~Heart's POV~

Here we were, yet again. We'd been through this cycle so many times now, I've lost count. I stopped regaining my vision after the first few times, and after the tenth cycle, I stopped keeping count.

We were on "The Soul Eclectic" once again, and Soul was about to threaten to kill himself, and both Mind and I in the process. The threat had lost it's spark by then, feeling empty and meaningless. I almost laughed when he said it, "I won't hesitate to kill my Heart and Mind." I wanted to mock him, tell him to do it. I knew he wouldn't.

Soon thereafter, "The Bidding" began to play. It was boring and annoying to listen to the same songs, to sing the same lyrics, throughout each cycle. It made sense to me now why Mind always said "Stuck there singing songs that someone's already told." We'd sang these songs too many times now, and I was rather sick of it.

"The Bidding" came to an end, finally, but this time, "Light" never started. Of course, the songs had been delayed before, so this wasn't too out-of-the-ordinary. After a while, though, things started to get suspicious.

"Oi, Mind, what's the holdup?" I yelled in the direction I had last heard mind from. There wasn't any sort of answer, for a while. It was just me, and the thick, heavy silence. It scared me, partially, though I knew that the only ones who had any possibility of being with me were Mind and Soul.

Suddenly, I heard the footsteps of Soul coming towards me, distinguished by the footsteps of his 2-inch platforms. I felt him lightly hold my shoulders, before I heard him speak.

"I'm sorry, Heart. I can't keep doing this."

His voice was quiet and hoarse, and I could tell that this time, what he said wasn't a threat. He held my shoulders for a moment, before pulling me into a tight hug.

He let go of me, and I could hear his footsteps leading into Mind's room. I heard Mind attempt to evade Soul, even, but it was only for a split second.

I heard Soul's footsteps leave Mind's room, and Mind called after him.


No response.


Still, nothing.

I heard Mind's footsteps rush towards the direction of Soul's room, and I decided to go over there as well, worried for my brother.

Mind and I were too late, though, and Soul had locked the door to his room. I could hear shuffling behind the door, before something fell over and there was silence.

"Soul! Let me in!" Mind called. Nobody responded to him, and Mind pushed me away from the door, before attempting to break it down.

Eventually, the door caved, enough for Mind to put a hole in it, unlocking the door from the inside.

The door opened, and I took hold of Mind's arm, allowing him to guide me in. I didn't know Soul's room very well, and I didn't want to risk anything.

I heard Mind pick up a piece of paper, and I assumed it had something written on it, because I heard him gasp, before he shooed me away and he left the room.

He returned a moment later, handing me a cold rod of metal. I ran my hand over it, and immediately recognised it as Soul's trident.

As soon as I realised what it was, something seemed to change. I couldn't quite put my finger on why, though. That was, until I saw some light shining through my blindfold.

Confused for a moment, I took off the blindfold, turning my eyes away from the lamplight of Soul's bedroom.

Lo and behold, I could see, just as well as I could before. I held the trident in my hands, examining it carefully. I looked over it, stopping when I came to the ends, where the blood from my eyes was still stained.

To see that sickened me, and I set the trident down, leaning it precariously against a the wall.

I then noticed that Soul's guitar was missing, along with everything needed to play it. I didn't think to question it, though, and from the corner of my eye, I saw something - No, someone - there.

I turned, and my expression turned from curiousity to horror. There was Soul, hanging lifeless from the ceiling, tied to the light by a noose.

For a moment, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. I sat there, frozen in place. "S-... Soul?" I spoke quietly, though I knew it was in vain. As I stared longer, and what I saw didn't change, it began to sink in that my brother was dead.

A/N: shoutout to my friend The_Soul_Eclectic for the AU idea, as well as ouch oo ee i am feeling angsty

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