Chapter 9

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"Come on lets sleep" manik says grabbing my arm

"I don't know if I can again" I tell him

"It's worth a try and I am already half a sleep" giggling I go up wiht him

Remember when I said I don't think I could fall a sleep again, yeah I lied because as soon as the warmth covered me when I got in the blankets I felt my eyes droopy

"You don't have to wake up for him wifey, it's not"

"manik it's okay I don't mind it at all. He isn't trying to wake me up he jsut forgot his keys and it's okay" I interrupt

"But he is my responsibility not yours"

"I thought we were married" I chuckle a bit

"We are" he says

"Then whats yours is mine and what's mine is yours. Your family is mine like mine is your. You responsibilities are mine manik and cabir isn't a responsibility he is your brother and my brother-in-law but he is also my best friend so id wake up at even 1 for him"

A smile forms on his lips as he inches closer to me getting in the blankets too

"I didn't think id find a wife like you and though this all happened in a rush or whatever I think I have found the best person I could have to share a forever with" I find myself smiling hearing him

"And I think you seem to speak so nicely when it's early in the morning" he chuckles

"I am always nice to you but I don't guarantee how I am to the world" he says

"I have heard stories" I reply

"Really? What have you heard?" He asks

"That you yelled at this one guy who got so scared he almost cried" I mumble remembering what cabir told me

"Cabir told you didn't he?"

"He did"

"The whole story was, he told me that he did something that was asked of him a week prior and then when I continued asked he blatantly lied to me over and over again."

I knew he doesn't like when people lie to him so im not surprised

"You fired him?" I ask

"Yup I did but I called a friend who hired him right away because he did seem apologetic for his mistake" I smile hearing that

He is such a pure person

"Well isn't that nice" I mumble

"What can I say I am very nice" I giggle hearing him

"Go to sleep Nandini and there is no need to wake up early, it's just the three of us and I want you to have a good sleep"

"You know you aren't waht I expected" I tell him

"What did you expect?" he asks

"Mhm well you see when Mumma had said she liked aman I really wanted to tell her I didn't but mhm  had made a mistake prior so I wasn't in a position to say anything to her. Long story short he isn't a nice person and I know he is your cousin but I won't lie"

"You don't need to lie, what mistake did you make?" He asks

for a few minutes I did hesitate a little but then I sighed looking at him

"This guy mhm eve teased me and I was so scared that I didn't say anything but then the same guy kept doing it so one day I smacked him but he made it seem like I was hitting him for no reason. I used to live in such a small area not in terms of space but the thinking. It was all old people and the judgements were off the chain so when they saw me hitting him they made up random stuff, a lot of it actually"

"Like what?"

"Like how I would never get married to anyone and how if I wore such clothes I was bound to get eve teased and it wasn't the guy's fault. We stayed in that area for 2 years and my mom, she started worrying about everything especially my marriage so when aman came into the picture I just stayed quiet and said yes" I explain to him

"Just so you know if I was in the picture I would hit the guy harder, it doesn't matter what you wear, no one should be looking at your inappropriately and no one should have the courage to even touch you. What he did was fucked up and he deserves to be punished so don't even think it was your fault in anyway"

"Thats very sweet of you manik"

"It's the truth Nandini, whatever happened is done and I can't change it but with me you wear whatever the hell you, no one will even lift their eyes up to look at you and the ones who dare to won't have their eyes to use after that" I giggle a little holding his hand

I don't say anything I just close my eyes holding his hand, I won't ever deny the fact that being married to manik is the best outcome to the whole wedding fiasco. I absolutely love where I am in life and I love that I can call manik my husband

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