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Jisoo was in a bad mood after leaving Taehyung. She somehow came home and went straight to her room and locked the door of the room. She cried a lot. then later her phone rang And it was Jennie's she calmed down and picked up the phone h-hello j-jen she said in low tone what happened unniee are you ok? Jennie asked to jisoo y-yes I'm ok jisoo said no unieeee tell me what happened?? You are not ok.. jennie said i-im o-kk no I'm not ok Jisoo said while sobbing... what happened unniee? tell me... Jennie said Jen can you meet me at the cafe near my house..jisoo said yes, Unnie why not I'll ok jennie said and cut the call Then Jisoo got ready and came out of her room. Jisoooo wait!!! Grandma said yes Grandma..jisoo said what happened my daughter?? Grandma asked Grandma, I will tell you everything after I come back. Jisoo said but... Grandma said but jisoo is gone

After sometimes:

Unieee!!!! Jennie waved her hand towards Jisoo. Then jisoo came towards Jennie Unniee I have booked a private table for us You can feel free to say whatever you want say jennie said but Jisoo immediately Started Crying Badly uniee please tell me What happened don't cry like this jennie said while wipping Jisoo's tear.... Jen actually******* happened He doesn't trust me. How can he think that I would do this to him? I love him too. Jisoo said while sobbing... ok so all this has happened... jennie said.. umm...uniee i think you should explain it to him I thought you can't do that but this is a misunderstanding. Only you can do that so we will go to his office tomorrow or explain everything. Jennie said ok thanks for your advice jen jisoo said...ok, come on, it's late in the night, you also have to sleep. Jennie said after that they both Went to Their home...

At Taehyung's side:

jimin how can someone do this. Taehyung said Don't you believe in Jisoo? Jimin asked i believe her but Taehyung said If you trust him then how can you fall for the words of that stupid girl. Jimin said but I was very shocked by That Taehyung said I'm not asking you whether you were shocked or not. Jimin said Look Taehyung, I don't think Jisoo is like that, Jisoo also truly loves you and those photos could all be fake or edited. Jimin said yes Jimin I think you are Right I also got influenced by that girl's words. I will say sorry to her tomorrow, this is all my fault. Taehyung said good boy jimin said..while patting his shoulder..

Next Day Taehyung's pov:

Today I will say sorry To jisoo..It's only me, between us I make mistakes again and again but this is the last time, I was just thinking that someone came to my cabin and it was Sana. She came and sat on my lap And started kissing me But then I saw Jisoo looking away who was looking at me and Sana like this..

Jisoo's pov:

I was doing exactly the same as Jennie said. I also had prepared Taehyung's favorite food. But the way I walked near the cabin door But the scene broke my heart. Because Sana and Taehyung were kissing each other, I immediately came away from there.

Taehyung: jisoo wait...!!! I quickly pushed Sana away and went to stop Jisoo. Please wait Jisoo

After some time Taehyung caught Jisoo jisoo please wait Don't leave me I can't live without you Taehyung said no Mr. Kim Taehyung now Everything is over Between us Everything....Jisoo said And pushed Taehyung please jisoo wait...But she Didn't Heard and leaved him...jisoo, jisoo,jisoo..... Taehyung said While sobbing... But jisoo leaved him...

Bye guys next chapter will come Tomorrow bye take care 😘

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