thought she was somehow associated with them? This could be her opening to leverage information on their whereabouts!
The shoji slid back, and her attacker from earlier entered the room carrying her father's staff. He placed it on the floor in front of Ciara.
"Good, you're awake. How's your head?"
Ciara narrowed her eyes.
Her captor placed his hand on the spear, "How did you get this?"
Ciara didn't answer.
"Did you steal it?"
"Where are we?" She asked.
"Answer my questions first!"
Ciara rolled her eyes and turned away. He was the one who knocked her out and stole her off the streets. Ciara wasn't obligated to make things easy for him! Not to mention, she didn't exactly have acceptable answers she could give the guy anyway. 'I stole my spear from my father in the future and brought it with me when I time-traveled here!'
The man shook his head. "Fine, don't want to talk to me; I'll let Captain Okita take a crack at you. But I'll have to warn you, he isn't nearly as nice as me."
"They're in here, sir," a voice behind the shoji called.
Okita? Did he just say, Okita? Ciara's eyes locked on the door as a young getleman clad in western garb strode in. His green eyes and "the cat ate the canary smile" - as her mother always described- were unmistakable. Ciara's jaw dropped; she was staring at Souji Okita! Her current captor shot her a smug sneer, delighting in catching her off guard.
"Commander, I caught this kid causing a ruckus in the town carrying one of our unit's spears. She hasn't told me how she came by it yet, but I think it's stolen. Perhaps she's even a spy for Choshu!"
Okita nodded and crossed his arms. His gaze fell first to the spear, a single brow raising as he studied it. Then he took a knee in front of Ciara and looked at her for a long moment. His eyes scanned her up and down, then flicked back to the weapon across the room.
"The spear isn't stolen, and she isn't a spy," Okita told his comrade.
"How can you be sure from one glance?" Her captor balked.
Okita pulled Ciara from the floor and left the room, leaving his confused comrade behind. Ciara struggled to keep her balance with her hands tied behind her back and Okita's long strides. He half lead half drug her down the open engawa of the headquarters they were keeping her at, finally pausing in front of a new door. He slid it open and practically threw her onto the floor.
"Look familiar?" Okita asked.
Ciara glared back at Okita, eyes glowing with anger. Then, a motion in her Peripheral caught her attention. They weren't alone. Okita had brought her into the middle of a dining room of sorts; in it, four new men were spread out eating. She recognized all of them. Between the pictures in her father's history books and her mother's detailed stories, she knew the Shinsengumi captains and commanders when she saw them.
Hijikata dropped his chopsticks and swore.
"This is rather unexpected," Sannan said.
"Can someone please fill me in," Heisuke whined. "I'm so lost!"
"You honestly don't recognize her?" Okita asked. "She's wearing the same clothes Elena left in. This is her and Harada's daughter."
"No way!" Heisuke got in her face and squinted. "You're right!"
"What's your name, and what are you doing here?" Hijikata asked
* * * *
Ciara, Shinjiro, and their younger sister Kura all sat around the table, finishing up dinner. Tonight, their parents regaled them with another one of their seemingly endless tales from their time in nineteenth-century Japan. This evening's story was about when their mother rescued their father from dying on the battlefield. This particular part of the story had practically everyone doubled over with laughter.
"Uncle Nagakura said that?" Shinjiro asked.
"After he picked his jaw off the floor," their mother told them.
"Then what happened?"
"Then, with the help of your uncle, I got your father to safety off the battlefield and brought him to the future with me."
"And the rest," their father cut in, "is history."
Their parents shared one of the usual gooey smiles that prefaced them sharing a kiss.
"Gross!" Kura whined. "Why do you love each other so much!"
"Your father and I wasted a long time apart," their mother explained. "It's made us realize how precious we are to one another, and this is one of the ways we show that."
"Well, show it less; it's embarrassing!"
"Alright, young lady, take the sass down a notch. Come help me clean up dinner, then how about you and I go check on your experiment in the lab? I think the koi fish DNA should be done running."
"Yippee!" Kura hopped up from her spot and skipped into the kitchen.
"Since they're busy, can we spar after dinner, Dad?" Shinjiro asked
Their dad gave a smug smile. "Alright, but we'll need to find a new spot this time. Your mother still hasn't forgiven us for tearing up her lavender plants."
The boys also left; their father pulling Shinjiro into a headlock and ruffling his hair. Then Ciara was alone. She found herself alone more often nowadays. As she and her siblings grew older and came into their personalities, it was only natural that some would share more interests with their parents than others. Ciara had tried to spend time with her mother. They shared the same gift. But that didn't excite her as Kura's love of science did. Ciara's ability to time walk scared her mother for whatever reason.
Their mom had little to do with any part of their own abilities. She had been afraid whenever they used their powers for as long as Ciara could remember. Everything related to their oni side was taboo, and she hated it! Being an oni was the one thing she had in common with either of her parents.
She wasn't a fighter like her brother; she preferred to stay active through school sports like softball and volleyball. Sure, her mom and dad came to her games and supported her, but her dad wasn't about to take her into the backyard and run practice drills with her like he did Shinjiro.
Their little sister was the academic of the family. She monopolized their mother's time, following her footsteps in the lab. Ciara preferred more creative pursuits. Her mother had converted one of the rundown barns in the backyard into a crafting shed. She stocked it with all the supplies Ciara could ever want, but her mother never set foot in the room with her.
Ciara had tried to take part in the hobbies her parents enjoyed. She sat in the lab with her mother and allowed her father to teach her how to wield a spear, but nothing excited her. And why did spending time with her parents have to be on their terms?! Were her interests and talents not good enough for them? The building rejection burrowed deep within Ciara, gnawing away at her...
"Sulking in your room again?" Shinjiro teased, pulling her from her thoughts.
"Don't you ever knock?"
"Don't have to when you leave the door open."
"Cracked isn't open!"
Shinjiro shrugged, flicked the lights off, and turned to walk away.
"Hang on a second," Ciara called after him. "Does it bother you that Mom wants nothing to do with oni powers?"
"What are you talking about? She taught us all about them when we were little."
"No, she taught us how to suppress them; that's different."
Shinjiro rolled his eyes, "Your point?"
"Does it not bother you that we're denied half of our heritage? We were born with these awesome powers and never get to use them."
"Speak for yourself; I use my powers all the time. Just don't let Mom or Dad catch you, and you can use them whenever you want."
Ciara threw her hands up in a wild gesture. "Why, though?! Why do we have to hide? What are Mom and Dad so afraid of?"
"Beats me."
Ciara paced the room back and forth, raking her hands through her hair in frustration. As she walked, her eyes fell upon the history book cracked open on her desk, its yellowed pages illuminated by the soft glow of a nearby lamp. They had recently started a unit on the Boshin War in her history class. A topic that her father had taken some interest in helping her study for, given his history and participation in it.
"What about Uncle Nagakura? Do you think he would know why Mom and Dad want nothing to do with the oni?"
"I guess Uncle Nagakura might know, but it's not exactly like you can walk up to him and ask."
"Yeah...I guess we can't..."
* * * *
Hijikata rubbed at his temples. "Let me be sure I understand you correctly. You decided to meet your dad's former comrades on a whim, so you traveled back in time to meet us."
Ciara nodded, "I'm specifically looking for my uncle Nagakura. I need to talk to him."
"I definitely remember Elena mentioning vast amounts of knowledge of past and present available to you in moments."
"Are you talking about the internet?"
"Could it tell you we're in a war right now? This isn't really the time to run around unsupervised in Japan."
"Furthermore, no one has had contact with Shinpachi since the Battle of Ueno," Saito added. "The war path has divided our troops up. There's no telling where he is."
Hijikata untied the ropes binding her wrists and helped Ciara to her feet. "Open a portal and go back home to where you came from. We can't help you."
"No! Please, I've come so far; you can't turn me away now!"
"The Shinsengumi are in no position to take you on such a mission. Our numbers are low, and we have several upcoming assignments."
Ciara crossed her arms. "I'm staying until I find him. You can't make me go back."
Hijikata loomed over, imposing the bulk of his frame into her space. "I have no problem locking you in a room until you're ready to return."
"Wait, you don't understand! I can't keep living like this. Nagakura may be my only chance at finding answers; I have to do this!"
"Saito, escort Ciara back to her room and stand guard until she is ready to return home," Sannan said.
This couldn't be happening! She came all this way! Saito took hold of her upper arm, his grip as unyielding as Hijikata's resolve. She was led back to the now empty room from which she came. Before closing her in, he left her a few parting words.
"I am unsure what you are hoping to gain from this endeavor, but you are going about it the wrong way."
Ciara whirled on him, snatching her arm from his grasp. "Do you know what it's like to be denied part of your very being? To have no clear picture of who or what you really are?!"
"Have you not discussed this with your mother? Elena is not one to make decisions like this without reason. Maybe talk about your identity issues; she has been through her fair share of them."
Ciara shook her head. "She's no help. The only explanation she has ever offered me is 'it's dangerous.' And nowadays she is so confident and sure of herself. She wouldn't understand me."
"She didn't get that way overnight, you know. I watched your mother go through years of struggles and hardships. She may be a more valuable confidant than you think."
Ciara threw her hands up in exasperation. "She got to go on a journey to find herself; why can't I go on mine?"
Saito closed his eyes and blew air out of his nose. "You are trying to walk down the path of another in the name of 'finding yourself' when the path you need to be on is your own."
Ciara averted her gaze.
"I'll be outside the door when you decide you're ready to go home."
Kazama POV
Sen and Kazama sat across from Hijikata and Sannan in the main hall of the compound. Since the Shogunate began losing ground thanks to Kodo aligning his rasetsu with the imperial forces, Kazama was used to seeing Hijikata tired and cranky. Today, the 'demon' vice commander was in a nasty mood. His face was pale, making the hollows of his cheeks and bruises under his eyes stand out.
"You look like hell," Kazama told him
"Tell me something I don't know," Hijikata grumbled into his teacup.
"Kodo's rasetsu are becoming more cumbersome to deal with. He is perfecting the formula, making them faster, stronger, and more resilient in daylight."
"I know; we've fought some of the newer breeds along the warpath in the past few months."
"I'm afraid your side has been set up to lose this war from the start. Between the new-aged artillery And the rasetsu, there was no way in hell you ever had a chance."
"Even so, the Shinsengumi will keep their commitment to the Shogunate to the end."
"My priorities lie in killing Kodo and destroying his research. My wife thinks it pragmatic that I work with humans to ensure our mutually safe future." Kazama rolled his eyes at the last part. "Sen mentioned that your rasetsu scientist wanted to discuss plans to cure the rasetsu?"
Kazama found the entire premise of this meeting to be ridiculous. Humans had no business in oni affairs, to begin with. He could almost understand and get behind Chizuru's views on cozying up to human politicians to manipulate beneficial policies for oni. However, working with regular humans on oni issues was not what he signed up for. Yet, somehow, here he sat with Sen in the Shinsengumi's headquarters.
"At first, I thought I might be able to come up with a cure," Sannan said. "However, with the time constraints put on us from battle and limitations in resources, I have adjusted my plans. While in the future with Elena, I witnessed Erik Carlson use some kind of serum to temporarily stun their abilities. I think we may be able to recreate that here."
Kazama raised an eyebrow. "That can be useful; how soon will you have the first samples to test?"
"I won't know until I have the final ingredient for my experiments...."
"Which is?"
"The blood of an oni."
Kazama rose to his feet, one foot angled to the door. "Absolutely not!" He snarled.
"Sit down, Kazama," Sen snapped.
Kazama remained standing.
"I don't think a sample of our blood is a steep price to pay considering our new, precarious alliances and the potential for gain."
"Have you learned nothing from the first time we allowed humans access to our blood?"
"You are no better than-"
The door sliding open cut off whatever insult Sen was about to hurl at him. "Sorry for the interruption, Hijikata," Saito bowed at the door. "Our...visitor still hasn't departed."
Hijikata growled. "Very well, cut off her food and water. She shouldn't last long after that."
Sen balked. "Did you just say she? What kind of savages are you?!"
Hijikata raised his hand. "You don't fully comprehend-"
"I'm no fool! I understand the implications of 'departed.' Even in wartime, such treatment of a lady is unacceptable! I've defended you, Shinsengumi, and now you-"
"It's Elena's daughter!"
"One of our men picked her up in the market two days ago. She has it in her head that she is going to portal back to this time and meet all of us. Now, we can't get her to go back to her own time!"
"That's impossible," Kazama said. "Unless Elena had a child with another pure blood, there's no way she would give birth to a child with gifts of lineage. Your men are mistaken."
There was another knock at the door. A page boy entered with a bow.
"Commander, A representative from Aizu is here requesting your presence."
Hijikata rubbed at his face and muttered something unintelligible under his breath. "Tell them I will be with them shortly," he waved off the page, then turned back to the oni. "Why don't you go see for yourselves. Hell, see if Sen can talk some sense into her while you're at it. Saito will show you to her quarters."
Kazama followed the shadowy soldier to one of the more secluded rooms of the compound. He did a double take upon entering. Sitting in the corner with her knees pulled to her chest was a younger copy of Elena. True, some of her physical features had been tainted by the spearmen, but everything about her mannerisms was her mother. The prideful way she sat back her shoulders and straightened her spine when adversaries entered the room. Those penetrating eyes that always seemed to look through him. Most uncanny was that aura of haughty confidence that only seemed to come from women of the future.
"What useless new tactic is Hijikata going to try today, group therapy?" The girl asked.
"I have no affiliation with Hijikata and the Shinsengumi," Kazama explained. "May I know your name, child?"
"Interesting choice, named after your grandmother," he remarked casually.
Ciara's eyes widened, "You knew my mother?!"
"We both did," Sen said.
"If you're not with the Shinsengumi, then...You must be the oni Princess from Yase, Sen!"
Kazama waited to be recognized as well, but Ciara said nothing further.
"How did you get here?" Sen asked her.
"I portaled."
Sen and Kazama exchanged a glance.
"You mean your mother opened a portal for you?" Kazama clarified
Ciara shook her head, "No, I opened a portal."
"Impossible," Sen breathed.
"Not impossible," Kazama said. "An anomaly, yes, but not unheard of either."
Kazama studied the girl further as connections and questions formed in his mind. Was she a rarity like Amagiri, or did she absorb her mother's powers?
"She should come with us," Sen concluded, turning to Saito. "We can escort her to where Nagakura is stationed and ensure she has enough chi to open a portal home."
"I will need to speak with the vice commander on this arrangement. Given the oni's history with Elena, I am not sure it would be wise to send her child in your care."
"I think it's a great idea," Ciara interjected.
"Can we take this conversation outside," Kazama asked through his teeth.
Seeing a potentially uncomfortable situation, Saito slipped off to speak with the commander. Kazama took Sen by the upper arm and dragged her from the room. A borderline dangerous move on his part; Sen wasn't the forgiving type. Regardless this was a delicate situation and a matter that didn't need to be discussed infront of a child. Especially Elena's child.
"What are you playing at, princess?" he demanded.
Sen jerked out of his hold and shot him a murderous glare that rivaled his own. "I think the Shinsengumi are in no position to be keeping her. They're on the warpath. Do you have any idea how dangerous that could be for her?"
"And you think our situation is superior? We've only just initiated negotiations with other clans. Assuming this task like this would be a distraction."
"Since when do you turn down an opportunity to get close to an oni woman with rare abilities? Especially if it means taking her away from the Shinsengumi?" Sen crossed her arms and cocked her hip.
"That," Kazama jabbed his finger towards the door Ciara was trapped behind, "is a child! And I have a wife!"
"The fact that she is so young is even more of a reason to take her with us. She is a higher risk."
"Then how about a trade," Called a voice from across the engawa.
The rasetsu commander, Sannan, was approaching. Kazama had learned to tolerate almost every other member of the Shinsengumi except for Sannan. He was always too prideful for an imposter. You could tell by how he carried himself; he got off on the power he stole from the oni.
"Where is Commander Hijikata?" Sen asked.
"He had a meeting with Aizu to attend. I will be negotiating on his behalf."
"What do you propose?" Sen asked.
"A sample of your blood in exchange for Ciara."
"There is no way the Commander agreed to those terms," Sen said.
"You should consider my proposal before his meeting concludes. Once that happens, I cannot assure the girl's release."
Kazama began, "This is..."
"Deal," Sen interrupted, making the choice before anyone could object.
"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Kazama snarled.
Sannan ignored Kazama and shook hands with Sen. Back in Ciara's room Sen used the imposter's sword to slit her palm over the empty wash basin. Blood streamed into the bowl briefly before the wound began to glow and close. Sannan nodded at the amount and released the girl into her custody.
Kazama glared at Sen as he helped Ciara onto his horse. Since their deal was made without Hijikata's consent, neither wanted to see his reaction when he found out. They rode silently for several miles, putting distance between them and Aizu. Kazama continued to huff, Brude, and make his displeasure known.
Ciara appeared unperturbed by all of this. He wasn't entirely sure whether she was ignoring the two of them or oblivious to their ongoing disagreement. She passed the time braiding and unbraiding the horse's mane, though she was beginning to grow restless. Kazama had questions he could ask her but decided it would be best to wait until he met up with Amagiri instead.
They met with Shiranui and Amagiri at the Kojima estate, a manor belonging to one of the non-pureblood oni clans. They had stayed here for several days, working with the clan leaders to win them over to Chizuru and Sen's cause. They had used this division strategy for several months, following behind the warpath. Sen and Kazama would work with human clan leaders, while Amagiri and Shiranui would work with the oni.
In the beginning, Chizuru was also helping. She was a natural diplomat and had won over several clans. However, recently, they discovered she was pregnant, so Kazama sent her to Edo with Kimigiku to rest and stay out of the war's path.
Amagiri was waiting for them as they arrived at the manor. His eyes lingered on Ciara, but his face did not indicate his thoughts. Between the strong genetics and the wearing of her mother's clothes, it wasn't difficult to surmise who she was. He offered his hand to Ciara as she dismounted the mare.
"Amagiri," Kazama addressed his right hand. "Find her a place to sleep for the night."
"Wait a second!" Ciara stepped away from Amagiri. "I thought you were taking me to find my uncle; where are we? Why are you leaving me with some guy?"
Kazama raised an eyebrow. Now she is concerned? She was unbothered when the Shinsengumi put a price on her like a common geisha. She had offered no complaints during their hours-long ride to an undisclosed location. What kind of street smarts were they teaching her!?
"Nagakura is currently in hiding in Edo, which is more than two hundred miles away from Aizu, where we began. It'll take over a week by horse, possibly less if you can assist with a portal. However, the sun will set in less than an hour. I'm weary, and I must now draft a letter to my wife to explain why I'll be returning with yet another woman of Veil."
* * * *
The next several days passed by, slow and uncomfortable. Kazama was in a particularly foul mood between his unwanted guest and the fact that her being here was a constant reminder that Sen and that imposter had forced his hand. He had put Ciara on Amagiri's horse, taking the lead and only speaking to his companion when necessary. Ciara tried to converse with him a few times, but he barely said three words in response.
She quickly took the hint. The silence gave Kazama time to think. At first, admittedly, he was brooding. Eventually, though, questions began to form in his mind. Ciara had admitted her abilities allowed her to portal over time but not distance. This brought him back to the theories of how she acquired her powers in the first place. Then there was also the question of why Elena had never bothered to mention him...
"You've become increasingly anxious as the trip has progressed," Amagiri told Ciara. "Are you perhaps having second thoughts?"
"I'm not anxious," Ciara snapped back, her voice too sharp, posture too rigid.
"Neither you nor your mother were very good liars."
Amagiri's words echoed Kazama's very thoughts.
"Funny she never mentioned you nor Kazama; why is that?"
'Wouldn't we all like to know,' Kazama thought.
He didn't have time for his thoughts to spiral back into those questions. Directly ahead, the mouth of the bridge was blocked by a band of ronin. Amagiri saw them, too, slowing his horse to a stop and dismounting. There were nine of them, all clad in weapons or headpieces from various army units. Seeing how they were from both sides and no 'uniform' was complete, they were most likely stolen or defectors.
"Stay here," Kazama ordered, not sparing a glance back at Ciara.
He and Amagiri went forward to confront the goons.
"Good afternoon, gentlemen," one of the ronin said. "Do you have business here?"
"We are just passing through," Amagiri told him. "We don't want any trouble."
"And we won't have any so long as you pay the toll."
Kazama huffed and popped the lower inches of his sword from his scabbard. The ronin drew their weapons as well. A carnivorous smile crept across Kazama's lips. They had no idea who they were up against, and he was more than happy to show them. Behind him, Ciara began fumbling with her spear, detaching it from the saddle as though he hadn't just told her to stay put. Before he could ask her to stop such foolishness, the ronin attacked.
They moved together in one pitiful wall. They were defectors then; no civilian ronin would know to coordinate attacks like that. Kazama sneered at the band of cowards bonded together by their own uselessness and betrayal. These fools were the scum of the earth.
Ciara darted out in front of them, digging the shaft of her spear into the dirt, using it as a vault to drive her heel into the forerunner's face. He stumbled out of formation. Ciara stayed on top of him, giving him no room to breathe or recover. She drove the spear shaft into his chest and sent him into the river. Kazama recognized the base of her fighting style as Hōzōin-ryu, her father's specialty. However, something was added to it, something modern, no doubt.
Kazama would have strangled her if he wasn't busy taking on the remaining ronin with Amagiri. What the hell was she thinking coming into this fight?! He told her not to move, and what was the first thing she did? Kazama threw his anger into his blade, slicing one of his foes from the right side of his neck to under his left armpit. The coppery tang of blood filled his nostrils as the upper quarter of his body fell to the ground with a wet squish.
Beside him, Amagiri took men two at a time, and the ronin forces quickly thinned and then trickled off to nothing at all. When the fight settled, Ciara crossed her arms and smiled haughtily at Kazama. Was she expecting his praise? Thanks? He told the damn brat to stay back! Kazama didn't think it possible, but he became even more irate. He honestly didn't know why he was surprised by any of this. It's not like her mother ever listened to him, either.
"Amagiri and I could have handled them ourselves. Next time, stay back and out of the way," Kazama said.
"I took out two of them!" she argued. "It's not like I got in the way."
Kazama eyed her up and down. "Your clothes are covered in dust and blood now. That kimono is too expensive to be worn during such grimy tasks."
Ciara straightened, crossing her arms and cocking a hip. "And how would you know how much my clothes cost?"
"They're not your clothes. They were Elena's, and I would know because I bought them for her."
A victorious smile played on Ciara's lips. "What was your relationship with my mother?"
Damnit! She was too perceptive. She knew exactly what she was doing, bating him into these questions, and he fell straight into the trap. What was it about the women of Veil that made him so edgy and careless?
"We didn't have one," Kazama snapped.
"Oh really? You've been against having me around from the start, so much so that you felt the need to write an apology letter to your wife. You bought my mother gifts or clothes, at the very least. And she never felt the need to mention you in her stories. There's more going on here than you would want me to know."
Too perceptive was an understatement. He turned on his heel from her in a swift jerking motion and strode back to his horse. Somewhere in his mind, he wondered if she would see this as a victory. He didn't care. He just wanted to be as far away from this woman as possible.
"Don't talk about things you know nothing about," Kazama spat, digging his heels into the horse's sides.
He took off in a gallop, leaving Amagiri to deal with the mess and the obnoxious young woman in his wake. He focused on the steady four hooves thrumming against the earth, carrying him away from his troubles. He allowed his mind to wander to upcoming tasks in Edo, clans he could meet with, and what strategies he would use to win them to their cause. He thought about seeing Chizuru again. How far along her swollen belly may be now. Would they be blessed with the next patriarch or a rare and precious daughter?
As his thoughts wandered, his anger cooled. The sun began to dip, splattering the sky with shades of daffodil yellow, persimmon, and rich amethyst. Kazama slowed his horse to a stop and admired the beauty. He was often too busy to appreciate such things. Being Takeshi's son left little time for such frivolous pleasures, but it was one of Kazama's most hidden delights. Anything colorful or crafted with delicate, complex detail he secretly loved. It was why he spent so much time in Kyoto. They had such unique architecture, lovely gardens, and fantastic artwork. The entire city was like a small creative oasis.
Spotting a nearby stream, Kazama dismounted and began setting up camp. His eyes flicked to the horizon every so often. Amagiri would soon catch up and bring that impudent girl- he shook his head and rolled his shoulders, forcing his muscles to uncoil. He wouldn't let her get under his skin a second time.
Kazama had his horse unpacked and a fire roaring when Amagiri found the campsite. Apparently tired after her afternoon, Ciara was dozing against Amagiri's chest. She roused as the horse lurched to a stop. They dismounted, and Amagiri sent her to the stream to stretch her legs and wash up while he helped Kazama finish setting up camp. He wasn't sure whether that was more for her benefit or Kazama's.
"I'm fine now. You don't need to keep an eye on me," Kazama said.
He could feel Amagiri's eyes watching him. Feel his chi reaching out and assessing him, probing for any sign of his outburst from earlier.
"Forgive me."
"I'll grab more firewood."
Kazama didn't know why he bothered lying to him. Amagiri could easily tell his nerves were still frayed at the ends. Still, he couldn't stand being fussed over like some child. He knew how to control his temper! That haughty little brat needed to be brought to heel, not him.
As he returned to camp, arms loaded with firewood, he found Ciara pacing back and forth by the fire. Next to her, Amagiri was tending to several fish he had caught, their scent mingled on the early evening air, making his stomach growl. Ciara prattled on about something as he roasted them on sticks angled over the reaching flames. Her arms flailed in large sweeping gestures, and her fingers raked through her curls, a habit he had seen Elena do when she was stressed. Kazama came in closer, ears straining as he came in a range of their conversation.
"He doesn't hate you," Amagiri assured her.
"Sure seems like it."
So they were discussing him...
"He and your mother just have a complicated history."
"What kind of complicated history?"
Kazama cut in, "What do you know about your oni heritage?"
Ciara whirled on him, wide eyes scanning past him as though she wasn't sure he had spoken to her. Her reaction was unsurprising, given how he had treated her the past several days.
"Not a whole lot." She eventually admitted. "Mom wanted us to live as normal as possible, so she pretended oni didn't exist unless it was for research purposes."
"Research purposes?"
"Yeah, she used to work as a scientist for some organization that helps humans and oni coexist. She would cure these mutant rasetsu that would come in from these illegal labs."
"Cure?" Kazama breathed
Ciara nodded. "Mom found a way to cure them a while ago. There haven't been any rasetsu cases in a few years, so I'm not sure what she does for them now."
Elena had learned how to completely eradicate those imposters from her time! Kazama smiled despite himself. Maybe letting her go wasn't such a waste after all...
Amagiri handed Elena a piece of fruit from their pack and a fish. She peeled back the brittle skin and ate a quarter of the poor thing in a single, unladylike bite. She devoured the rest of the fish before Kazama could finish prepping his own. Amagiri handed her another.
"Are you aware your mother is a pureblood and your father a human?" Kazama asked.
"Are you aware you aren't supposed to be able to have a gift of lineage unless you are a pureblood?"
Ciara shrugged. "I Just thought it was some random thing." She said between bites. "Mom didn't want to work with me on it for whatever reason. She flipped when Kura wanted to learn about science in the lab, and Dad could barely contain himself when Senjiro wanted to train with a spear."
"Kura and Senjiro?"
Ciara pulled at the bark of the log she was sitting on. "My younger sister and twin brother."
So, Elena had multiple children...
"And they don't have the time walking gift like you?"
"No, I'm the only one. Kura and Senjiro have some abilities like my mom, but I'm the only one with an extra gift like her."
"So then your time walking was self-taught?"
"Mostly, the only things mom taught me was it was dangerous and to never use it. I just don't get it! She and Dad love sharing things with my siblings but not with me."
Ciara threw the bark into the fire and watched it catch flame. There was something hollow in her stare.
"Perhaps there's another perspective you haven't considered," Amagiri offered.
Ciara made a noise of disgust and stabbed the stick her fish had roasted on into the dirt. "You don't know my parents."
"I know both of them quite well, actually; your mother better than your father, of course," Amagiri chuckled.
"What's the deal with Kazama and my mom?"
Amagiri sighed and looked to Kazama for permission. Kazama rolled his eyes and shrugged; his reaction earlier had tipped her off. There was no use in hiding it now. Amagiri launched into a long tale Kazama was all too familiar with. Apparently, Ciara was too, at least with the first half. She claimed it was a story she had heard her entire life. The story of her mother getting thrown through a portal and kidnapped by the Shinsengumi. The burning war between the Shogun and their rebel adversaries. She even filled in a few details Kazama and Amagiri had never heard.
Then, there were parts she had never heard. Parts about Kazama needing a pureblood wife and being coerced into going after her mother. Tales of a girl named Chizuru whom Kazama fell in love with but couldn't be with because his father wanted a wife with stronger abilities. Parts about fights between the Shinsengumi and eventually a kidnapping.
"So, Let me see if I understand this correctly," Ciara said as she started on her third piece of fruit. "Kazama overthrew his father so he could be with Chizuru and let my mother go."
"They were never a good match. In fact, the two of them together were downright volatile at times. Chizuru brings out the best in Kazama; together, they enact positive change amongst the oni clans."
"Having you with me puts that in jeopardy," Kazama said.
"Which would explain the hostility...." Ciara sighed.
She shrunk in on herself, wilting like a flower with no water. The Confident fire behind her eyes dwindled, too, making the usual luminescent gold appear lackluster and dull. She opened her mouth as though she had something more to say to him but couldn't find the right words, so she looked like a fish gaping for air. She finally shut her mouth and averted her gaze. She had nothing to say to Kazama for once, no clever retort or argument as to why they should continue the mission.
"We have come this far already. We will take you to Nagakura, but I am afraid the answers you are seeking won't be found in him."
"So everyone keeps telling me," Ciara sighed.
"What do you hope to gain from this trip?" Kazama asked.
"I don't have a lot in common with my parents. My abilities as a time walker are the one thing I can possibly share with my mother; but she wants nothing to do with it. I need to know why. I need to know its not me thats the issue. I think Nagakura might have those answers for me."
Kazama added more wood to the fire. It groaned, crackled, and sent tiny sparks dancing up into purpley darkness. "Your mother has always resented her abilities and preferred to view herself as human. The strain in your relationship is likely rooted in fear of you becoming the monster she tried so hard to deny."
"Monster?" Ciara breathed.
With the flick of his wrist, Kazama unleashed his chi. Wisps of vibrant blue and green encircled Ciara, and she cried out. The energy swirled around her, concentrating in areas like the sides of her head where horns began to sprout. Having her change forced was an undoubtedly unsettling feeling, but it was over quickly. When it dissipated, she was in her oni form.
Kazama unsheathed his sword and used it as a mirror to show her. "Our eyes glow yellow in the night. Horns, like that of a wild beast, protrude from your head. And that doesn't even begin to go into your internal changes like strength and speed."
Ciara shook her head and changed herself back, surprising Kazama with the ease she wielded her abilities. She was a natural, especially considering how little Elena knew or worked with her powers.
"I don't think that makes me a monster," Ciara said. "Different, sure, but not a monster."
Kazama shrugged and sheathed his sword.
"I never knew she felt that way...."
"Your mother was raised as a human. She had no idea of our existence until she was an adult. Her first impression of our abilities was a rasetsu attack by her mother experimenting on her blood. In her eyes, being an oni is the root of all the danger and grief in her life."
Understanding registered on Ciara's face. Her brows scrunched up, and she was quiet momentarily while she sat with his words. Then, suddenly, she sat up straight and whirled on Kazama. She looked at him with newfound hope as though he was holding the key to her problem all along.
"What was she like back then?"
"She was an insufferable hellcat," Kazama replied too quickly, his tone bordering on harsh.
Amagiri cleared his throat, apparently finding something wrong with the description he gave. Kazama shot his friend a look as if to say, 'I'm only stating the facts.' Amagiri held his gaze, not backing down from his displeasure. Kazama let out a sigh bordering on a growl and tried again.
"She was strong-willed. Once her mind was set, there was no compromising with her. She clung to her humanity, only using her abilities when needed. And she was loyal to a fault. Had things not turned out the way they did with Elena going home, I have no doubt she would be caught up in this senseless war and be picked off next to the Shinsengumi."
"You remind me of her," Kazama continued. "Your facial expressions that give away your every thought and the way you carry yourself with more confidence than any woman should possess. It would be like staring at a mirror image of her if your features weren't dominated by that spearmen."
"I take it you and my father didn't get along."
"Your mother is a pure-blood with some of the most rare coveted abilities. She had an obligation to her clan to ensure that gift survived, not squander it away for love."
"Didn't you throw away her gifts for love too?" Ciara countered.
Beside her, Amagiri made some kind of choked noise. At first, Kazama thought something may be wrong with him until further inspection revealed the bastard was attempting to stifle his laughter. Ciara didn't have the decency to hide her snickers. Kazama snarled at the two of them.
"It's getting late," he grit through his teeth. "We can make it to Edo by mid-day if we get an early start."
"Wait," Ciara protested. "I wanted to know more about-"
"That's enough questions." Kazama stood, plucking the fourth piece of fruit she was going for back out of her hand. "Good night."
With a bit of coaxing from Amagiri, Ciara obeyed and gave Kazama a reprieve. He stayed up by the dwindling fire, replaying bits and pieces of their conversation. Elena had eradicated rasetsu in the future; Kodo's research would die with her. Perhaps there was value in a partnership with humans after all. Maybe he hadn't given his wife enough credit for her ideas...
Kazama tipped his head back and looked at the vast expanse of winking stars. Chizuru sometimes liked to stare at them. She could even name some of the constellations. It all looked like a jumbled mess to him, but somehow, she found pictures of bears and warriors up there.
He smiled at the thought and counted the moments until he saw her again. He envisioned folding her into his arms and kissing her beautiful, imaginative head as she pointed out more constellations. Kazama's eyes fell closed, and he could practically feel the warmth of her touch and smell the jasmine in her hair.
"Tomorrow," Kazama murmured to himself. "I'll be with you again soon, my dear."
* * * *
Nagakura's home sat on the tranquil outskirts of Edo, away from the bustle of the main city. A quaint dwelling. Perhaps once pristine in its early days, the wooden exterior was marred with scars and faded from the sun. The entire right side of the home was covered in creeping vines. Their lush tendrils blew in the breeze, caressing the windows and siding.
Surrounding the home were dozens of curving rows of flourishing rice. The only way to the house itself was a path of worn stones placed in the dirt between two paddies.
Like the home's exterior, the front door bore the marks of its age and the weariness of countless comings and goings. It hung crooked on its tracks, leaving a small gap at its top like lips whispering a secret.
Ciara took a tentative step onto the first stone. She moved slowly, practically inching towards the front door until she was a single stone away. She raised her hand to the door, and then she froze.
"Nagakura should be in there," Amagiri encouraged her.
Ciara didn't move. She stared at the door of the humble home, hand poised to knock. She cast an unsure glance over to the two of them and then back at the house.
"Don't tell me you're having second thoughts," Kazama rubbed at his temple, trying to soothe the near-constant headache this girl seemed to cause him.
"I think... I'm ready to go home."
Kazama's jaw dropped. His hands twitched at his sides with the sudden urge to strangle the girl. They had come all this way, and she wanted to return home?! Granted, he had to come this way anyway, but the journey would have been a hell of a lot more peaceful had she not come along.
Ciara continued, sensing his growing frustration. "I came here looking for answers about my mother and why she wouldn't help me embrace my powers. I thought Nagakura would have those answers, but I think the people I really needed to talk to were other oni like you."
"And you couldn't have had that revelation two weeks ago?!"
Ciara took a step back, raising her hands in a nonthreatening gesture. Her mouth opened to speak, but no words ever came out. Ciara went entirely still. Her eyes widened to the size of onigiri. Kazama would have been alarmed had he not felt a familiar tingling in his spine.
The air around them shuttered, bringing about a stiff wind that rattled the leaves on the trees. Kazama's mouth filled with an electric tang that sat bitter on his tongue. There was a deafening crack as the atmosphere seemed to split in two, bursting open with radiant light. It burned with such intensity that the world around seemed to grow dim.
Elena stumbled through the now fully developed portal, followed by her spearmen. She collapsed to her knees, blood pouring from her mouth, eyes, and nose. She coughed and choked on the blood, spilling more onto her clothes and the ground.
The spearmen pulled Elena into his embrace, rubbing soothing circles on her back and wiping at the blood. His face was pulled tight with worry, his focus solely on her. Neither seemed to notice their audience until Ciara screamed and lunged for them, pulling at her mother to inspect her for damages.
"Ciara!" Elena gasped, pulling from her partner to throw her arms around her daughter.
"Mom, I-"
"Do you know how worried we were when you just disappeared?" Her father demanded.
"I know; I'm sorry! What's wrong with Mom?! Why is she bleeding so much?"
"She is low on chi," Kazama explained. "How many times did you time walk?"
Elena turned wide eyes on Kazama, just now noticing his presence. She pulled her daughter in closer in an attempt to shield her. The spearmen came to stand between them all, placing his hands in front of him in a defensive gesture. Kazama resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
"Dad, it's oka-"
"Step away from my family," the spearmen growled.
Now Kazama did roll his eyes. "If I was going to harm your daughter, I would have done it any time during the past weeks we were traveling."
"Weeks!?" Elena exclaimed.
Ciara opened her mouth to speak, but her father spoke first. "You're lucky your abilities are linked to your mother's. Had she been unable to track you..." He left the threat hanging between them.
Ciara wilted.
Kazama didn't have time for this. "Your abilities are linked?" He pressed. "As in, she took a portion of your abilities in the womb?"
Elena shook her head, clutching her daughter further into her chest. "You'll forgive my reluctance to share information with you, given our history," Elena said.
The spearman knelt down to eye level with his daughter. "Are you hurt anywhere? Did they do anything to you?"
"I'm fi-"
"You know better than to use your powers," Elena cut in.
"Mom, just stop!" Ciara pulled from her arms, standing on shaking legs like a newborn fawn."I don't 'know better' than to use my powers because you never took the time to explain what was so wrong with them! You were perfectly okay with us all living as though they didn't exist. I had to return to the nineteenth century to find someone willing to just talk to me about them."
Elena recoiled from her daughter.
"I can't keep on living like this!...Like I don't have powers. Like I'm anything other than who I am. I hate it!"
"Ciara-" Elena gasped
Ciara continued, "I know now that it was because you felt that your being an oni made you a monster. I know what made you feel that way, and I'm sorry, Mom."
Elena stood completely still, face pale, as she listened to her daughter speak. The only shred of emotion she showed was a single tear that slipped down her cheek. The spearmen stood by Elena's side, his hand tightening over hers, listening to his daughter speak.
"I wish...I wish you would have told me instead of shutting me out."
There was a long silence, and then Elena finally choked out. "I didn't talk about it because it wasn't your problem. My insecurities with my oni side are on me to solve."
"But you did make it my problem. I was denied a part of who I am because you feared what that meant for you."
Elena lifted trembling fingers to her mouth. Like her, Elena's daughter was intelligent, and words were her weapon of choice. Each one a sharpened spear hitting its mark. Ciara didn't seem to relish making her mother feel bad, but she didn't pull her punches either.
Ciara took an extra step back, then shifted into her oni form. Whisps of light and color swirled around her as her features changed. Elena stiffened as the spearman watched in awe. Her oni form a near mirror image of her mother's.
Ciara gestured to herself, "This is part of who I am, and if you take that away from me, then I have nothing left to offer... I'm not a fighter like Sinjiro or a scientist like Kura; I'm just..."
Ciara held out her palms, showing she had nothing to give. Elena closed the distance between them and took those hands in hers as Ciara burst into tears. Her entire body was wracked with tremors from crying so hard. The spearman joined them, folding his daughter into his arms as Elena hushed and calmed the child.
"You are enough, Ciara," Elena whispered into her hair as she kissed her daughter's head. "More than enough."
"But you didn't want to spend time with me. I was alone all the time!" Ciara soaked the front of her mother's shirt.
"We're sorry," Her father said. "So sorry..."
Kazama waited patiently for Elena and the spearmen to calm their daughter down. Like her mother, Ciara was difficult to reign in once her emotions overtook her. Her parents became pillars of support, unwavering in their calm resolve. When her violent sobs were nothing more than sniffling hiccups, Kazama spoke.
"Keeping her from her abilities is dangerous. An untrained time walker can wreak havoc on themselves and others. I thought your own experiences had taught you better."
Elena didn't try and hide the daggers in her glare or the venom in her tone. "They have technology in our time that can track a time walker when they use their abilities. You have no idea what you're speaking about."
"Your daughter mentioned you coexisted with humans in your time. I thought they were aware of all your abilities."
"The peace is still new and fragile. Humans don't like things more powerful than they are, so I don't go around demonstrating how I can manipulate the space-time continuum with a wave of my hand."
"Judging by your grand entrance, I would say they have less to fear than they think. Have you used your abilities at all since you left?"
Elena met him with a weary gaze. "I lost a good portion of my abilities once Ciara was born."
"So she did take them in the womb."
A reluctant nod from Elena. "She showed signs of time walking at a young age. Her abilities grew quickly, even without my help. When she used her abilities, I could always feel it. Like there was some small part of it still attached to me. That's how I knew where to start looking, then the Shinsengumi filled in the blanks."
"Extraordinary," Kazama breathed. "I've never heard reports of a mother having some kind of link to their offspring's gifts."
"I've studied our DNA for any possible explanation for the link, but nothing conclusive ever came from it. Like many of our abilities, the only conclusion I usually come to is magic."
"Probably for the best," Amagiri said
"Probably," Elena mused. "The last time humans came up with a scientific explanation for oni abilities, we ended up with a war on our hands."
Kazama's gaze fixed on the dilapidated home of Nagakura. The contrast between this humble dwelling and the life he had known as a member of the Shinsengumi couldn't have been starker. The soldiers had never lived in luxury, but even this was beneath them. It wasn't just about the state of the house; it was about the glaring reminder of the sacrifices and losses brought about by the relentless tide of war. On all sides, human and oni alike. No one won.
"Do the ends ever justify the means?" The words escaped his lips before he could stop them. He felt a pang of regret for sharing his inner turmoil with Elena, of all people.
"I don't think war is ever justified, no matter the result. However, I think a lot of positive change comes from this war."
"Positive for who?" Kazama scoffed. "You just said yourself you can't show the full extent of your powers to humans out of fear of being perceived as a threat to them."
"Change is hard..."
"Humans never change," Kazama dismissed her, but her following words surprised him.
"...I work with a Kazama, you know," Elena said, her revelation made him pause.
"We've done a lot of work to make this world safe for our kind. Decades of work between the two of us. My children have never been in a more safe and peaceful time for oni, but things still aren't perfect." Elena squeezed her daughter close to her. "Progress is slow and messy. It takes a lot of intentionality, and it isn't linear. This war is awful for all of us, but it isn't the deciding factor of the future. The work our clans are doing far exceeds the spans of this fight."
Kazama couldn't help but consider her words. They sunk in slowly and caused a subtle shift within himself. A glimmer of hope was forming. A whisper that maybe, just maybe, the path toward reconciliation and understanding wasn't useless after all. The acts of some humans may have cast a long, dark shadow. However, it couldn't extinguish the flames of progress and cooperation kindled by those like Elena, Sen, and his beautiful wife. They each believed in a future where humans and oni could coexist.
Maybe he couldn't always grasp their visions or understand their reasonings, but the facts didn't lie. Whatever work they were all doing was working.
"Thank you," Kazama said. "I'll help you open a portal back to your time."
Elena nodded and stepped into position. The spearman took up a claim right next to his wife. Kazama allowed his chi to flow into her, replenishing what she had lost. Elena's lungs filled with a deep breath of cleansing air then she lifted her hands, hazy air vibrating between her fingertips.
The haze stretched out beyond her, making the atmosphere unstable yet again. Kazama's spine tingled and-
A voice screamed from behind them, making both Elena and Kazama jump. Kazama broke contact with her, causing the beginning whisps of the portal to dissipate like smoke on the wind. Everyone whirled to find Nagakura standing behind them, shoulders hunched and teeth bared. His breathing was jagged and labored.
The spearman stepped between his friend and the crowd, "Shinpachi I-"
"You bastards!" Nagakura snarled, encroaching on them.
"Shin, it's me! Its-"
"I know damn well who you are! You've got a lot of nerve, Sanno."
The spearman raised his hands nonthreateningly, eyes pleading with his friend.
"You thought you could just vanish just like that," Nagakura snapped his finger, taking another step.
He was now within reach of the spearman. He looked back at his wife, eyes panicked and pleading. Precisely what they were begging for, Kazama wasn't sure. While the spearman was turned away, Nagakrua lunged for him. He pulled him into a headlock and ran his knuckles across the spearman's head, ruffling his hair. Nagakura let out a whooping laugh and crowed his victory.
"I got you good! Oh, you should have seen your face!" Nagakura was practically crying. He was laughing so hard.
The spearman squirmed out of Nagakura's grip and righted himself. "Take it easy, bend me any further, and I'll break something," he laughed.
Nagakura held his friend at arm's length and looked him over. "Damn, you got old. What are you now, seventy?"
The spearman placed his hand over his heart, feigning injury. "Easy there buddy. I'm forty-eight!"
"Damn! You look every bit of it."
The spearman punched his friend in the gut. The blow wasn't hard; the only damage it did was cause Nagakura to double over with more laughter. The two friends beamed at one another and then pulled themselves into a solid embrace. Seeing the danger was feigned, Elena joined the two, giggling and sharing in the love.
"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Nagakura asked.
"It's a long story," the spearman said. "But your niece has a lot to do with it."
Nagakura looked behind the couple to Ciara, eyes going wide. He shoved Elena and her husband aside to get a better look at the girl. He studied her face, marveling between his friends and their daughter.
"She looks just like you," he breathed.
Ciara smiled at her uncle and gave a small wave.
Tears welled up in his eyes as he continued to stare at Ciara. He brushed them away hastily, sniffling a little.
"I'm an uncle!" he breathed.
"To three," Elena added.
"We have a lot to catch up on," the spearman said.
Nagakura nodded, motioning them inside with a hasty wave. Kazama caught Elena by the arm as she turned to make her way inside.
"You should have enough chi to get yourself home," he told her.
Elena nodded. "Thank you for caring for my daughter until I could find her."
"Thank you...for what you shared with me."
Time and fate were fickle beings. They didn't care what plans you had for yourself or how neatly you wanted your life to unfold. They were the weavers of a tapestry so vast and complex that even a being as powerful as himself could only glimpse a small portion of its design. The fabric of their destiney was forever changed and interwoven that night Elena came through the portal. An event so disruptive it changed the fate of all there to witness it. And the world was all the better for it.
The two of them parted ways for the last time. Elena headed into Nagakura's humble dwelling tucked under the arm of the man she loved, her daughter by her side. Kazama turned away and continued once more down his own path.


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