Drunk Vivaan, A chance, Love and Ordering him

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" Live for today, hope for tomorrow and forget about yesterday".

My Quiz was great, I don't know if I will be able to win or not but I gave my best and I am happy for that.

I thought to update today too.
So here I am..

Lets get Started 💜



How did he end up drunk .
Why should I care, do whatever you want Mr Selfie Suryavanshi.

"हमें माफ कर दीजिए अंशिता ( Forgive me Anshita)". I stopped on my tracks.

I looked him ,his eyes were red.

I was going to say something but then I exhaled.
"I don't have time for your lies anymore". I said and started walking out without taking even a slightest glance of him.

Just then I felt a thug and soon I realised that my back was hitted by the wall and Then I met his eyes.

It was like he was looking into my soul.

"I don't like drunk people, shu shu". I tried to shoo him away but no..
He put his finger on my lips.

"Leave me". But he didn't even flinch.
"I SAID LEAVE ME". I shouted and still he was hovering over me.

His face was coming closer to mine and I turned my face towards right.
I felt his breathe on my neck

"Don't come close to me, I don't like it". I said and just then he backed away.

I looked at him and he didn't had any expression on his face.

"I am Sorry". He said and I went in the balcony.

I was confused. I went towards him.
He was sitting there with a bottle of , you can guess.

I snatched the bottle from him. I hate the smell of these things a lot.

I put that bottle on the table and sat beside him.

"I hate people who drink". I said and thought to get him a lemon which is a Instant solution for drunk people.

He grabbed my hand , this time hand not wrist.
It was the first time he held my hand and I suddenly felt so secure by his warmth.

"तो आपको कैसे लोग पसंद हैं, हमें बता दीजिए, हम वैसे ही बन जायेंगे ( What type of people you like, tell me, I will be like that)".

His words, no I am not going to let these butterflies dance in my stomuch else I will cut there wings if they try to.

"आप नही बन पाएंगे ( I will not be able to)".
He pulled me towards him and I ended up on him.
He was still sitting and I was bend towards him.

"हम आपके काबिल होना चाहते हैं ( I want to be worthy of you)". He sqid and touched my face.

"You have lost your rights on me". I said and tried to stand straight but he didn't let me.

"I have all rights on you Anshita just like you have all rights on this man".
I don't think so Kunwar sa.

"You are just a liar, your emotions for me were never true, you are just a selfish man". I said with anger, I was angry the whole time and he was calm.

He pecked my forehead and I automatically closed my eyes.
And when I opened them I am sure my eyes were teary.

"I never lied to you My Anshita, I never did". He said and kissed my cheek.
"YES YOU DID, remember what you said to nani today, you always show that you care for me and be a good husband but in reality you are sick of me and hate me". I huffed.

"हम अपनी जिंदगी से नफरत कैसे कर सकते हैं, आपने तो इस दिल को प्यार करना सिखाया है अंशिता, हम आपसे नफरत कैसे कर सकते हैं
( How can I hate my life, you have taught this heart to love Anshita, how can I hate you)".

"आपके आने से अपने आप को पूरा समझते हैं हम
( With your Arrival I feel complete)".

No Ashu don't trust him, he is lying again.

Heart : He loves you Ashu, he really do, look in his eyes you will find love for you in them.

Brain: But he didn't confessed his love and you can't tell if he will.

I shut my ears and cried out.

"Why are you doing this to me Vivaan".
"Please give me a chance Anshita". I opened my eyes.
His eyes were red and he was so drunk.

"I love you My Ashu". Those words left his mouth and touched my heart.

I controlled my emotions and maybe he is drunk and his tongue slipped.
A man like him can't fall in love with a simple girl like him, moreover who have pimples , acne and flaws who also wear specs.

Can he ?

I sighed

I tried to lift him up but couldn't.

"Stand up". He did what I said.
"Go and wash your face". He nodded and went in the bathroom.
I peeked in and he was washing his face.

"Come out now and lay down on ghe bed". He again followed my words.

Am I really ordering him..
And He is following them.

"I will get you a lemon juice just wait here". I went out while closing the door behind.

I ran to the kitchen and finally I found it.
It was Easy Peasy Lemon squeezy to find it as I was familiar with the items here.

When I entered the room he was already asleep.

"Vivaan, Kunwar sa". I called him and he didn't opened his eyes.
I stroke his forehead .

"How can you be so calmly asleep after starting a tornado in my heart". I layed down beside him while thinking about what he said.

"Ansh..ita...p..ple..ase...gi..ve...me...a..cha..n......c.e". He mummered.

"I qm thinking stupid, now let me think and sleep". He again followed my order and drifted into sleep.

"Should I give him a chance".
I asked myself.

And the I got...


Hope you liked the chapter.

Do you think Anshita should give Vivaan a chance ?

Will she give him a chance ?

See you with next chapter.

Till then take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Thank you


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