Champter 9: (Before You Break My Kokoro)

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Authors AN: New chapter! Have some Koneko-chan depression~ ^w^

Arigato 2 beta editor chan 4 betaediting a HOLE bunch of tihs chapter and also helping with riting and stuff.

Disclaimer: Sub 2 soapopera-sama!!!!!!!!!!!11


Koneko-chan felt her legs moving without any conscious thought. Time trickled by like syrup, and she suddenly found herself at the edge of the roof.

There was something wet in her eyes, so she closed them.

Don't look down. Don't open your eyes. (AN: liek in that one sia song LOL!!!!)

There were sounds coming from somewhere very far away. Perhaps they were words. Perhaps they meant nothing, were simply part of the background noise in the world. Koneko-chan couldn't tell. Everything seemed slightly muffled, as if it was filtered underwater. She could almost pretend that she was floating away, but unfortunately she was still anchored to her solid body, the coolness of the night pressing against her damp face like a physical weight. The proof of her grief.

Her eyes were still closed. She squeezed them shut like a prayer for a monstrous god. A monstrous Ai no Kami-sama.

Words that seemed to have come from a distant past floated to the forefront of her numb mind.

"Love is the one and only truth of this world."

What a lie. My love is dead, so that must mean the world is a lie.

Love is a lie.

...Then that must make me the biggest liar in the world.

The wind swept through her hair, and she felt a presence tremble next to her. It was Hitoshi-san. Who else could it be? He was the only other person here on the roof that had any personal stake in what had happened.

The numbness in her kokoro quickly fell away as Koneko-chan remembered the love letter. That accursed love letter.

It was all his fault. She was sure of it, and so she placed the blame entirely on his shoulders as the only way for her heart to survive.

Her eyes opened in rage, anger momentarily smothering despair, and she turned to Hitoshi-san with murder sweeping through her mind.

She wanted to push him off the roof and send him to a grisly end. She felt sick as she thought of him splattered on the ground, and happy, and empty as a box of Pocky-chans after all the Pockies were ated.

Why? Why are you still alive? Even now, when the world is over, because it is a world where SHE no longer smiles? SHE deserved so much more than you. SHE deserved the sekai and the hoshis. You only deserve dirt. Filthy, worthless dirt, just like you, and your worthless kokoro and your worthless ai, you baka. You kuso yarou. Useless. (TN: sekai = world, hoshi = star, kuso yarou = really mean and bad person)

She wanted to say it, but her words were stuck in her throat. She didn't know who they were directed at anyway. So she just looked at Hitoshi-san, and he looked back, as stupid and unsure of anything as always.

She'd never liked Hitoshi-san that much anyway. He was nothing but a mutual friend. Koneko-chan only tolerated him because of that person, because SHE loved him.

SHE loved him and he threw that love away like garbage and he's garbage I'm garbage garbage garbage garbage baka baka baka I loved Raku-chan no don't think HER name my kokoro will break all over again

my kokoro will never survive this anyway

There was something wet and angry and hateful still running down her face, like freshly squeezed juice from the red flesh of her bitter, ugly kokoro.

Like a bad, rotten apple, if apples had red flesh instead of just being red on the outside and actually being yellow on the inside bcuz apples r liars. LIARS LIEK KONEKO CHANS KOKORO.

*Did sumbody say............... BAD APPLE???????!!!!! starts playing Bad Apple*


*cries and stops playing bad apple*


You're such an uso-tsuki, Koneko-chan. You can blame anyone except yourself.

(TRANSLETORSA NOTE: uso-tsuki = liar! :p)

You loved your tomodachis. And look what that got you. Betrayal and korosued love. Koneko-chan, you baka. You utter baka.

They failed me, but I still loved them.

That I still love them now is further proof of my kokoro's failures.

I don't regret it, and I hate that. I wish I could hate those useless bakas in peace. That my kokoro would stop being swayed by the things we shared together.

She shoved her happy memories with her friends into a box and buried it.

Let them rot forevermore.

Koneko-chan's kawaii neko ear-chans (AN: arent teh neko ears just sooooo kawaii LOL) noticed a shift in the atmosphere. The fireworks had stopped fireworking at some point. Time still moved forward, even when She did not.

She was dead, so why was time still moving, why was the world still unchanged, shouldn't everything have dissapeared and been destroyed and turned to nothingness becuase Raku-chan WAS the world, was Koneko-chan's world, her whole universe.

And now that that universe ceased to exist, Koneko-chan no longer cared what happened to whatever other pitiful realities other bakas believed.

Determination crystallized in her mind as she felt fear fall away from her. She grasped hold of the courage that only comes with having nothing else to lose.

Her despair against love spilled over and became love itself. A paradox which transcended time, space, love, and whatever other dumb metaphysical concept as Koneko-chan began to ascend to a higher plane of existence.

I believe in love... IN LOVE'S WORTHLESSNESS!


The world answered, and a miracle was born.

What difference is there between a miracle and a curse but the sekai which views it?

Arthurs Note: btw if ur confused about this chapter basicly Koenko-chan is so sad raku-chan was korosued that she doesn't liek love anymore (she hates love now) and that feeling turns into a wish (which you'll find out about in teh next chapter)

OK bai guys i have 2 study 4 a injust and crule test tomorow ;_;


Neways thx 4 readening kawaii tomodachis DESUUuu! Remeber to RATE REVEW BOOKMARK SUBSRIB LOL

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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