Part 10

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In the Outlands it was Morning

Janja held a big meeting with all the Hyenas Then Mzingo, Kenge, Reirei pack were listening to Janja

"Everyone we need a lot pressure on Kion family if we attack them only then for sure we can take over the Pride Lands" Janja said

"Okay question how do we plan on doing that?" Mzingo said

"We going to draw Kion and Fuli that will be Kenge and Reirei job then Mzingo your job is to have all your vultures
attack wildly next you will keep an eye out For Kion and Fuli In case they reach me" Janja said

"So your job is to kidnapped the cubs and they will have to surrender right?" Reirei said

"Well Yes! If we have them Kion will no choice giving us the Pride Lands" Janja said

"Are you sure this plan will works Janja?" Kenge said

Yes I am very confident that this will work

As Janja walks out and somewhere in the shadows someone was watching Janja closely

"Janja" Someone said

It's me Jasiri

Janja stops and see the female hyena

"Janja why are you still attacking the Pride Lands" Jasiri said

Why can you just respect the circle of life

I have brought some food for you and you share it with your clan

Janja stand stills and thinking about it

I already plan it out and Kenge is going to lead it

Janja you can still change

As Jasiri leaves

Janja starts to think then Kenge walks up to him and say

"Janja everyone else is ready, are you ready" Kenge said

Let's finish once and for all

Back in the Pride Lands

Kion and Fuli were ready and Ayana was with Kazi and Amani

Ono, Bunga, Beshte were gathering the Pride Landers animals

Kion went to talk towards the cubs

"Kazi, Amani Rafiki will be the one to choose next in line either to be King or Queen next in the Pride Lands" Kion said

"Okay Dad but why and how does Rafiki get to choose?" Kazi said

I will answer your question Kazi why would Rafiki choose it's because he is the wisest and oldest that has been in the Pride Lands and how because Rafiki speaks to your great great grandfather Mufasa and other Kings or Queens of the Pride Lands

But one of you will be next Leader of the Lion Guard

Fuli walks in

"Kazi, Amani you have the royal blood and so does your other brother and sister" Fuli said

"Mom, Dad what are there name's" Amani said

Fuli and Kion look at each other and nod

There names are Moyo and Tumaini

"Wow those are great name's Mom" Amani said

"Those are nice name's Mom, Dad" Kazi said

Kion and Fuli also the cubs followed there parents at the peak of Pride Rock

Watching and seeing all the Pride Landers animals were coming by Kion looks at Fuli then at cubs smiling at

the view Kion see something from the distance of the Pride Lands of a stampede

The Future in the Pride Lands Part 5Where stories live. Discover now