Part 7

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Another Month pass by in the Pride Lands

Fuli and Kion cubs are about to be born said by Rafiki

Kazi and Amani were little bit grown and excited about there siblings

Kion and Fuli accepted Vitani and her lioness stay here in the Pride Lands

It took a while for Fuli and Ayana to get use sleeping around with lioness

Fuli and Kion agree that Fuli can no longer be in Lion Guard, Fuli job is answering questions and roam around to help out the Pride Landers with there situation with Ayana as the first Queen assistant

Ayana was happily accept Kion and Fuli responsibility to help out the Pride Lands

Ayana and Fuli are talking the leader of the herds of the Rhinos and The Elephants

Kion and Baloo, the Lion Guard are Patrolling

Nala is watching the cubs

Kazi: Grandma Nala where is Mom and Dad?

Amani: Yeah they are always gone in the morning?

Nala: Well your parents have responsibility

Kazi: Do they always have responsibility?

Amani: Yeah like everyday?

Nala: Yes they do Amani, Kazi it's a part being a royal family your mom and dad are King and Queen of the Pride Lands

Nala again: And soon or later one of you cubs will responsibility too

Kazi: Mom what is dad responsibility?

Fuli: Well he is protecting the Pride Lands with his team the Lion Guard

Kazi: Woah mom I didn't know dad has a team

Amani: What does mom do Grandma Nala?

Nala: Well your mom plays an important role in the Pride Lands she organize and talks to animals in the Pride Lands on how much water and food source are available or what certain areas are not safe during raining season, also in the dry season, finally what certain animals from the outside of the Pride Lands are welcome to stay or not

Kazi and Amani: Wow

Meanwhile with Kion

Kion: Ono is there any sight of danger

Ono: No Kion.....

Kion: What's wrong Ono?

Ono: I see Hyenas right now but no sight of Janja anywhere

Kion: Alright Lion Guard to the Pride Lands End....

Bunga, Beshte Ono: Lion Guard Defend!!

Baloo was charging in with friend's against 8 Hyenas

Meanwhile with Queen Fuli and Ayana

Fuli: Ayana what did you think of your new job instead babysitting our cubs

Ayana: Well.... I like taking care our cubs but sometimes I would like a change a bit but yeah I like working with you sis

Fuli smiles and two of them kept on walking around the Pride Lands see every animals there is in the Pride Lands

But Fuli and Ayana see a female lioness coming up towards him

Lioness: Hello is the King of the Pride Lands here?

Fuli and Ayana look at each other

Fuli: Yes the King is here do u need.....

Lioness: Okay! Thank you

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